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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6964 hits


Peer reviewed publicationsKreuger, E., Tosi, V., Lindblad, M., Davidsson, Å. (2024). Co-digestion and mono-digestion of sewage sludge and steam-pretreated winter wheat straw in continuous stirred-tank Reactors—Nutrient composition and process performance. Fermentation 10(8):414., J.S., Troll, V.R., Kooijman, E., Bindeman, I., Næraa, T., Bauer - 2025-02-09

Course syllabus-ehfe016-dmsf

Department o f Bus iness Admin is t ra t ion EHFE016, Digital monies for a sustainable future, 7.5 credits Digitala valutor för en hållbar framtid 7,5 hp Third Cycle/Forskarutbildningsnivå General information The course EHFE016 is an interdisciplinary course at the third-cycle level, offered through the Graduate School Agenda 2030. Language of instruction: English Main field of studies: Business A - 2025-02-09

The Meridian - S03E04

A transcription of the fourth episode of season three. Nic:  This is the 4th and final episode of this very short third season of the Meridian.   Crossing our local Meridian today we have Professor Marie Dacke visiting us from the Department of Biology where she is part of the Land Vision group studying nocturnal animals and how they navigate using stars. Later in the episode, we will also bring y - 2025-02-09

Anders Ljungar-Chapelon

Professor emeritus Contact details Email: anders [dot] ljungar-chapelon [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 40 32 54 33Organisation Teachers (Malmö Academy of Music) WebpageAnders Ljungar-Chapelons profile in Lund University research portalProf. Dr. in flute and researchProf. Dr. ANDERS LJUNGAR-CHAPELON is professor of flute and researcher (artistic research and music education) at the Faculty o - 2025-02-10

Johan Anselmsson

Professor, Assistant head Marketing, Department of Business Administration Contact details Email: johan [dot] anselmsson [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 78 13Organisation Marketing Room number: Alfa1:3075 Service point: 10 WebpageJohan Anselmssons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Affiliated researcher Centre for Retail Research at Lund University Assistant - 2025-02-10

Hill kochigana rony 0

Running head: DIVERSITY AND DANGER 1 Diversity and Danger: Risk Communication in the Heartland Desiree Newhart Hill Anna Kochigina Md. Nazmul Kabir Rony University of Oklahoma DIVERSITY AND DANGER 2 Abstract College students and university communicators intersect in important ways during times of intense crisis. Diverse population groups, a need for risk communication, and technology dependencies - 2025-02-09


Brevmall STRATEGY 27 November 2014 Reg. no SAMV 2014/176 Vice-Chancel lor Lund University’s strategy for cooperation with Africa Approved by the vice-chancellor on 27 November 2014 A. Summary Lund University wishes to reinforce its cooperation with African universities. Internationalisation is one of the University’s prioritised strategies and increased cooperation with Africa is in line with this - 2025-02-09


Brevmall STRATEGY 27 November 2014 Reg. no SAMV 2014/176 Vice-Chancel lor Lund University’s strategy for cooperation with Africa Approved by the vice-chancellor on 27 November 2014 A. Summary Lund University wishes to reinforce its cooperation with African universities. Internationalisation is one of the University’s prioritised strategies and increased cooperation with Africa is in line with this - 2025-02-09


The events are described in the languages used at each event. Rättsfallsseminarium om Foxhouse-domen i Högsta domstolenOnsdagen 5 december kl. 11.00-12.15Advokatfirman Vinge, MalmöHögsta domstolen meddelade den 2 november 2023 dom i mål T 8042-21 (Foxhouse). I avgörandet behandlar Högsta domstolen förutsättningarna för vinstutdelning, återbäringsskyldighet och bristtäckningsansvar enligt aktiebola - 2025-02-09

No title

August 2021 ISBN 978-91-86910-46-4 Editors Şebnem Keniş and Meena Shivdas Authors Yang Fan, Asrat Adugna Jimma, Şebnem Keniş, Mavis Thokozile Macheka, Kundai Nhongo, Tirsit Sahledengil, Munatsi Shoko, Boravin Tann, Sophorn Tuy, Liu Xiaonan, Hao Yang, Feng Yuan Project team Evgeniya Mazanik, Mastibegim Milikbekova, Şebnem Keniş, Meena Shivdas Copyediting Robert Parkin Graphic design Nikita Lourenco - 2025-02-09


20202711_RWI_BANGLADESH Key Issues The purpose of our series of national legal and policy reports was to provide a foundation for collaborative programmatic action with states and other actors on displacement in the context of disasters and climate change in the region. It aims to stimulate dialogue and discussion at various levels, therefore allowing additional input from relevant stakeholders. T - 2025-01-28

Ny bok: Circulation of Knowledge. Explorations in the History of Knowledge.

