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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6896 hits
The cultural significance of a language is multifaceted and complex. Language exists as not just a means of communication, but also a reflection of the history, traditions, values, and beliefs of a culture. Language holds within it the stories, myths, and art, passed down through generations and contains the nuances and subtleties of a community’s way of life, including their customs, social norms
Graduate school newsletter issue 3 3
Graduate School Newsletter Faculty of Social Sciences Master of science in developMent studies, Global studies and social studies of Gender issue 3: Winter 2014 What’s happening at Graduate School | 7 Letter from Lena | 1 Student Snapshots | 2 Story from the Field | 3 Our Alumni: Where Are They Now? | 5 Important dates | 14 1Graduate School NewSletter Letter from Lena This semester has been a busy - 2025-02-12
Late Holocene pathway of Asian Summer Monsoons imprinted in soils and societal implications
No title
A note on the collection of original records from the Cultural Revolution by foreigners since 1966.
Nüshimen, xianshengmen, ladies and gentlemen, what do we mean?
Optical characterization of agricultural pest insects : a methodological study in the spectral and time domains
Identification of agricultural pest insects is an important aspect in insect research and agricultural monitoring. We have performed a methodological study of how spectroscopic techniques and wing-beat frequency analysis might provide relevant information. An optical system based on the combination of close-range remote sensing and reflectance spectroscopy was developed to study the optical charac
The rise and fall of Confucius Institutes: A comparative narrative analysis of closures of Confucius Institutes in Scandinavia and in the US
ПЕЛЬМЕНИ or 饺子? [PELMENI] or [JIAOZI]? Dietary Acculturation among Russian Immigrants in Beijing
Socio-economic and Demographic Factors associated with Fertility – Southeast and East Asian Evidence
Over the last three decades, Southeast and East Asian countries have experienced a substantial fertility decline. The socio-economic and demographic determinants appear to be important in explaining the fertility transition experienced in the region. Applying a fixed-effects estimation technique on the 1990-2019 panel data, this study found that increased women’s empowerment (include female educat
The future of deterrence and the US Marines on Okinawa
Gendering and Sexualising Opium Consumption in Manchukuo, 1932–1945
This article explores the sociocultural history of opium consumption and its popularisation through the beauty of female attendants in Manchukuo, which was a crucial part of the Japanese Empire and an important ‘contact zone’ of diverse cultures. It offers a glimpse into the opium–prostitution nexus by exploring the legal, commercial, social, and cultural dimensions of the gendered and sexualised
Focus Asia 2010
30 March & 7-10 December Interpreting the Rule of Law in AsiaThe 12th Focus Asia brought leading scholars in law & society from around the world. This one-day conference of public lectures focused on the rule of law in Asia. Many Asian countries enjoyed economic growth and social order without strong legal institutions. However, as policies shifted to more market-oriented solutions, law becomes mo - 2025-02-11
spring and fall 2017 The Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies actively participated in the Lund University 350th Anniversary celebrations during 2017 and organized several academic events during the thematic weeks where researchers at the Centre, other scholars at Lund University, as well as invited international scholars discussed timely topics. Activities organized during the spring se - 2025-02-11
Belt and Road Buddhism in Sri Lanka?
Cosm10 preliminary timetable 17 june
COSM10 preliminary timetable Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies COSM10 Asian Studies: Asian Studies, 6 credits Autumn semester 2020 Second cycle Preliminary schedule Dates Times/venues Teachers Lectures / seminars 31-08 10.00-12.00 Student lunch room Nina Brand Registration at the Centre 31-08 10.00-12.00 Asia library Mia Nilsson Registration at the Library 31-08 13.15-15.00 Asia library - 2025-02-12
Håkan Hydén
Professor emeritus Contact details Email: hakan [dot] hyden [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se Mobile: +46 70 530 64 30Organisation Department of Sociology of Law Service point: 31 WebpageHåkan Hydéns profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Lund University Centre for Business Law (Swedish abbr: ACLU)Chief Editor of Frontiers in Sociology of Law Research AreasSociology of - 2025-02-13
• • • • Confirmation The course syllabus was confirmed by the board of the Department of Service Management on 2013- 08-20 to be valid from 2013-09-01. General Information Teaching languages: English Outcomes On completion of the course, the student shall demonstrate an understanding of historical and present-day social sciences perspectives on epistemology, theory and criticism, •demonstrate - 2025-02-12
Info meeting sept 20193
Info meeting Sept 2019[3] Third term options Graduate School FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, LUND UNIVERSITY Programme Structure Term 1 • Profile course, SIMPXX, 15 credits • Methods for Research in the Social Sciences, SIMM41, 15 credits Term 2 • Profile course, SIMPXX, 15 credits • Elective methods course, 7,5 credits • Elective methods course, 7,5 credits Term 3 • Elective courses, internship, or e - 2025-02-12