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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6906 hits

Influences of Shifted Vegetation Phenology on Runoff Across a Hydroclimatic Gradient

Climate warming has changed vegetation phenology, and the phenology-associated impacts on terrestrial water fluxes remain largely unquantified. The impacts are linked to plant adjustments and responses to climate change and can be different in different hydroclimatic regions. Based on remote sensing data and observed river runoff of hydrological station from six river basins across a hydroclimatic

Phytolith and simulation evidence for precipitation-modulated vegetation dynamics along the East Asian monsoon margin

An improved understanding of past interactions between terrestrial vegetation and various forcings, such as climate change, human impact, and paleofire, is crucial for assessing impacts of future global change on terrestrial ecosystems. This study seeks to find the key factor or factors that have driven Holocene vegetation change along the East Asian monsoon margin. Several high-resolution pollen

Using geolocator tracking data and ringing archives to validate citizen-science based seasonal predictions of bird distribution in a data-poor region

Unstructured citizen-science data are increasingly used for analysing the abundance and distribution of species. Here we test the usefulness of such data to predict the seasonal distribution of migratory songbirds, and to analyse patterns of migratory connectivity. We used bird occurrence data from eBird, one of the largest global citizen science databases, to predict the year-round distribution o

Mycorrhiza-dependent drivers of the positive rhizosphere effects on the temperature sensitivity of soil microbial respiration in subtropical forests

Tree roots and their fungal symbionts mediate the response of rhizosphere soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition to climate warming, specifically the temperature sensitivity of soil microbial respiration (Q10), which is a critical parameter for projecting the magnitude of terrestrial soil C-climate feedbacks. However, the intensity of the rhizosphere effects (RE; rhizosphere soils vs. bulk soils)

Unveiling stories in Korean smog : a critical discourse analysis of the air pollution policy of Seoul metropolitan government in Korea

Air pollution caused by highly concentrated particulate matter is recognized as the biggest problem in Korean society. Since the problem is directly related to human life and local people's livelihoods, the demand for fundamental policies rather than short-term measures is growing. In this context, the strong policies of Seoul metropolitan government including emergency reduction measures whic

Bias correction of GPM IMERG Early Run daily precipitation product using near real-time CPC global measurements

This study focused on improving the performance of the near real-time Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement (IMERG) Early Run (IMERG-E) product based on a newly developed bias-correction scheme, LSCDF. The LSCDF was established by integrating the mean-based Linear Scaling (LS) and quantile-mapping Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) matching approaches. The

Internet Piracy and Entrepreneurial Growth

Internet Piracy has become a phenomenon as a result of developed Internet technologies and file-sharing applications. With the growth of the Internet and the increased number of Internet users around the globe, the world is becoming ever more digitalized. Users are expecting digital information to be readily available at the touch of a button. This has caused an immense demand for digital goods, w

Patent och hälsa – Intressekonflikten mellan stora läkemedelsföretags rätt till patent framförallt med avseende på hiv/aidsmediciner och u-länders rätt till tillgång till billiga generiska preparat

Abstract This paper discusses protectionism of intellectual property rights in general and the conflict between large pharmaceutical companies’ rights to patent and developing countries’ rights to cheap generic preparation in particular. The essay focuses above all on HIV/AIDS medicine. The description tries to give an image of the different interests that collide and why they collide. The differe

PhD programme for the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies

PhD programme for the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies PhD programme for the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies Publicerad den 18 september 2019 The Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology has approved the establishment of a new PhD programme in East and South-East Asian Studies. It will be the first such programme in Sweden. Application for PhD-candidates will open in ear - 2025-02-12

Amr who report

2014 ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE Global Report on Surveillance 2014 ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE Global Report on Surveillance IV WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Antimicrobial resistance: global report on surveillance. 1.Anti-infective agents - classification. 2.Anti-infective agents - adverse effects. 3.Drug resistance, microbial - drug effects. 4.Risk management. 5.Humans. I.World Health Or - 2025-02-12

Ulf Söderlund

Professor Contact details Email: ulf [dot] soderlund [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 78 76 Mobile: +46 73 401 27 89Organisation Department of Geology Visiting address: Sölvegatan 12, Lund Room number: 339 Service point: 16 WebpageUlf Söderlunds profile in Lund University research portalTogether with scientists from Canada I coordinate an international project called Reconstruction of - 2025-02-12

Sven Carlsson

Professor emeritus Contact details Email: sven [dot] carlsson [at] ics [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Department of Informatics Room number: EC2-260 Service point: 38 WebpageSven Carlssons profile in Lund University research portal Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookBook chapterConference paperJournal articleReport Filter Effectiveness of smar - 2025-02-12

No title

1 Annual report 2012 19 12 01 2 2 4 16 A dynamic year 12 8 International programmes Raoul Wallenberg centenary Academic activities The library Administration report 26 30 3 THE RAOUL WALLENBERG INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND HUMANITARIAN LAW is an academic institution, founded in 1984 at the Faculty of Law of Lund University. The Institute is named after the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, to pa - 2025-02-10

No title

Curriculum Vitae for Anders Rantzer Education PhD in Optimization and Systems Theory (Supervisor Anders Lindquist), KTH, 1991 Degree of Licentiate in Mathematics (Supervisor Gunnar Sparr), LTH, Lund, 1989 Civilingenjör (M.Sc.Eng. in Engineering Physics), GPA 4.9 (5.0), LTH, Lund, 1987 Employments Professor of the Chair of Automatic Control since 1999 at LTH, Lund University Taylor Family Distingui - 2025-02-11

‘Implementation Should Begin Immediately’: Elizabeth Mrema on a Global Deal for Biodiversity - The R

‘Implementation Should Begin Immediately’: Elizabeth Mrema on a Global Deal for Biodiversity - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strat - 2025-02-11

MERGE-funded research

As a strategic research area, MERGE not only provides a networking platform for its researchers, but also the possibility to apply for funds within the subject areas of MERGE. These funds comes mainly in the form of short projects. Listed below you will find information about current and finished MERGE-funded projects in the following order: Current short projects Current projects Finalized projec - 2025-02-11

Astrid Norén Nilsson

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: astrid [dot] noren_nilsson [at] ace [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 34 81Organisation Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University Visiting address: Sölvegatan 18 B, Lund Room number: 118C Service point: 61 WebpageAstrid Norén Nilssons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Director of studies Centre for East and Sou - 2025-02-12

Andreas Malm

Associate professor Contact details Email: andreas [dot] malm [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Human Ecology Service point: 16 WebpageAndreas Malms profile in Lund University research portal Teaches on 3-6 coursesCurrent research projectsI am currently engaged in two research projects funded by Formas. One concerns the role of the far right in the climate crisis. On this topic, I have recent - 2025-02-12