Ny bok: Circulation of Knowledge. Explorations in the History of Knowledge. Ny bok: Circulation of Knowledge. Explorations in the History of Knowledge. Publicerad den 16 januari 2018 Tre av bokens redaktörer - Johan Östling, David Larsson Heidenblad, Anna Nilsson Hammar - kommer från Historiska institutionen. Så här presenteras boken: Historians have long been interested in knowledge — its nature - 2025-02-09

How to respond to low cost competition – A case study

Background Today many large corporations worldwide are facing new competitors that develop good enough products to a low price. This is a well-known problem for large companies and is not an industry specific problem. We have seen new entrants especially from Asia entering, ranging from the airline industry, grocery, retailing, wind energy market, banking to IT services. These are just examples an

What are the Cognitive Elements in Strategic Thinking: A comparative study of students and professionals in Computer Science and Engineering

Research Purpose The concept of strategic thinking is vague in the previous literature, and we lack an understanding of what strategic thinking is. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute towards the understanding of the cognitive elements or components in strategic thinking. To fulfil this purpose, we aim to collect survey and interview data from students studying Computer Science and Enginee

Strategic Sourcing from Low Cost Countries

Authors: Henrik Eriksson and Jockum Lerenius Problem: Due to an increasingly competitive environment, a greater pressure from capital markets for shareholder value and reduced earnings growth, companies try to increase efficiency of internal processes and cutting costs, which puts purchasing on the agenda. Organisations need to balance price, quality, lead-time, delivery precision and product deve

Extraterrestrial spinels and the astronomical perspective on Earth's geological record and evolution of life

Relict spinel grains (similar to 25-250 mu m in diameter) from decomposed extraterrestrial material in Archean to Recent sediments can be used to reconstruct variations in the flux of different types of meteorites to Earth through the ages. Meteorite falls are rare and meteorites weather and decay rapidly on the Earth surface, making it a challenge to reconstruct ancient fluxes. Almost all meteori

A Gateway to Electronic Transport Documentation in International Trade: The Rotterdam Rules in Perspective

Handeln var den främsta orsaken till utvecklingen av godstransporter till sjöss. I samband med teknikens utveckling, ökade mängden transporterat gods. Tidigt i handelns historia seglade ägarna till godset med sina varor till destinationsorten. Denna sedvänja blev omöjlig att fortsätta tillämpa, eftersom tekniken utvecklades och det blev möjligt för skepp att segla fler och längre resor. Det lönadeTrade was the main reason for the development of transportation of goods by sea. With the evolution of technology, the amount of goods transported increased. Early in the history of trade, traders would sail with their goods to the port of destination. As the technology allowed more frequent and longer trips, this practice was seen to be impossible to continue. Thus, the bill of lading was invente

Variability and quasi-decadal changes in the methane budget over the period 2000-2012

Following the recent Global Carbon Project (GCP) synthesis of the decadal methane (CH4) budget over 2000-2012 (Saunois et al., 2016), we analyse here the same dataset with a focus on quasi-decadal and inter-annual variability in CH4 emissions. The GCP dataset integrates results from top-down studies (exploiting atmospheric observations within an atmospheric inverse-modelling framework) and bottom-

Large-Scale Land Acquisitions as a Driver of Socio-Environmental Change : From the Pixel to the Globe

En av de största utmaningarna i modern tid är att på ett hållbart sätt producera mat och andra varor för en ökande global befolkning, utan att utsätta mark- och vattenresurser för ytterligare belastning och därmed ha negativ inverkan på människors livskvalitet. Storskaligt jordbruk har genererat många fördelar för människan gällande matproduktion, men har även bidragit till många hållbarhetsutmaniA major challenge of our time is to sustainably produce food and other goods for a growing global population, without putting additional pressures on land and water resources and local people’s quality of life. Large-scale agriculture has brought many benefits to humanity in terms of food production but has also caused multiple sustainability challenges, including land and water degradation, defor