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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6895 hits

Africa’s renaissance 

Africa’s renaissance    Start Themes The amazing brain Sustainable future The digital society Is the world becoming a better place? Smart society Plastic Migrations Bacteria – friend or foe Work for all? The inherent power of light Det digitala samhället Africa To the last drop Our three-dimensional world Close to death Inspired by nature Nano – small things matter Epigenetics To believe Buzzy bee - 2025-02-10

Teaching BHR - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Teaching BHR - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach Evaluation of Programme Work Methods Focus Are - 2025-02-10

Nya e-bokssamlingar!

Nya e-bokssamlingar! Nya e-bokssamlingar! Publicerad den 2 december 2014 International Relations & Development, Political Science och Social Sciences. Vi har köpt tillgång till 2014 och 2015 års e-böcker i dessa samlingar från Palgrave Connect:  International Relations & Development Collection innehåller titlar som "The Debt Crisis and European Democratic Legitimacy", "Being a Muslim in the World" - 2025-02-11

Activity report 2019

SASNET Activity Report 2019 SWEDISH SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES NETWORK 2 SASNET ACTIVITY REPORT 2019 3SASNET ACTIVITY REPORT 2019 Table of Contents SASNET ACTIVITY REPORT 2019 5 SEMINARS AND PUBLIC EVENTS 6 WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES 8 Symposium on the Indo-Pacific in Singapore 8 South Asia across the Nordic Region (SANR) 2019 8 Workshop on Challenges to Media in South Asia 9 Workshop on Afghanistan: Migr - 2025-02-10

Lennart Olsson

Professor, Docent Contact details Email: lennart [dot] olsson [at] LUCSUS [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 05 11 Mobile: +46 70 646 27 12Organisation LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies) Visiting address: Josephson, Biskopsgatan 5, Lund Room number: Josephson, 118 Service point: 59 WebpageLennart Olssons profile in Lund University research portalLennart Olsson is Professor - 2025-02-11

Torbern Tagesson

Researcher Contact details Email: torbern [dot] tagesson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 48 23 Mobile: +46 70 499 39 36Organisation Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science Room number: 370 Service point: 16 WebpageTorbern Tagessons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Principal investigator BECC: Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Cli - 2025-02-11

Ulf Johansson

Professor, Centrumföreståndare, Centrum för handelsforskning Kontaktinformation E-post: ulf [dot] johansson [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 39 16 Mobil: +46 70 522 73 74Organisation Marknadsföring Rumsnummer: Alfa1:3085 Hämtställe: 10 WebbplatsUlf Johanssons profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Affilierad forskare Centrum för handelsforskning vid Lunds Universite - 2025-02-11

How to respond to low cost competition – A case study

Background Today many large corporations worldwide are facing new competitors that develop good enough products to a low price. This is a well-known problem for large companies and is not an industry specific problem. We have seen new entrants especially from Asia entering, ranging from the airline industry, grocery, retailing, wind energy market, banking to IT services. These are just examples an

A Gateway to Electronic Transport Documentation in International Trade: The Rotterdam Rules in Perspective

Handeln var den främsta orsaken till utvecklingen av godstransporter till sjöss. I samband med teknikens utveckling, ökade mängden transporterat gods. Tidigt i handelns historia seglade ägarna till godset med sina varor till destinationsorten. Denna sedvänja blev omöjlig att fortsätta tillämpa, eftersom tekniken utvecklades och det blev möjligt för skepp att segla fler och längre resor. Det lönadeTrade was the main reason for the development of transportation of goods by sea. With the evolution of technology, the amount of goods transported increased. Early in the history of trade, traders would sail with their goods to the port of destination. As the technology allowed more frequent and longer trips, this practice was seen to be impossible to continue. Thus, the bill of lading was invente

What are the Cognitive Elements in Strategic Thinking: A comparative study of students and professionals in Computer Science and Engineering

Research Purpose The concept of strategic thinking is vague in the previous literature, and we lack an understanding of what strategic thinking is. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute towards the understanding of the cognitive elements or components in strategic thinking. To fulfil this purpose, we aim to collect survey and interview data from students studying Computer Science and Enginee

Extraterrestrial spinels and the astronomical perspective on Earth's geological record and evolution of life

