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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2015 hits
Hope Wanted : Wall Writing Protests in Times of Economic Crisis in Athens
Metaforer hos Aristoteles och Cicero, en jämförelse
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Genetic diversity of the epiphytic bryophyte Leucodon sciuroides in formerly glaciated versus nonglaciated parts of Europe
Twelve populations of the epiphytic bryophyte Leucodon sciuroides from three major regions representing formerly glaciated and nonglaciated regions of Europe were screened for polymorphisms at 15 putative isozyme loci. The populations clustered into three distinct groups consisting of: (i) a single population from Crete, representing a cryptic unknown taxon; (ii) four Scandinavian populations and
The pillar saint seen as a totally devoted emperor : the in-group around Symeon Stylites the elder
Most modern studies have treated Christian pillar saints as constituting one among many types of Christian sainthood that appeared in the first centuries of Christianity. In general, these studies have emphasized the similarities that connected pillar sainthood to other forms of Christian ascetic practice and performance, However, the ascetic practice of the stylites can also be seen as a form of
The Case of the Terrorist Organization November 17 (17N) - Media and Political Power
Unconscious effects of language-specific terminology on preattentive color perception
Lagtavlorna i Gortyn: en gammal text i ny översättning
Empire of Clay and Iron : Divisions in the Byzantine state ideology and Christian apocalyptic expectations from the reigns of Heraclius to Leo III (610-718)
Turkey as a safe third country? - A study on the safe third country concept and its compliance with non-refoulement
Under 2016 slöt EU och Turkiet en överenskommelse om att minska antalet ”irreguljära migranter” som tog sig från Turkiet vidare in i EU. Överenskommelsen innebär att asylsökande som tar sig in i Grekland via Turkiet kommer få sina ansökningar bedömda som ogrundade och återsändas till Turkiet på grunden att Turkiet är ett så kallat ”säkert tredjeland”. Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståels
Authoritarian Past, Dystopian Present - Identity in Conflicted "North" Macedonia
A Swedish Philhellenic Pamphlet from 1821 : "Will you let that sacred voice that echoes in the tender Swedish heart cry out in vain?”
The first volume of Grifos is a publication of a rare, anonymously published philhellenic pamphlet from the year 1821. It was printed in Stockholm, yet it has hitherto remained uncollected by the scholarly community. The pamphlet is published here for the first time with an English translation and a commentary by George Kalpadakis and Vassilios Sabatakakis. In their introduction the authors plac
Sanktioner eller incitament? - Om EU:s möjligheter att få dess medlemsstater att agera enligt de gemensamma reglerna
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Diamantis Almpantis
"I was more than your echo": Feminist Revisioning of the Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice in the Poems of H.D. and Margaret Atwood
Vilken sträng var det som brast? En språklig och medicinsk diskussion med utgångspunkt från episoden med Teukros i Iliaden 8.321-334
I Iliaden 8.321-334 beskrivs hur den grekiske bågskytten Teukros träffas av en sten på nyckelbenet. Armen domnar, vilket tyder på en nervskada. I uppsatsen görs en språklig och medicinsk analys av Homeros anatomiska kunskaper. Mycket talar för att Homeros anatomiuppfattning framförallt är av empiriskt–funktionell art, den är i mindre grad grundad på systematiska kunskaper. I uppsatsen presenteras
Herodes Atticus Reflected in Occasional Poetry of Antonine Athens
The occasional poetry of the Antonine period relating to the wealthy sophist and important second century AD political personality in Athens, Herodes Atticus, is studied. Some of the functions of poetry are illustrated, as it is used by one of the leading personalities of the Second Sophistic. This study differs from previous research in focusing totally on verse inscriptions connected with Herode
Saint Daniel of Sketis. A Group of Hagiographic Texts Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen är en ny edition med en parallell engelsk översättning av åtta grekiska berättelser relaterade till ökenfadern Daniel från Sketis: 1) Abba Daniel från Sketis; 2) Abba Marcus, den helige dåren; 3) Den blinde mannen; 4AB) En helig och kysk ung kvinna; 5) Kvinnan som låtsades vara en drinkerska; 6) Eulogios Stenhuggaren; 7) Andronikos Penningväxlaren och hans