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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 48878 hits

Many reasons to take care of lake water

Published 16 August 2022 When you take a dip in a Swedish lake, it is not unusual to find you cannot see the lake bottom. Lake water coloured brown by organic material can be an inconvenience for swimming tourists, but mainly causes problems for the ecosystem and drinking water. Focusing on Lake Bolmen, researchers, public authorities and local organisations are now joining forces in a research pr - 2025-02-23

Cracking the Code of Human Brain Evolution: Patricia Gerdes Awarded MSCA Fellowship

By alexis [dot] bento_luis [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexis Luis) - published 8 August 2023 Patricia Gerdes is developing mini-brain models called organoids using induced pluripotent stem cells from blood or skin samples from rhesus macaques, chimpanzees, and human donors. The image on the right shows an example of a rhesus macaque organoid. Patricia Gerdes, a postdoctoral researcher specializin - 2025-02-23

Astronomers have managed to date three mysterious baby stars at the heart of the Milky Way

By johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 1 December 2023 Researchers have successfully mapped three stars in the centre of the Milky Way. Photographer: ESO. By analysing high-resolution data from a 10-metre telescope in Hawaii, researchers in Lund, Sweden, have managed to gain new insights into three stars in the centre of the Milky Way. The stars turned - 2025-02-23

Highlights from the WCMM Scientific Advisory Board Meeting

Published 9 September 2024 An atmosphere of anticipation and excitement filled the air as the Principal Investigators (PIs) and the management of the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine (WCMM) gathered for this year’s Scientific Advisory Board meeting. The discussions of the meeting focused on achievements to date, future challenges and advancements both regarding the centre itself and at a n - 2025-02-23

How does "OA school" work as a treatment for Osteoarthritis?

By kontakt [at] artrosportalen [dot] se (The arthritisportal) - published 19 February 2024 Thérése Jönsson, Specialist physiotherapist. Last week, you read the first part of our interview with Elin Östlind and Thérése Jönsson, specialist physiotherapists with extensive experience in osteoarthritis education/school (swedish: artrosskola). If you haven't read the first part yet you'll find it here ( - 2025-02-23

Polar bears for company

By jessika [dot] sellergren [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessika Sellergren) - published 14 September 2023 Polar bears followed the expedition in the Arctic. Ice sheets, snow and the ocean as far as the eye can see. No shipping vessels or people in sight, and only polar bears for company. The icebreaker Oden sails between Svalbard and Greenland, and this spring, doctoral student Lovisa Nilsson join - 2025-02-24

Meet IIIEE researcher Carl Dalhammar

Published 2 September 2015 The potential of ecodesign:Increasing efficiency by requirement From a sustainability point of view, the EU Ecodesign Directive has been very successful in improving the environmental performance of products – but there is more work to do. IIIEE researcher Carl Dalhammar is currently searching for concrete suggestions as to how the Swedish Energy Agency can advance their - 2025-02-24

Destruction of Gaza Monitored From Space

By johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 28 February 2024 Lina Eklund is one of the researchers in the international team working to analyse satellite images of the destruction of Gaza. Photo: Johan Joelsson CMES researcher and physical geographer Lina Eklund is tracking the destruction of Gaza week by week using satellite images. Her analyses could be si - 2025-02-23

ERC Synergy Grant awarded for the development of custom-made stem cell therapies

By tove [dot] smeds [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Smeds) - published 5 November 2024 “Our goal is to make advances in stem cell therapy by modifying and adapting cells to the patient’s needs," explains Malin Parmar. Photo: Tove Smeds Malin Parmar, professor of cellular neuroscience, along with three researchers in Italy and Denmark, has been awarded the prestigious ERC Synergy Grant worth EUR 1 - 2025-02-23

Gör din undervisning mer tillgänglig och inkluderande – steg för steg!

Av hakan [dot] eftring [at] certec [dot] lth [dot] se (Håkan Eftring, Certec, Institutionen för designvetenskaper, LTH) - publicerad 27 april 2023 Den viktigaste insikten är att studenter är olika och behöver olika sätt att bli motiverade, olika sätt att ta till sig kunskap och olika sätt att presentera sin kunskap. Studenterna ska kunna fokusera på sitt lärande och känna sig välkomna. Hur ska jag - 2025-02-23

