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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6907 hits
Hur världens cykelhuvudstad blev världens smoghuvudstad : en studie över Pekings luftföroreningar 1980-2013
Peking drabbades i januari 2013 av en smogkatastrof av aldrig tidigare uppmätt slag. Incidenten, känd som ”Airpocalypse”, blev en världsnyhet och satte mer än någonsin tidigare fokus på stadens omfattande luftföroreningsproblem. Den här uppsatsen redogör för omfattningen av och orsakerna bakom luftföroreningarna i Peking, och visar att stadens luftkvalitet redan på 80-, 90-, och 00-talen på många In January 2013 Beijing was hit with a wave of smog the likes of which have never been recorded before. The incident, known as ”Airpocalypse”, quickly made news across the globe placing focus on the City's immense air quality problem. This paper investigates the extent of and the reasons behind Beijing's air pollution, and goes on to show that the air quality during the 80's, 90's
Fiberoptiska sjökablar - Skyddad allmännytta eller potentiellt maktinstrument vid konflikt?
Schedule sged11 fall 2020
SGED11 Geography of African Development I PRELIMINARY Schedule, Fall 2020 Date Time Topic Lecturer Venue 31/08 15-16 Course Introduction YM 430 (Rio) 1/09 10-12 An introduction to the geography of Africa YM 128 (Fly) 3/09 10-12 Historical background of African Development YM 128 (Fly) 10/09 09-12 Seminar I YM 128 (Fly) 11/09 10-12 An introduction to African economies SK 128 (Fly) 14/09 10-12 Afric - 2025-02-12
COSM36 time table 2021
Microsoft Word - COSM36 time table 2021.docx Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies COSM36 Asian Studies: Social Justice and Social Equality in Asia, 7.5 Credits Autumn (third) semester 2021, 30 September—29 October Time table (update 2021-09-02) Date Time Venue Teacher Lectures / seminars / deadlines 30-09 13.15-15 Room 005 S. Hansson Introduction I: From social contract to global justice? - 2025-02-12
COSM34 literature 2022
COSM34 1 COSM34 Development Theories and Issues in Asia (Autumn 2022) Literature List Total number of pages: 1,029 An additional 100 pages may be added to keep up with new publications and events in the field. Additional Readings Selected by Student and Teacher 150 pages of country/region-specific readings selected by students in consultation with the teacher. Anbumozhi, V. and Yao, X., 2017. Rema - 2025-02-12
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Objective To explore the feasibility of retroviral-mediated Flt 3 ligand (FL) and thrombopoietin (Tpo) genes transferred into and expressed in a bone marrow stromal cell line HFCL by internal ribosome entry site(IRES)sequence. Methods IRES sequence, FL and Tpo cDNA were recombined with retroviral vector pLXSN by gene recombination technology. The recombinant plasmid was transferred into retrovirus
Modified graphite filled natural rubber composites with good thermal conductivity
The rubber composites with good thermal conductivity contribute to heat dissipation of tires. Graphite filled natural rubber composites were developed in this study to provide good thermal conductivity. Graphite was coated with polyacrylate polymerized by monomers including methyl methacrylate, n-butyl acrylate and acrylic acid. The ratios between a filler and acrylate polymerization emulsion and
Hydrological impact of a desert reservoir on micro-climate: case study in Hexi region
Words Against the Wind : A Conversation with Liu Wai Tong
What can a heavy U(1)B−L Z′ boson do to the muon (g−2)µ anomaly and to a new Higgs boson mass?
The minimal U(1)B−L extension of the Standard Model (B-L-SM) offers an explanation for neutrino mass generation via a seesaw mechanism; it also offers two new physics states, namely an extra Higgs boson and a new Z′ gauge boson. The emergence of a second Higgs particle as well as a new Z′ gauge boson, both linked to the breaking of a local U(1)B−L symmetry, makes the B-L-SM rather constrained by d
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Autobiography, Exile, and Gender : A Conversation with Ying Liang
A novel, minimally invasive rat model of normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass model without blood priming.
Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) has been shown to be associated with systemic inflammatory response leading to postoperative organ dysfunction. Elucidating the underlying mechanisms and developing protective strategies for the pathophysiological consequences of CPB have been hampered due to the absence of a satisfactory recovery animal model. The purpose of this study was to establish a novel, minima
Organ bath in detecting the effect of one-hour warm ischemia on pulmonic arteries and bronchi from non-heart-beating donor lungs
Background Non-heart-beating donor lung has been a promising source of lung transplantation. Many studies on non-heart-beating donor lungs are based on animal lung transplantation. In this study, we assessed by organ bath the effect of one-hour warm ischemia on the non-heart-beating donor lung in terms of the integrity of contractile and relaxant functions and tissue structures of pulmonic arterie
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Literature List COSM51 Abbondanza, Gabriele (2022). ‘Whither the Indo-Pacific? Middle power strategies from Australia, South Korea and Indonesia’, Interna'onal Affairs, Volume 98, Issue 2, March 2022, Pages 403–421, hPps:// > Pages to read for the students: 19 > Available at LUBsearch Baylis, John, Smith, Steve and Owens, Patricia (2014) The Globaliza'on of World Poli'cs: - 2025-02-11
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1 The Human Rights of Women1 Liu Xiaonan2 Abstract The human rights of women and girls are an inalienable and integral part of universal human rights. In their capacity as a core principle, the human rights of women run through the Platform for Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995, and are one of its critical areas of concern. Over the past 25 years since this Conference, - 2025-02-11