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Your search for "julie" yielded 5684 hits

"Särskilt utsatt situation" - Rättstillämpning i strid med lagstiftarens syfte?

On July 1st., 2013 the Swedish rape legislation was changed with the introduction of the prerequisite particulary exposed situation that replaced the previous prerequisite helpless state. The motive for this change was, among other things, that the courts had been too restrictive in their adjudication of the prerequisite helpless state. Furthermore, it seemed impossible to investigate and prosecut

Svenska, språklig inriktning 1–40 poäng

Svenska, språklig inriktning 1–40 poäng Höstterminen 2022 Litteraturlista för SVEC31, Ordförrådets utveckling i ett andraspråksperspektiv, 7,5 hp Fastställd av sektion 1 vid Språk- och litteraturcentrum den 3 juni 2020. Obligatorisk litteratur Lindberg, Inger & Johansson Kokkinakis, Sofie (red.) 2007. OrdiL - en korpusbaserad kartläggning av ordförrådet i läromedel för grundskolans senare år. Göte - 2025-02-21

Microsoft Word - HILMA 2008-05-dd.doc

Microsoft Word - HILMA 2008-05-dd.doc HILMA Historiska Institutionen i Lund Meddelar Att… Årgång 33, 2007/08, Nr 13, 2008-05-21 Underlagen till HILMA förvaras i pärmar som står i rum 209, på hyllan ovanför faxen. Där hittar du ytterligare information om seminarier, anställningsvillkor, stipendier och annat samt ansök- ningsblanketter i förekommande fall. De sistnämnda, som är samlade i en separat - 2025-02-20

Forskningsgruppen Miljöpolitikgruppen

Environmental Politics Research Group (EPRG) är en av de ledande miljöforskningsgrupperna i Europa Samspelet mellan människan, naturen och miljön i stort väcker viktiga frågor för den samtida politiska analysen som spänner över en rad olika områden, från offentlig politik och styrning till studier av demokrati, makt, intressen och normer samt debatten om antropocen.Environmental Politics Research - 2025-02-19

Discovery of epi-enprioline as a novel drug for the treatment of vincristine resistant neuroblastoma

Neuroblastoma is a childhood solid tumour originating from undifferentiated neural progenitor cells of the sympathetic nervous system. Drug resistance of childhood cancer neuroblastoma is a serious clinical problem. In the present study, we aimed to identify novel drugs that can inhibit the growth and survival of chemoresistant neuroblastoma. High-throughput screening identified a small molecule,

The roles of an aluminum underlayer in the biocompatibility and mechanical integrity of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes for interfacing with retinal neurons

Retinal implant devices are becoming an increasingly realizable way to improve the vision of patients blinded by photoreceptor degeneration. As an electrode material that can improve restored visual acuity, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) excel due to their nanoscale topography, flexibility, surface chemistry, and double-layer capacitance. If vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNTs) are biocompatible

How Do Modifiable Risk Factors Affect Alzheimer's Disease Pathology or Mitigate Its Effect on Clinical Symptom Expression?

Epidemiological studies show that modifiable risk factors account for approximately 40% of the population variability in risk of developing dementia, including sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD). Recent findings suggest that these factors may also modify disease trajectories of people with autosomal-dominant AD. With positron emission tomography imaging, it is now possible to study the disease many

Våldtäkt som krigsvapen i väpnade konflikter – Hur kan rättvisa skipas

Rape as a weapon of war in armed conflicts is one of the history’s great silences. It was not until the 1990’s, through the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Rwanda (ICTR), that the international community explicitly recognized rape as a crime against humanity. The International Criminal Court, ICC, was established on 1 July 2002. However, it was not until 201

Proportionalitet i utsökningsrätten - Europakonventionens krav vid utmätning av bostad

On the 25th of July 2013, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) held Sweden responsible for violating Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the convention regarding a sale of the applicant’s home and ensuing eviction due to an en- forceable debt. This paper examines the relations between the Swedish debt enforcement and the ECHR, with t

Hedersbrott som egen brottsrubricering - En problematisering av Hedersbrottsutredningens lagförslag utifrån de straffrättsliga kriminaliseringskriterierna.