Övervikt är ett växande problem bland personer med typ 1-diabetes

Av tord [dot] ajanki [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tord Ajanki) - publicerad 6 december 2021 Länge sades det att typ 1-diabetiker är normalviktiga och att typ 2-diabetiker ofta är överviktiga. Det stämmer inte längre. Bland personer med typ 1-diabetes är övervikt och fetma allt vanligare och med samma hälsovådliga konsekvenser som vid typ 2-diabetes. En svårighet med att hålla vikten är att insulinb - 2025-02-23

Vad händer nu: efter klimatrapporten från IPCC

Av lotte [dot] billing [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Lotte Billing) - publicerad 13 augusti 2021 Klimatforskarna Markku Rummukainen och Kimberly Nicholas intervjuas om utvecklingen framåt efter veckans klimatrapport. Foto: NOAA vid Unsplash. Två klimatforskare vid Lunds universitet, Kimberly Nicholas, som har närvarat som observatör vid två globala klimatmöten, och Markku Rummukainen, Sveriges repres - 2025-02-23

Vad händer nu: efter klimatrapporten från IPCC

Av lotte [dot] billing [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Lotte Billing) - publicerad 13 augusti 2021 Klimatforskarna Markku Rummukainen och Kimberly Nicholas intervjuas om utvecklingen framåt efter veckans klimatrapport. Foto: NOAA vid Unsplash. Två klimatforskare vid Lunds universitet, Kimberly Nicholas, som har närvarat som observatör vid två globala klimatmöten, och Markku Rummukainen, Sver - 2025-02-24

IS-återvändare – straffa eller hjälpa?

Av jessica [dot] bloem [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessica Bloem) - publicerad 27 februari 2019 Bild: Sten-Åke Stenberg/Mostphotos Ska man straffa eller hjälpa? Debatten om IS-återvändare visar på både rättssystemets och samhällets kluvenhet, enligt juristen Vilhelm Persson, som menar att IS-anhängarnas öde nu ligger i politikernas händer. – Frågan om vad som ska hända med återvändare är - 2025-02-24

Donationer bidrar till att uppmärksamma konstverk från Förintelselägret

Publicerad 13 december 2023 Ett urval av Jadwiga Simon-Pietkiewicz teckningar, skapade under hennes tid i Ravensbrücklägret. I en aktuell bok med reproduktioner av konstverk från koncentrationslägret Ravensbrück berättas historien om den fruktansvärda verklighet som dess kvinnliga fångar fick utstå. Boken har uteslutande tillkommit tack vare privata donationer. Våren 1945 kom cirka sjutusen kvinno - 2025-02-24

Anne L’Huillier new Frontiers of Knowledge Awardee

By evelina [dot] linden [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - published 31 March 2023 The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Basic Sciences goes in this fifteenth edition to Anne L’Huillier and her companions in the pioneering field of “attophysics”, Paul Corkum and Ferenc Krausz. Photo: Kennet Ruona For her pioneering work in attosecond physics, Anne L’Huillier is one of the - 2025-02-23

They create this year's SWEAH conference: "A chance you have to take"

By lill [dot] eriksson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Lill Eriksson) - published 20 November 2023 The committee gathering before the two day conference in Norrköping. Photo: Lill Eriksson On November 21-22, SWEAH's research conference is arranged for everyone who is active in the research school at the 13 affiliated universities – a big event and the first major event for most of the future researche - 2025-02-23

Henrik Smith: Systematic Efforts Behind Lund University's Top Sustainability Ranking

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 10 December 2024 Lund University. Photo: Kennet Ruona. Lund University has achieved third place globally in the QS Sustainability Rankings, according to a press release issued by the university on Tuesday. The QS World University Rankings: Sustainability evaluates approximately 1,750 institutions worldwide on the - 2025-02-24

Agroecology: a better alternative in Sub-Saharan Africa

Published 4 May 2018 Agroecology is a better alternative than large-scale agriculture - both for the climate and for small farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa, according to LUCSUS researcher Ellinor Isgren. This agricultural model preserves biodiversity and safeguards food supply while avoiding soil depletion.  – We must consider other, alternative models for developing agriculture, particularly in coun - 2025-02-23

Ny kunskap om var åderförfettningsplack brister kan leda till förebyggande behandlingar

Av petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - publicerad 7 juni 2023 Isabel Goncalves, Jiangming Sun och Andreas Edsfeldt studerar åderförfettningsplack från två patienter. Studien i JACC bygger på ett nära samarbete mellan kliniskt verksamma forskare och experter inom bioinformatik. Foto: Petra Olsson En vanlig orsak till hjärtinfarkt och stroke är att åderförfettningsplack br - 2025-02-23