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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6888 hits

Teaterhögskolan i Malmö föreläser i Shanghai

Publicerad 18 oktober 2016 Denna vecka är doktoranden och dramatikern Annika Nyman och forskaren Kent Sjöström i Shanghai Denna vecka är doktoranden och dramatikern Annika Nyman och forskaren Kent Sjöström i Shanghai och ger en lecture performance på Nordic Centre på Fudan University. Dessutom gästar de Shanghais teaterakademi, där den svenska doktoranden Maja Wang-Johansson är verksam. Arrangeman - 2025-01-29


Av kerstin [dot] andreasson [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se (Kerstin Andreasson) - publicerad 6 november 2017 Information om innehåll och system sammanställt av Kerstin Andreasson. Nya e-resurserJSTOR Open Access EbooksJSTORs OA-monografier är aktiverade i Full text finder är därmed sökbara i på titelnivå i bland annat LUBsearch.Pågående testerTidskrifter från Policy Press (30 okt – 30 jan)Tidskrifter i - 2025-01-29

Gigantisk asteroidkollision skapade ökad biologisk mångfald på jorden

Av johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - publicerad 19 september 2019 Asteroidkollisionen för 470 miljoner år sedan skapade en unik istid följd av en ökad biologisk mångfald. Illustration: Don Davis En internationell studie ledd av forskare vid Lunds universitet visar att en kollision i asteroidbältet för 470 miljoner år sedan radikalt förändrade livet på jorden. S - 2025-01-30

Harris and Trump, the economy and the election

By maria [dot] persson [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Persson) - published 6 November 2024 Donald Trump aims to introduce sharply increased tariffs and an extensive deportation policy, while Kamala Harris is focused on domestic issues like stabilizing inflation and strengthening the middle class. What will happen to the U.S. and global economy when one of them becomes president? Maria Persson, - 2025-01-30

Postdoc fellowship on Multilingualism

Published 15 March 2017 Applications are invited for this fixed-term post in the School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies (CLAS) at University of Nottingham. The deadline to apply is 6 April 2017. The School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies (CLAS) is a leading centre for the study of modern languages and cultures, including linguistics, and has a diverse, friendly and stimulating comm - 2025-01-29

Call for papers for IOWC Graduate Conference

By elina-maria [dot] vidarsson [at] sasnet [dot] lu [dot] se (Elina Vidarsson) - published 12 May 2017 McGill University's Indian Ocean World Centre (IOWC) welcomes submissions for its Graduate Conference on Indian Ocean World History. The conference will be held 20 October 2017. The deadline to submit is 10 June 2017. The IOWC is a McGill Research Centre dedicated to international collaborative s - 2025-01-29

The world meets at lunch

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 1 October 2019 LUnchtime international style! Darcy Wagner in a green T-shirt and than follows clockwise: Hani Alsafadi, Maria Öhlin, Qianren Jin, Srisayini Kidnapilla, Nika Gvazava and Deniz Bölükbas. Eighteen nationalities come together during lunch on level B10 at Biomedical Centre (BMC). There is a hotchpotch of di - 2025-01-29

Europe's extreme weather over 200 years presented in new book

Published 20 September 2015 European Trend Atlas of Extreme Temperature and Precipitation Deliang Chen, MERGE researcher at the University of Gothenburg, along with colleagues from four other European universities have published a book that shows the development of European extreme weather for the period 1801-2000. It has involved a huge amount of work to collect and analyse all the meteorological - 2025-01-29

“The future of a good life on planet Earth requires a rapid transformation to zero carbon emissions.” Kimberly Nicholas on Trump withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement.

Published 2 June 2017 LUCSUS researcher Kim Nicholas shares her views on Donald Trump’s announcement he will withdraw from the Paris Agreement, and highlights that all of us together can tackle climate change.- As I see it the Paris Agreement signals the world’s commitment to maintain a living, and livable, planet - now and for future generations, she says.According to Kim Nicholas limiting furthe - 2025-01-29

Nielsen on carbon flows in international trade

Published 17 December 2018 Tobias Dan Nielsen has co-authored an article called ”Global outsourcing of carbon emissions 1995–2009: A reassessment”, which has been publish in the journal ”Environmental Science & Policy”. The article investigates carbon flows in international trade, adjusting for differences in production technology between countries. It provides a more nuanced understanding of the - 2025-01-29

Latest SASNET podcast episode on COVID-19 and fake news in India

Published 8 April 2020 Hanna Geschewski had the pleasure to speak to SASNET affiliate researcher Dr Parama Sinha Palit on the spread of fake news on social media in times of the coronavirus pandemic. For this episode of our podcast, we invited Dr Parama Sinha Palit, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the Rajaratnam School of International Studies within Nanyang Technological University Singapore. S - 2025-01-29

Power Plays in a Multipolar World: Mapping India’s Global Game

Published 24 January 2025 Jagannath Panda (Head of the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs) visited SASNET for a talk on India’s strategic choices in the Indo-Pacific. Yesterday, January 23, Jagannath Panda delivered a public SASNET Lecture at the Eden Auditorium, focusing on India's foreign policy and strategic choices in the Indo-Pacific. The event was co-organized with the - 2025-01-29

Lars Samuelson receives the IVA’s Great Gold Medal

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessika Sellergren) - published 22 September 2022 Lars Samuelson celebrates together with colleagues including Lund University vice chancellor Erik Renström, NanoLund directors Anders Mikkelsen and Maria Messing – and, online, colleagues from the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). Lars Samuelson, professor of nanotechnology and semico - 2025-01-29

Lars Samuelson receives the IVA’s Great Gold Medal

By jessika [dot] sellergren [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessika Sellergren) - published 22 September 2022 Lars Samuelson celebrates together with colleagues including Lund University. vice chancellor Erik Renström, NanoLund directors Anders Mikkelsen and Maria Messing – and, online, colleagues from the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). Lars Samuelson, professor of nanotechno - 2025-01-29

Seminar to develop contacts with Singapore

Published 17 November 2015 Some forty Swedish top researchers and university delegations visited Singapore with the aim of developing research partnerships. Kristina Göransson, Senior Lecturer at the School of Social Work, represented Lund University's Faculty of Social Sciences at the Swedish Academic Collaboration Forum (SACF) in Singapore on 3-4 November. The project's aim is to make Swedish re - 2025-01-29

Kartläggning av Arktisk temperatur över tusen år

Av susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - publicerad 9 maj 2022 Ett forskarteam med forskare från Lund har rekonstruerat historiska temperaturer i Arktis, som spänner över tusen år. En ny teknik och en nyligen publicerad databas med proxydata har använts i kartläggningen, som är ett viktigt bidrag för att förstå temperaturförändringar nu och i framtiden. Arktis är de - 2025-01-29

Water supplies in Tibet set to increase in the future

Published 5 February 2016 Professor Deliang Chen, seen on the Tibetan Plateau. The Tibetan Plateau has long been seen as a “hotspot” for international environmental research, and there have been fears that water supplies in the major Asian rivers would drastically decline in the near future. However, new research now shows that water supplies will be stable and may even increase in the coming deca - 2025-01-29

Alarming antibiotic resistance discovered in war-torn Ukraine

By tove [dot] smeds [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Smeds) - published 24 July 2023 Researchers led by Lund University in Sweden have assisted microbiologists in Ukraine in investigating bacterial resistance among the war-wounded patients treated in hospitals. The results, which were recently published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, reveal that many of the patients were affected by bacteria t - 2025-01-29