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Your search for "svenska för studerande med utländsk" yielded 14112 hits

Inblickar i mödrahälsovården

Immigrerade kvinnor i många västerländska länder erhåller mindre kvalitativ vård än infödda kvinnor, delvis på grund av bristande kulturkompetens hos vårdpersonal. Denna studie syftar till att beskriva aktiviteten och verksamheten på två obstetriska avdelningar på ett universitetssjukhus i Turkiet. Studien är att betrakta som en kvalitativ fältstudie som innefattar 85 observationer av möten och tr

Europakommentaren is Sweden's only multidisciplinary research blog. Europakommentaren is a Swedish-langauge blog. It contains blog posts aimed at anyone with an interest in European affairs. The bloggers' ambitions are to write in an accessible language about research, related news, or opinions, in their areas of expertise.  If you would like to write a blog post (in Swedish), please contact th - 2025-02-25

160317 gut microbiota program

BOX 50005, SE-104 05 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, RECEPTION +46 8 673 95 00, FAX +46 8 15 56 70 BESÖK/VISIT: LILLA FRESCATIVÄGEN 4A, STOCKHOLM, INFO@KVA.SE  HTTP://KVA.SE T-BANA/METRO: Universitetet Gut microbiota in health and disease – from concept to evidence Date: 17 March 2016 (09.00–17.00) Venue: The Beijer Hall, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Lilla Frescativägen 4A, Stockholm PROGRAMME 09.00 - 2025-02-27

Språk och språkvetenskap, Svenska/Nordiska språk - Masterprogram

The MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific specialization subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializatiThe MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific specialization subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializati

Jiddisch: Nybörjarkurs II

The course allows students to deepen their knowledge of Yiddish morphology, syntax and vocabulary as well as their ability to translate between Yiddish and Swedish/English. The student's oral and written language proficiency is significantly improved in relation to the previous course through practical skills exercises in both speech and writing. The student practises speaking and writing the lang

Mer än bara språket: En kvalitativ studie av ett lokalt integrationsprojekt

During the last decades there has been an increase of the housing segregation in Sweden. According to research this is mainly due to greater economic inequality and increased immigration. In Sweden there are a number of neighbourhoods with low socioeconomic standards that are mostly inhabited by immigrants, in these areas women are a particularly vulnerable group. Research states that learning the

Sjung svenska! - En studie kring huruvida sången kan vara ett redskap i sfi-undervisning

Title: Sing in Swedish! The purpose of this study is to find out how songs and singing could complement Swedish second language education. The method I have used to collect information is qualitative interviews with four persons with different professions: a teacher, a choirleader, a singing teacher and a medical doctor and a laryngologist. The study begins with a few thoughts about my interest in

Informationskrav i noterade företag -en studie av de nya flaggningsreglerna

Den 1 juli 2007 infördes i svensk lag nya regler om informationskrav i noterade företag på värdepappersmarknaden. Ändringarna genomfördes med anledning av EU-direktivet 2004/109/EG om harmoniseringen av insynskraven angående upplysningar om emittenter vars värdepapper är upptagna till handel på en reglerad marknad, det så kallade Öppenhetsdirektivet. Direktivet syftar till att harmonisera reglerna


The Centre for European Studies runs the blog, where researchers write blog posts on subjects related to the EU and Europe. We are always looking for new authors. Please contact our editor, Maria Strömvik (maria [dot] stromvik [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se), if you are interested in publishing a text. Viewpoint Europe is a new publication series, launched in 2020, where research - 2025-02-25

Contact, Addresses

Contact, Addresses | Department of Automatic Control Faculty of Engineering, LTH Search Department of Automatic Control LTH, Faculty of Engineering Education Research External Engagement Personnel Publications About, Contact Home  >  About, Contact  >  Contact, Addresses Denna sida på svenska This page in English Contact, Addresses Mail Address and Telephone Address in English Department of Automa - 2025-02-26

Swedish Film

I kursen tecknas svensk films historia, från dess begynnelse till nutid. Förutsättningarna för produktion, distribution och visning av olika sorters film (såväl dokumentär och konstnärlig som populär film) diskuteras i relation till bland annat samhällelig, estetisk- och filmindustriell utveckling. Under kursens gång introduceras grundläggande filmvetenskapliga begrepp och filmanalytiska förhållniThe aim of the course is to give the student an overview of Swedish film, and special emphasis is given to the relation between Swedish film and society. The course starts in the silent period, and from 1930 and onwards, the Swedish sound film is studied specifically in relation to particular film directors. From the 1960s special emphasis will be given to the political changes of the time, and at

Matematik: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen

The degree project requires a literature survey and specialised studies. Furthermore, a number of compulsory activities are included, in the form of teaching sessions and seminars that treat e.g. scientific writing in English and Swedish, popular writing, academic conduct and the use of library resources. The student chooses in consultation with supervisors and examiner an independent examination