On the 18th of July 2019, the government appointed an inquiry to evaluate whether or not honour crime should be appointed as a classification of a crime in the penal code. The appointed inquiry was named SOU 2020:57 Ett särskilt hedersbrott. The proposed Government Bill would mean that multiple honour crimes under specific circumstances could be assessed collectively. This would result in a strict

Ansvar för underlåtenhet att förhindra brott i sammanslutningar - en befogad kriminalisering?

In the Swedish legal system there is limited responsibility for failure to hinder other people´s criminal acts. As of July 1st of 2016 there is a new paragraph in the 6th section of the 23rd chapter of the Swedish Penal Code. It was introduced in order to be able to keep leaders of organized crime responsible for the crimes that are, with them knowing, taking place within the organization. During

Water quality in rivers affected by urbanization : a case study in Minas Gerais, Brazil

Staden Frutal, centrerad i den brasilianska delstaten Minas Gerais är idag under stark urbanisering och utveckling. Målet med denna studie var att ta reda på om den starka urbaniseringen har påverkat närliggande vattensystem och dess vattenkvalité. I studien har vattenkvalitén i floden Frutal, en flod liggandes centralt i staden Frutal, jämförts med vattenkvalitén i floden Bebedouro, en lantlig flThis study highlights the key issues that urban river systems face due to urbanization. The city of Frutal (20°01' 32.17”S 48°56' 09.62” W) centered in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais is under urban expansion today. The aim of this study was to compare two rivers in this area, the Frutal River, an urban located river, with the Bebedouro River, which is a rural river approximately 3 km

PcoB is a defense outer membrane protein that facilitates cellular uptake of copper

Copper (Cu) is one of the most abundant trace metals in all organisms, involved in a plethora of cellular processes. Yet elevated concentrations of the element are harmful, and interestingly prokaryotes are more sensitive for environmental Cu stress than humans. Various transport systems are present to maintain intracellular Cu homeostasis, including the prokaryotic plasmid-encoded multiprotein pc

”Livet är som ett tv-spel.”

Sammanfattning Debatten om påverkan av masskultur är en debatt som vägrar att dö. Samtalet har cirklat kring allt från hur läsandet av dålig litteratur skulle leda till sämre läsförståelse, till 70-80 talets videovålds-debatt. Idag fokuserar detta samtal på tv- och datorspels påverkan på spelarna. Vi har intresserat oss för vad det är som idag sägs bakom de omedelbara argumenten i detta samtal. I

Structure of the human ClC-1 chloride channel

ClC-1 protein channels facilitate rapid passage of chloride ions across cellular membranes, thereby orchestrating skeletal muscle excitability. Malfunction of ClC-1 is associated with myotonia congenita, a disease impairing muscle relaxation. Here, we present the cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of human ClC-1, uncovering an architecture reminiscent of that of bovine ClC-K and CLC tran

ECG Quantification of Myocardial Scar in Cardiomyopathy Patients With or Without Conduction Defects Correlation With Cardiac Magnetic Resonance and Arrhythmogenesis

Background-Myocardial scarring from infarction or nonischemic fibrosis forms arrhythmogenic substrate. The Selvester QRS score has been extensively validated for estimating myocardial infarction scar size in the absence of ECG confounders. but has not been tested to quantify scar in patients with hypertrophy, bundle branch/fascicular blocks, or nonischemic cardiomyopathy. We assessed the hypothese

DBT-skills system for cognitively challenged individuals with self-harm: a Swedish pilot study

Background: Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based treatment for self-harm and emotion regulation difficulties. A modified version, DBT-Skills System (DBT-SS), has been developed in the USA for individuals with cognitive difficulties. The present study is a pilot study, testing the DBT-SS in a Swedish context.Methods: Six participants were treated with individual therapy and group