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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6907 hits

The Political Ecology of Land Degradation

Land degradation, as a threat to smallholders in the tropics, attracts less attention than other global challenges. In addition, gaps between scientific understandings of land degradation and international policy regimes are problematic. We identify the three most significant debates including their different policy implications: desertification in the Sahel, nutrient depletion in Africa, and rura

Response to emergency way-finding systems by people from different cultures

Some colours might have different connotations depending on people’s cultural backgrounds. When talking about evacuation, the colour employed for exit signs and flashing lights plays a significant role because it is responsible for conveying a message to the evacuees, either danger or safety. The aims of this study are to evaluate the influence of red and green emergency way-finding systems on the

Measuring Bond Market Liquidity:An empirical study of China’s inter-bank bond market

To discuss the current liquidity in inter-bank bond market, this paper uses high-frequency date of bond trading, and selects a series of liquidity measures to evaluate liquidity in the market respectively. Then correlation analysis is applied between liquidity measures, and the result reveals that some liquidity measures are highly correlated. Based on the correlations between liquidity measures,

The effects of macroeconomic variables on Asian stock market volatility: A GARCH MIDAS approach

This paper aims to investigate the effects of macroeconomic variables on stock market volatility in three Asian countries by applying GARCH MIDAS model. The study covers the period from 01/2003 to 06/2014. The GARCH MIDAS framework allows to incorporate macro variables directly in the model and obtain long-term and short-term volatility separately. Empirical findings show that some macroeconomic v

Impact of economic growth on income distribution in East Asian emerging economies

Income inequality is one of the main topics that worried economists in recent decades. It became more popular, especially starting with the integration process of East Asian economies’ to the global market as a result of the globalization process. And there are lots of approaches on economic growth’s positive and negative effects on income distribution. Its impact on income distribution has been t

Constructing a sustainable Africa

This master’s thesis analysed sustainable development policies in China’s 11th Five-Year Plan and sustainable development considerations at the building of the Bui Dam in Ghana. The theory section discusses and defines sustainable development, and in the method section, ‘ideal-types’ of economic, social and environmental development were developed. These ideal-types were then used as reference poi

Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken - mars 2019

Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken - mars 2019 Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken - mars 2019 Publicerad den 6 mars 2019 I detta nyhetsbrev vill vi informera om bokbordet på HT-dagarna, om vår EndNote-introduktion och som vanligt nyinköpta tidskrifter, böcker, samt månadens e-resurs! For information in English, please contact us. Innehållsförteckning Bokbord och utställningar på HT-dagarna EndNote-intro - 2025-02-11

Ererba-en tragisk händelse i Taiwan den 28 februari 1947

?Genom sitt agerande har den förre guvernören Chen Yis administration fjärmat folket från centralregeringen. Många av den inhemska befolkningen kände att situationen under det japanska autokratiska styret var att föredra. Centralregeringen missade ett tillfälle att visa det kinesiska folket och resten av världen att även de skulle kunna erbjuda en ärlig och effektiv administration.De kan inte sky

Motsättningar i det harmoniska samhällets gryning: En studie av sambandet mellan rule of law och rättmätigt motstånd i Folkrepubliken Kina

År 1999 infördes principen om rule of law i Folkrepubliken Kinas konstitution - lagen skulle styra landet. De år av vanstyre som nådde sin kulmen under kulturrevolutionen hade åsidosatt lag och ordning och hade lett till att Folkrepubliken Kina vid tiden för Deng Xiaopings maktövertagande i slutet av 1970-talet stod utan ett rättssystem. Vid sidan om den ekonomiska reform som skulle öppna upp land

University of Helsinki

Beneficiary The University of Helsinki is Finland's largest and oldest academic institution and an innovative centre of science and thinking. Since 1640, the University of Helsinki has contributed to the establishment of a fair and equal society that is considered one of the best in the world. The University of Helsinki is a public research university located in Helsinki, Finland, since 1829, but - 2025-02-11