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Your search for "julie" yielded 5662 hits

Hur dum får man vara? – Om domstolarnas bedömningar om vad tilltalad insåg om målsägandens frivilliga deltagande vid oaktsam våldtäkt

The purpose of this thesis is to examine negligent rape in chapter 6 section 1 of the Swedish Criminal Code (brottsbalken, SFS 1962:700) from a legal security perspective. First by examining how the legislator described the requirement in the legislative history and in the text of the law, thereafter by examine how the law has been applied in practice. The new crime of negligent rape was institut

Kriminalisera mera – eller? - En analys av hedersbrottsutredningen mot bakgrund av principer för kriminalisering

Den 7 oktober 2020 presenterades utredningen Ett särskilt hedersbrott, SOU 2020:57, med förslaget att låta brott med hedersmotiv utgöra en egen brottsrubricering. För att utreda om det vore befogat att införa lagförslaget i brottsbalken analyseras det utifrån några utvalda principer och teorier för kriminalisering. Trots att heder är ett problematiskt och svårdefinierat begrepp kan några karaktäOn October 7, 2020 the investigation Ett särskilt hedersbrott, SOU 2020:57, was presented, with a proposal to let crimes with honor motives constitute a specific criminal provision. In order to investigate if it would be justified to introduce in the Penal Code, the proposal will be analyzed on the basis of some selected principles and theories for criminalization. Although honor is a problemati

Groddjursinventering i NV Skåne

Många groddjur har minskande populationstrender både lokalt och globalt. Inventeringar av groddjur är en viktig del av arbetet för att få mer information om deras utbredning för att kunna skydda groddjuren och deras miljöer. Detta kan ha positiva effekter även på andra djur och växter eftersom groddjur är bra indikatorer på rika miljöer. Genom sitt vattenupptag via huden är groddjuren extremt käns

Nya ränteavdragsbegränsningsregler gällande ränta på lån inom intressegemenskap - En analys av förslagets förenlighet med EU-rätten

On July the 20th 2017 the Swedish government announced a proposition about new rules regarding the taxation of companies. The proposition contained a general interest deduction limitation rule. At the same time, the government proposed that the interest deduction limitation rules in force at the time of writing should be kept with some changes. The purpose of this study is to examine which possibi

Det funktionella undantaget - En studie av gränsdragningen mellan mönsterskydd och teknisk funktion

On the 1 of July 2002 the Directive 98/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the legal protection of designs was implemented in the Swedish Design Protection Act (1970:485). The harmonization of the design rights within the EU brought an exemption provision contained in section 4 a § 1 pc. 1p. in the Design Protection Act (1970: 485), which statutes that a design right must not su

Uppskjutet offentliggörande av insiderinformation i en utdragen process

Under de senaste femtio åren har de europeiska kapitalmarknaderna blivit allt mer integrerade. För att garantera allmänhetens förtroende, för att förhindra framtida finanskriser och för att nå den ekonomiska effektiviteten på marknaden, är det viktigt att det finns harmoniserade förbud mot marknadsmissbruk. En vanlig form av marknadsmissbruk är handel med insiderinformation, som kan leda till stoDuring the last fifty years, the European capital markets have become increasingly integrated. In order to ensure public confidence, to prevent future financial crises and to reach economic efficiency on the market, it is of importance that there are harmonised prohibitions against market abuse. A common form of market abuse on the European market is trading with inside information, which can lea

Arbetsrättsliga rättigheter och skyldigheter vid distansarbete

Syftet med denna examensuppsats är att utreda en rad arbetsrättsliga rättigheter och skyldigheter, som kan uppstå vid distansarbete. De områden jag har valt att fokusera på är arbetsbristuppsägningar och turordning, arbetsledningsrätt, arbetsskyldighet och arbetstid samt arbetsmiljö. Två utgångspunkter för arbetet har varit distansarbetsutredningen, SOU 1998:115, och distansarbetsavtalet, som trädMy thesis aims to assess different problems in employment law when dealing with teleworkers. I have chosen to focus on redundancy dismissals and seniority right, the managerial prerogative, the duty to work, working hours and working environment. Two starting points are the Government Inquiry Report on telework, SOU 1998:115, and the telework agreement, which entered into force in July 2002 betwee

”Bevittna”– att se eller höra? - En kritisk studie av barnfridsbrottets bevittnanderekvisit i ljuset av dess tillämpning i praktiken.

