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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6906 hits

Get Your Rights Illustrated by Raoul Wallenberg Institute - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human

Get Your Rights Illustrated by Raoul Wallenberg Institute - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach E - 2025-02-03


A 1. Course Details 1. Course code LIN B05 2. Course title Linguistics: Writing and Language 3. Cycle (1st, 2nd or 3rd) 1st [Undergraduate] 4. Higher education credits 7.5 5. Details of approval of course Syllabus approved by the Syllabus Committee of the Faculty of the Humanities and Theology 30th March 2007. 6. Details of changes approved 2. General Information 1. Field(s) (if applicable) 2. Sub - 2025-02-11

Target blood pressure in diabetes patients with hypertension -What is the accumulated evidence in 2011?

There is overwhelming evidence that hypertension is an important risk factor for both macrovascular and microvascular complications in patients with diabetes, but the problem remains to identify appropriate goals for preventive therapies. A number of guidelines (the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)/European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) 2007, the Joint National Committee (JNC)-V

De vågade sig ut : en studie av Svenska Mongolmissionens missionärer och verksamhet 1910–1938

The Swedish Mongol Mission (SMM) was an ecumenical union active mostly among Mongols in Outer and Inner Mongolia between 1897 and 1945. SMM were to establish five stations at the borders of the Gobi Desert from 1908 to 1944. The stations were Hallong Osso, Goltjaggan, Dojen, Hatt in Sum, situated in Inner Mongolia and Urga (in present Ulan Bator) situated in Outer Mongolia. In 1950 the activities

Energy Efficiency in Cement Industry

Abstract in UndeterminedEconomic development that includes investments in infrastructure and buildings requires energy intensive basic materials such as steel and cement. The production capacity of these industries is also growing most rapidly in developing countries [WEC, 1995 #41]. Energy intensive industries typically account for a relatively small share of the value-added in industry but a rel

Dystopiernas seger : totalitarism som orienteringspunkt i efterkrigstidens svenska idédebatt

The purpose of this study is to dissect the process of ideological orientation in the public debate of postwar Sweden. Crucial to the study is the idea of a generic totalitarianism; a concept used both on a scholarly and a political level, focusing on the similarities between communism and Nazism, and the diverging guiding potential of this totalitarianism idea in different times and situations.

Harmoniserade tulltaxor. Införlivande tolkning och tillämpning av internationella regler för varuklassificering.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid internationell handel med varor utgår olika skatter och avgifter; dessutom kan varorna vara föremål för import- och exportbegränsningar. Genom frihandelsavtal kan dock bestämmas att vissa varor får importeras och exporteras tullfritt. De bestämmelser som således gäller för olika varor sammanfattas för skilda varuslag i tulltaxan. Varuklassificeringen har därför storIn international commerce, various taxes and charges are levied on commodities; besides, goods may be subject to import and export restrictions. However, free-trade agreements may stipulate that some goods can be imported and exported free of charge. The regulations pertaining to different types of merchandise are reflected in the customs tariff of a state or customs union. The application of many

Mechanisms of Prosecuting Environmental Crimes - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and

Mechanisms of Prosecuting Environmental Crimes - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach Evaluation o - 2025-02-12

RWI Archives - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

RWI Archives - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach Evaluation of Programme Work Methods Focus Are - 2025-02-12

Global parameters sensitivity analysis of modeling water, energy and carbon exchange of an arid agricultural ecosystem

Agricultural ecosystems are important for regulating terrestrial hydrological and carbon cycles. Hydrological and carbon processes in agricultural ecosystem models are complex due to interactions between parameters. It is therefore crucial to identify parameter sensitivity before a process-based model is applied for simulations and predictions of water, energy and carbon fluxes in agricultural ec

Low Impact Thinking of the Spongy City Construction in Built-Up Areas from the Perspective of Sustainable Urban Design

Sponge city construction can improve cities’ ability to adapt to the environment change and the ability to cope with floods, and it can also prompt cities’ development to be more healthy and sustainable. However, the process itself of sponge city construction may also has impact on the environment especially in built-up areas, to reduce the impact, the rainwater landscape design needs to integrate

Enhancing SWAT with remotely sensed LAI for improved modelling of ecohydrological process in subtropics

Vegetation growth in Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a crucial process for quantifying ecohydrological modelling, as it influences evapotranspiration, interception, soil erosion and biomass production. The simplified version of Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) in SWAT was originally designed for temperate regions and naturally based on temperature to simulate growth cycles

Global soil nitrous oxide emissions since the preindustrial era estimated by an ensemble of terrestrial biosphere models : Magnitude, attribution, and uncertainty

Our understanding and quantification of global soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and the underlying processes remain largely uncertain. Here, we assessed the effects of multiple anthropogenic and natural factors, including nitrogen fertilizer (N) application, atmospheric N deposition, manure N application, land cover change, climate change, and rising atmospheric CO2 concentration, on global soil

Cultural Materiality : The correlation between material and cultural capital in the late eighteenth century Stockholm elite burgher home

The eighteenth century saw the slow but steady rise of the middling classes to their nineteenth century social and cultural prominence, reinforced by a changing political landscape and the steadily increasing importance of the market. As the social and cultural power of the city burghers making up the majority of the middling classes grew, so did they start to consume in a manner to reflect to the

A sulfidic driver for the end-Ordovician mass extinction

The end-Ordovician extinction consisted of two discrete pulses, both linked, in various ways, to glaciation at the South Pole. The first phase, starting just below the Normalograptus extraordinarius Zone, particularly affected nektonic and planktonic species, while the second pulse, associated with the Normalograptus persculptus Zone, was less selective. Glacially induced cooling and oxygenation a

Silent Modernism : Soundscapes and the Unsayable in Richardson, Joyce, and Woolf

This thesis examines silence in modernist fiction, explaining how it forms a central aspect of realism in the modernist novel. It is based on close readings of the form and function of silence in the works of Dorothy Richardson, James Joyce, and Virginia Woolf. The study proposes that silence as part of a text’s soundscape and silence as part of its mode of literary expression are related in moder

En litteraturstudie om klorparaffiner i grundvattnet och dess implikationer på hälsa och miljö

Klorparaffiner är ämnen bestående av klorerade kolvätekedjor och kan indelas i tre grupper: korta, mellan och långa ämnesgrupper. Denna rapport syftar till att sammanställa tillgänglig kunskap om klorparaffiner i helhet med inriktning på föroreningens förekomst och dess implikation på grundvatten. Samtliga ämnesgrupper har använts flitigt sedan 1930-talet inom metallbearbetning och plasttillverkniChlorinated paraffins are substances composed of chlorinated hydrocarbon chains and can be categorized into three groups: short, medium, and long chain compounds. This report aims to compile the available knowledge on chlorinated paraffins as a whole, with focus on the occurrence of these pollutants and their implications for groundwater. All groups of chlorinated paraffins have been extensively u

An improved estimation of soil water and salt dynamics by considering soil bulk density changes under freeze/thaw conditions in arid areas with shallow groundwater tables

Soil bulk density (BD) is a parameter dependent on soil texture, compositions of soil minerals and organic matter and the extent of soil compaction. Seasonal freeze/thaw in arid areas with shallow groundwater tables (AASGT) may significantly change BD and hence soil hydrothermal properties and water holding capacity. Therefore, quantifying soil bulk density changes (BDC) under freeze/thaw conditio