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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2024 hits

Christmas plants from Sweden and foreign countries – Biologibloggen

Christmas plants from Sweden and foreign countries – Biologibloggen Hoppa till huvudinnehåll Om Biologibloggen Tillgänglighet Kontakt Sök Sök Stäng Meny Biologibloggen Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet Christmas plants from Sweden and foreign countries This is a story on typical Swedish Christmas plants, dedicated to foreign students and postdocs in the Department of Biology. Christmas - 2025-03-09

Christmas plants from Sweden and foreign countries – Biologibloggen

Christmas plants from Sweden and foreign countries – Biologibloggen Hoppa till huvudinnehåll Om Biologibloggen Tillgänglighet Kontakt Sök Sök Stäng Meny Biologibloggen Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet Christmas plants from Sweden and foreign countries This is a story on typical Swedish Christmas plants, dedicated to foreign students and postdocs in the Department of Biology. Christmas - 2025-03-09

Focus: Career – A series of virtual career events – The Alumni Network Blog

Focus: Career – A series of virtual career events – The Alumni Network Blog Skip to content Home About this blog About the Alumni Network Search Search Close Menu Menu The Alumni Network Blog The latest from the Alumni Network at Lund University Focus: Career – A series of virtual career events Focus: Career is a series of career events for those of you who recently graduated or are at the start o - 2025-03-09

She continued to learn as long as her eyes were able – The Alumni Network Blog

She continued to learn as long as her eyes were able – The Alumni Network Blog Skip to content Home About this blog About the Alumni Network Search Search Close Menu Menu The Alumni Network Blog The latest from the Alumni Network at Lund University She continued to learn as long as her eyes were able Few alumni from Lund University are likely to have become news material in Hawaii. But exceptions - 2025-03-09

Digital tools building bridges between local communities and forced migrants

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 12 January 2023 Europe have a long history of forced migration. That means that the refugees that have lived in an area for a long time have much in common with those arriving today. Photo: iStockphoto Throughout history and across the globe, individuals have been forced to flee conflicts, natural disasters and political oppre - 2025-03-08

Is the end of the world nigh?

By sanna [dot] trygg [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Sanna Trygg) - published 8 January 2025 The four horsemen from the Book of Revelation. Byline: Viktor Vasnetsov, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Apocalyptic beliefs are as old as humankind itself. So, why are we drawn to stories about the finite nature of everything? A group of researchers is trying to get to grips with the issue. “In - 2025-03-08

New species formed when the Mediterranean dried up

Published 18 May 2021 Two Ibiza wall lizards (Photo: Day's Edge Productions) A new study may have uncovered why wall lizards have become the most successful reptile in the Mediterranean region. The results reveal how drastic changes in sea levels and climate 6 million years ago affected species formation in the area. The researchers believe they can now explain why the lizards became so diverse an - 2025-03-07

Iceland: The case for a currency board with a euro reserve

Published 5 June 2018 Lars Jonung and Fredrik NG Andersson Iceland should abandon the flexible exchange rate of the króna as well as their present policy of inflation targeting – in favour of a currency board with a truly fixed exchange rate of the króna to the euro. The euro should be used as the reserve currency of Iceland. This recommendation is given in a new report, Lessons for Iceland from t - 2025-03-07

Fallen “meteorite” is new jubilee sculpture in Lundagård

Published 30 October 2017 The designer, Charlotte Gyllenhammar, next to the sculpture she created. Charlotte is holding the Ekeby Meteorite, which inspired the work. Photo: D. Kovacevic The University’s new jubilee sculpture, created by Charlotte Gyllenhammar, was unveiled on Saturday 21 October, as part of LU’s 350th anniversary celebrations. The sculpture, Meteorite, is made of black-patinated b - 2025-03-07

New innovation policies will support ecosystems for the Creatives

By marianne [dot] loor [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Marianne Loor) - published 8 February 2023 Lund University and partners have been awarded a grant of € 6 million from the European Commission to develop innovation policies for the cultural and creative industries. New innovation policies are needed to support ecosystems in the sector with better access to funding and incubators so that more ideas - 2025-03-08

Queerness as a mechanism creating Europe's borders

Published 18 December 2023 Queer asylum seekers to the EU must conform to fixed notions of gender and sexuality for migration authorities to believe them. In a recent study, Sophia Zisakou exposes the migration authorities' biased expectations of LGBTQI asylum seekers within the European asylum process. Persons facing persecution, discrimination, or violence based on their sexual orientation or ge - 2025-03-07

The British strategy of dividing Cyprus ultimately enabled its independence

Published 10 September 2019 The events leading up to Cyprus gaining independence from Great Britain in 1960 were not the result of instrumental rational calculations, argues sociologist Chares Demetriou in a recently published paper. Instead, a complicated series of interactions between several actors clouded the colonizer's judgement, ultimately leading to the inadvertent independence of Cyprus. - 2025-03-07

Oslo Lecture on the language of ancient Afghanistan

Published 28 February 2017 Photo from Dnva On 7 March 2017, 18.00 Nicholas Sims-Williams will hold a lecture entitled: "From philology to history: Deciphering the language of ancient Afghanistan" at Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademin. Venue: Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Drammensveien 78, Oslo. Bactrian, the principal administrative language of pre-Islamic Afghanistan, fell out of use more than a tho - 2025-03-07

Socio-legal research panorama back on campus

Published 28 February 2023 The Sociology of Law Department's annual research day for new students took place on the Lund University campus for the first time since the end of the pandemic restrictions last year. The day introduced several of the department's new researchers and PhD students. Professor Ole Hammerslev joined the Sociology of Law Department on 1 January this year. His research intere - 2025-03-07

Drawing Utopias - Iklectik art lab

Publicerad 27 oktober 2016 Drawing UtopiasIKLECTIK Art Lab1st November -11th November 2016Drawing Utopias is an exhibition that assembles works of 26 International artists, trying to respond to Thomas More book Utopia. 500 years ago, Londoner Thomas More published his famous book Utopia. Utopia described in detail an imaginary island located in the Atlantic Ocean and the socio-economic organizatio - 2025-03-07