Letting a child witness certain criminal acts being committed between relatives to the child has been criminalized since July 1, 2021. The witnessing requirement constitutes a necessary prerequisite for criminal liability and implies that the child must have seen or heard the criminal act being committed. During the legislative process, it was noted that the requirement could give rise to certain

Normal karyotype is a poor prognostic factor in myeloid leukemia of Down syndrome: a retrospective, international study

Myeloid leukemia of Down syndrome has a better prognosis than sporadic pediatric acute myeloid leukemia. Most cases of myeloid leukemia of Down syndrome are characterized by additional cytogenetic changes besides the constitutional trisomy 21, but their potential prognostic impact is not known. We, therefore, conducted an international retrospective study of clinical characteristics, cytogenetics,

Blockade of the kallikrein-kinin system reduces endothelial complement activation in vascular inflammation

Background: The complement and kallikrein-kinin systems (KKS) are activated during vascular inflammation. The aim of this study was to investigate if blockade of the KKS can affect complement activation on the endothelium during inflammation. Methods: Complement deposition on endothelial microvesicles was assayed in vasculitis patient plasma samples and controls. Plasma was perfused over glomerula

Patients' initial steps to cancer diagnosis in Denmark, England and Sweden : what can a qualitative, cross-country comparison of narrative interviews tell us about potentially modifiable factors?

OBJECTIVES: To illuminate patterns observed in International Cancer Benchmarking Programme studies by extending understanding of the various influences on presentation and referral with cancer symptoms.DESIGN: Cross-country comparison of Denmark, England and Sweden with qualitative analysis of in-depth interview accounts of the prediagnostic process in lung or bowel cancer.PARTICIPANTS: 155 women

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) exposure during pregnancy and child anthropometry from birth to 10 years of age : Sex-specific evidence from a cohort study in rural Bangladesh

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have endocrine disrupting properties and they cross the placental barrier, but studies on gestational exposure and child anthropometry are inconclusive. We aimed to elucidate the impact of early gestational PAH exposure on anthropometry from birth to 10 years of age in 1295 mother-child pairs from a nested sub-cohort of the MINIMat trial in Bangladesh. Sever

Unraveling the metabolomic architecture of autism in a large Danish population-based cohort

Background: The prevalence of autism in Denmark has been increasing, reaching 1.65% among 10-year-old children, and similar trends are seen elsewhere. Although there are several factors associated with autism, including genetic, environmental, and prenatal factors, the molecular etiology of autism is largely unknown. Here, we use untargeted metabolomics to characterize the neonatal metabolome from

Relationships of change in Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) on patient outcomes and probability of progression : observational analysis

Background: Understanding the relationship among changes in Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), patient outcomes, and probability of progression is crucial for evaluating the long-term benefits of disease-modifying treatments. We examined associations among changes in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) stages and outcomes that are important to patients and their care partners including activities of daily livin

Geodynamic Implications of Synchronous Norite and TTG Formation in the 3 Ga Maniitsoq Norite Belt, West Greenland

We present new data for the ∼3.0 Ga Maniitsoq Norite Belt of the Akia Terrane, West Greenland, with the aim of understanding its petrogenesis. The Maniitsoq Norite Belt is hosted in regional tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) and dioritic orthogneisses, intruded by later sheets of TTG and granite pegmatites, and comprises two main rock types: plagioclase-rich “norites” and pyroxene-rich “mel