Relict spinel grains (similar to 25-250 mu m in diameter) from decomposed extraterrestrial material in Archean to Recent sediments can be used to reconstruct variations in the flux of different types of meteorites to Earth through the ages. Meteorite falls are rare and meteorites weather and decay rapidly on the Earth surface, making it a challenge to reconstruct ancient fluxes. Almost all meteori

Strategic Sourcing from Low Cost Countries

Authors: Henrik Eriksson and Jockum Lerenius Problem: Due to an increasingly competitive environment, a greater pressure from capital markets for shareholder value and reduced earnings growth, companies try to increase efficiency of internal processes and cutting costs, which puts purchasing on the agenda. Organisations need to balance price, quality, lead-time, delivery precision and product deve

Variability and quasi-decadal changes in the methane budget over the period 2000-2012

Following the recent Global Carbon Project (GCP) synthesis of the decadal methane (CH4) budget over 2000-2012 (Saunois et al., 2016), we analyse here the same dataset with a focus on quasi-decadal and inter-annual variability in CH4 emissions. The GCP dataset integrates results from top-down studies (exploiting atmospheric observations within an atmospheric inverse-modelling framework) and bottom-

Large-Scale Land Acquisitions as a Driver of Socio-Environmental Change : From the Pixel to the Globe

En av de största utmaningarna i modern tid är att på ett hållbart sätt producera mat och andra varor för en ökande global befolkning, utan att utsätta mark- och vattenresurser för ytterligare belastning och därmed ha negativ inverkan på människors livskvalitet. Storskaligt jordbruk har genererat många fördelar för människan gällande matproduktion, men har även bidragit till många hållbarhetsutmaniA major challenge of our time is to sustainably produce food and other goods for a growing global population, without putting additional pressures on land and water resources and local people’s quality of life. Large-scale agriculture has brought many benefits to humanity in terms of food production but has also caused multiple sustainability challenges, including land and water degradation, defor


AbstractsAnn   1   Parallel  session  A  –  Deciphering  Landscape   This  paper  concerns  ex-­‐urbanites’  rural  in-­‐migration  associated  with  imaginations  and…   Chia  Sui  Hsu,  batch  13   This  paper  concerns  ex-­‐urbanites’  rural  in-­‐migration  associated  with  imaginations  and  practices  of   agricultural  lifestyles.  To  illustrate  these  in-­‐migrations  I  offer  an  acc - 2025-02-10

Roman Pasechnik

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: roman [dot] pasechnik [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Particle and nuclear physics Visiting address: Sölvegatan 14 A, Lund Room number: K344 Service point: 14 WebpageRoman Pasechniks profile in Lund University research portalMy research is focused on various theoretical and phenomenological aspects of the Standard Model and beyond, as well as their c - 2025-02-11

Yuanqiao wu

Titel MASTER THESIS FOR LUMES Lund University Master’s Program in International Environmental Science Green Purchasing to Achieve Corporate Sustainability - Case study on Swedish large companies Author: Wu Yuanqiao Supervisor: Arben Mullai LUND, SWEDEN, 2008 MAY 1 - 2025-02-10

Forskning som står upp för humaniora får Einar Hansens forskningspris

Forskning som står upp för humaniora får Einar Hansens forskningspris Forskning som står upp för humaniora får Einar Hansens forskningspris Publicerad den 10 november 2021 Johan Östling. Foto:Marie Cronqvist Einar Hansens svenska forskningspris tilldelas i år kunskapshistorikern Johan Östling. Han får det för sin forskning och för sitt engagemang i det offentliga samtalet – insatser som vill påver - 2025-02-11

Kommunismen på film efter murens fall - vad kunde visas?

Kommunismen på film efter murens fall - vad kunde visas? Kommunismen på film efter murens fall - vad kunde visas? Publicerad den 22 maj 2015 Sune Bechmann Pedersen Foto: Anamaria Dutceac Segesten Hur gör man upp med sitt kommunistiska förflutna via film? Historikern Sune Bechmann Pedersens avhandling undersöker hur den kommunistiska tiden representeras på film efter 1989 i Tyskland och i Tjeckien. - 2025-02-11


The latest dissertations back to the very first! Below you will find a list of dissertations from the latest back to 1996.View older dissertations back to the year 1960Follow the links to view a summary and in many cases read the thesis in its entirety.Most of the Political Science Department's doctoral dissertations are published in the series Lund Political Studies.The latest dissertationsBelow - 2025-02-10