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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6887 hits

Wag the WeiWei - A US boot in the Asian door

The growing interdependence and interconnectedness of the global community set the pace and frame for the evolution of foreign policy. Diplomacy formerly being the reserve of international communication has consequently been forced to change and branch out. This essay attempts to view these changes and their context at the example of US foreign policy in Pacific Asia. Both hard power translating i

The economics of export processing zones revisited

The accumulation of empirical evidence that outward-oriented developing countries have generally performed better than inward-oriented ones in terms of growth, industrialisation, job creation and other macroeconomic indicators provides an essential lesson for both policy-makers and development economists worldwide. The acknowledged importance of trade and non-traditional exports for development an

Incidence of Stroke and Stroke Subtypes in Malmo, Sweden, 1990-2000. Marked Differences Between Groups Defined by Birth Country.

Background and Purpose-The proportion of immigrants has increased in Sweden markedly during the last decades, as in many other Western countries. Incidence of stroke has increased during this period. However, it is primarily unknown whether incidence of stroke and stroke subtypes in Sweden is related to country of birth. Methods-Incidence of first-ever stroke was followed during 10 years in a coho

Palaeomagnetic configuration of continents during the Proterozoic

Palaeomagnetic data are used to study the configurations of continents during the Proterozoic. Applying stringent reliability criteria, the positions of the continents at 12 times in the 2.45- to 1.00-Ga period have been constructed. The continents lie predominantly in low to intermediate latitudes. The sedimentological indicators of palaeoclimate are generally consistent with the palaeomagnetic l

An anthem for Europe: Comparing historical appropriations of Beethoven's Ode to Joy

Since its composition two centuries ago in 1824, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony (Ode to Joy) has been heralded the world over not only as a great work of art, but also as a symbol of political importance. In Germany, it was lionised as the embodiment of a national spirit, first during the Franco-Prussian war, then as a prize of the Nazi repertoire; in Rhodesia, it became the national anthem of a far-r

Milankovitch theory and monsoon

The widely accepted “Milankovitch theory” explains insolation-induced waxing and waning of the ice sheets and their effect on the global climate on orbital timescales. In the past half century, however, the theory has often come under scrutiny, especially regarding its “100-ka problem.” Another drawback, but the one that has received less attention, is the “monsoon problem,” which pertains to the

Estimating the Legacy Effect of Post-Cutting Shelterbelt on Crop Yield Using Google Earth and Sentinel-2 Data

Shelterbelts (or windbreaks) can effectively improve the microclimate and soil conditions of adjacent farmland and thus increase crop yield. However, the individual contribution of these two factors to yield changes is still unclear since the short-term effect from the microclimate and the accumulated effect from the soil jointly affect crop yield. The latter (soil effect) is supposed to remain af

Phasing out coal for 2 °C target requires worldwide replication of most ambitious national plans despite security and fairness concerns

Ending the use of unabated coal power is a key climate change mitigation measure. However, we do not know how fast it is feasible to phase-out coal on the global scale. Historical experience of individual countries indicates feasible coal phase-out rates, but can these be upscaled to the global level and accelerated by deliberate action? To answer this question, we analyse 72 national coal power p

Multiple therapeutic effects of human neural stem cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells in a rat model of post-traumatic syringomyelia

BACKGROUND: Post-traumatic syringomyelia (PTS) affects patients with chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) and is characterized by progressive deterioration of neurological symptoms. To improve surgical treatment, we studied the therapeutic effects of neuroepithelial-like stem cells (NESCs) derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in a rat model of PTS. To facilitate clinical translation, we

The relationship between the loess stratigraphy in the Vojvodina region of northern Serbia and the Saalian and Rissian Stage glaciations – a review

The regional loess stratigraphy in the Vojvodina region, in the southeastern Carpathian Basin, has often been successfully correlated to the global palaeoclimate. This is a quasi-continuous sedimentary record that provides detailed environmental reconstruction during the last four glacial/interglacial cycles. In this study, we present a standardized loess stratigraphy and illustrate how it correla

Sex and gender publications in brain health : a mapping review of the Asia-Pacific region

INTRODUCTION: Reporting of sex and gender analysis in medical research has been shown to improve quality of the science and ensures findings are applicable to women and men. There is conflicting evidence on whether efforts by funding agencies and medical journals to encourage reporting of sex and gender analysis has resulted in tangible improvements. This study mapped the inclusion of sex and gend

The risk of carbon leakage in global climate agreements

Although climate change and international trade are interdependent, policy-makers often address the two topics separately. This may inhibit progress at the intersection of climate change and trade and could present a serious constraint for global climate action. One key risk is carbon leakage through emission outsourcing, i.e. reductions in emissions in countries with rigorous climate policies bei

Common themes and challenges in hemophilia care : a multinational perspective

OBJECTIVE: To identify ways that provision of hemophilia care can be maximized at the local level, irrespective of available resources or cultural or geographic challenges.METHODS: The SHIELD group used its multinational experience to share examples of local initiatives that have been employed to deliver optimal hemophilia care.RESULTS: The examples were reviewed and categorized into four key them

Evaluating the added value of multi-variable calibration of SWAT with remotely sensed evapotranspiration data for improving hydrological modeling

Hydrological processes in a watershed consist of multiple sub-processes (such as plant growth, evapotranspiration, water yield, and soil–water balance) that have complex interactions. The common practice of calibrating hydrological models against only a single variable (e.g., streamflow) can lead to parameter uncertainty (also known as equifinality), resulting in significant uncertainties in the r