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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6888 hits

Water supplies in Tibet set to increase in the future

Published 9 February 2016 Professor Deliang Chen, seen on the Tibetan Plateau. The Tibetan Plateau has long been seen as a “hotspot” for international environmental research, and there have been fears that water supplies in the major Asian rivers would drastically decline in the near future. However, new research now shows that water supplies will be stable and may even increase in the coming deca - 2025-01-29

Proceedings from Focus Asia

Published 9 February 2016 Some of the speakers and participants attending the symposium. The proceedings from the Focus Asia titled "E-Governance in Asia: Strengthening transparency and accountability?" are now available. 12-13 November 2015 the Centre arranged Focus Asia: E-Governance in Asia: Strengthening transparency and accountability?From a critical perspective the symposium examined the sta - 2025-01-29

Position available as Postdoctoral Researcher in Buddhist Studies

Published 20 June 2017 The Faculty of Humanities, Leiden Institute for Area Studies at University of Leiden is looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher in Buddhist Studies. Applications must be received no later than 30 June 2017. The researcher will carry out research on Buddhist scriptures, which is part of the ERC-funded project, “The Composition of Buddhist Scriptures: Open Philology” headed by p - 2025-01-29

LU and Campus Helsingborg welcome students from around the world

Published 16 August 2016 Tuesday 16 August 2016 is "Arrival Day" for over 2,000 new international students at Lund University. Approximately 150 of the students study at Campus Helsingborg and 40 of them are specially welcome to our new International Master's Programme in Strategic Communication. Arrival Day is a dedicated day to welcome international students to their new environment at Lund Univ - 2025-01-29

On Perceptions of the European Union's Fledgling Delegations

Published 8 December 2016 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Serena Kelly and Natalia Chaban have together with Ole Elgström published the article "Perceptions of the European Union's Fledgling Delegations: More Coherence, More Effectiveness?" in the journal European Foreign Affairs Review (vol. 21, no. 4). Abstract in English:The debate surrounding the challenge of improving coherence in European Union (E - 2025-01-29

Cambridge MUSA conference on Negotiating Technologies

Published 13 October 2016 The Muslim South Asia Research Forum (MUSA) at SOAS, University of London, UK, arranges a Workshop on Negotiating Technologies, 14-15 October 2016. The MUSA Workshop is organized in collaboration with CEIAS, Paris & the Centre of South Asian Studies, Cambridge, and will be held at Trinity College, University of Cambridge.​One session is devoted to South Asian Muslims & th - 2025-01-29

Position available as PhD candidate in Buddhist Studies

Published 20 June 2017 The Faculty of Humanities, Leiden Institute for Area Studies at University of Leiden is looking for a PhD candidate in Buddhist Studies. Applications must be received no later than 30 June 2017 The candidate will carry out research on Buddhist scriptures, which is part of the ERC-funded project, “The Composition of Buddhist Scriptures: Open Philology” headed by prof. Jonatha - 2025-01-29

Meet researcher Luis Mundaca

Published 21 January 2016 IIIEE researcher Luis Mundaca Photo: Sara Bernstrup Nilsson Green economy depends on high national ambitionsSustainable growth, supporting a resource efficient and low-carbon economy, is a high priority for most governments today. But which way is the most effective for the transition towards a green economy? IIIEE researchers Luis Mundaca and Lena Neij are soon wrapping - 2025-01-29

World-leading researchers gathered at Campus

Published 15 October 2015 Several of the world’s leading researchers in crisis communication participated in an international conference, Crisis4, held 7–10 October at Campus Helsingborg. The host for the conference on this occasion was the Department of Strategic Communication. The conference opened at the City Hall in Helsingborg, where the Mayor, Mats Sander welcomed 80 researchers from Europe, - 2025-01-29

Call for papers for the fall issue of Asia Pacific Perspectives

Published 3 February 2017 The University of San Francisco Center for Asia Pacific Studies is pleased to announce a call for papers for the fall 2017 issue of Asia Pacific Perspectives. The issue will explore the varied interpretations of masculine identity across Asia. Deadline is 3 April. This issue will provide a forum for exchange of the latest research on both historical and contemporary const - 2025-01-29

Pledges to phase out coal power are insufficient to reach climate target

Published 12 August 2019 A paper in Nature Climate Change, co-authored by an IIIEE researcher, alumna and student, shows that pledges to phase out coal are so far largely limited to older plants in richer countries. Reaching climate targets requires phasing out coal power without carbon capture and storage, as pledged by the members of Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA). Prof. Aleh Cherp and his c - 2025-01-30

Professor Nancy Bocken receives the prestigious ERC starting grant!

Published 3 September 2019 Professor Nancy Bocken Photo: Kennet Ruona Professor Nancy Bocken has been awarded the European Research Council’s Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) in the 2019 round of awards. She receives 1.5 million euros during the next five years. Nancy Bocken receives the ERC grant for her new project CIRCULAR X. The project will develop a new field of resear - 2025-01-30

Vägen från idé till populär artikel i The Conversation

Av ellen [dot] albertsdottir [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Ellen Albertsdóttir) - publicerad 10 juni 2024 Tony Ingesson skriver om morsekod i en av sina artiklar som har publicerats i The Conversation. Foto: Johan Persson och Chris Curry Varför använder Ryssland fortfarande morsekod? Är värnplikt mer jämlikt? Två frågor som Tony Ingesson, statsvetare och expert i underrättelseanalys, refle - 2025-01-29

Double nailing of dissertations in Strategic Communication

Publicerad 15 maj 2020 On Friday May 15:th, two of our phd students, Hui Zhao and Rickard Andersson, nailed down their thesis’. Nailing is a Swedish academic ritual in connection with the presentation of a doctoral dissertation. Three weeks before the dissertation, the thesis must be published, and from this date, the University must provide the thesis so that anybody who would like to read it in - 2025-01-29

Forskning om alligator på helium ger IgNobelpris till Lundaforskare

Av lotte [dot] billing [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Lotte Billing) - publicerad 18 september 2020 Stephan Reber med alligatorn. Foto: Seth Burdick Kognitionsforskaren Stephan Reber är en av forskarna som tilldelas årets IgNobelpris för sin forskning om alligatorers ljud. I en studie från 2015 undersökte man vad som händer om en alligator får andas in helium. Syftet är att ta reda på om kr - 2025-01-30