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Välkommen till kursen Miljö- och hälsoskydd, metodik och praktik, MVEN22, vårterminen 2023

Introduktionsmöte med upprop är den 16 januari kl 9.15 – 12.00 i kurssal Mossen Öster i Ekologihuset, Sölvegatan 37 Lund. Kurstid 2023-01-16 – 2023-03-21 Kursansvarig Andrea Hjärne, 0725 - 671218 andrea [dot] hjarne [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (andrea[dot]hjarne[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) Schema Länk till kursschema hittar du på Miljövetenskaps hemsida under kursen samt i schemaverktyget TimeEdit. Noter - 2025-03-08


Existing courses Advanced X-Ray Microscopy, 7.5 credits The course in briefIntroduction to x-rays: nature, properties, generation, interactions with matter. Introduction to microscopy: advancements, sensitivity, resolution, contrast, field of view and time-domain. Incoherent x-ray microscopy methods: tomography, scanning fluorescence microscopy, scanning diffraction microscopy, PEEM and STXM. Cohe - 2025-03-07

Think accessible – five tips to get started

On this page, you'll find practical advice on how to make meetings and teaching more accessible. 1. Prioritize breaksAnything lasting more than an hour must include a break! Never compromise on this – don't ask students or participants if they prefer to skip the break and finish earlier. Clearly state from the start when the break will happen.2. Use a microphoneAlways use a microphone! All larger - 2025-03-07

Remote Sensing for Landscape Studies

NGEA03 Course contents This will teach you remote sensing, that is, the use of aerial photographs to collect information about landscapes and environment. We will focus on how to analyze aerial photographs. By doing so, we can detect a wide range of features depending on the film emulsion used, e.g. black and white, normal colour and infra-red. The course covers the theoretical aspects of aerial p - 2025-03-07

Sasi03 2019 schedule.docx

Day Date Time Venue Title Teacher Week 1 Monday 2/9 9-12 Carson Roll-call & course introduction Mandatory Darin Wahl / George Neville Wednesday 4/9 13-16 Carson Key concepts, debates and history of Environmental and Sustainability Studies Kimberly Nicholas Week 2 Monday 9/9 9-11 Carson Indigeneity and sustainability David Harnesk Wednesday 11/9 13-15 Carson Social science for sustainability studie - 2025-03-08

New student at the Masters programme

Hello master student! Have you been admitted our master’s programme in psychology? On this page you will find everything you need to know before the start of the semester. Welcome to the Department of Psychology. Start by reading the checklist where we have summarised the most important information you need to start studying with us. Secure your place If you are offered admission after applying in - 2025-03-07

New student, Autumn 2024

Welcome to the Department of Strategic Communication! We are looking forward to you joining us at the department. General information as a new studentThis page helps outline some important information for you as a new student starting a program or course with us this Autumn. For specific information about the program or course you are starting, please see the links below. Getting started at the De - 2025-03-07

General information for new students

Studying at the Centre Location and premises The Centre is located on Sölvegatan 18B. Link to more contact information and a map.At the Centre we have a library, a lecture room and a seminar room. In the building there is also a student kitchen with microwaves, a fridge, a freezer and a coffee machine. You will have access to the building Monday - Friday, 09.00 - 17.00. Lectures and seminars take - 2025-03-07

Courses at Bachelor's level

The language of instruction in all courses at bachelor's level that are presented here is English. Introductory courses to Physics Four courses are included in the introductory module of the bachelor's programme in physics:Introduction to University Physics, with Mechanics, FYSA22Introduction to University Physics, with Electromagnetics, FYSA23Introduction to University Physics, with Optics, Waves - 2025-03-07

Digital platforms

At Malmö Theatre Academy we use a few different systems to communicate with each other. Here you will find instructions on how to download the programs and when you need which program. IT services and support Microsoft Teams Teams is a digital platform where you can download and upload files, chat or participate in digital meetings. As a student with us, you are part of a class team where informat - 2025-03-07


Padlet är ett verktyg som du kan använda för att skapa digitala anslagstavlor och dela dem med andra användare. Tavlorna kan användas för att sammanfatta diskussioner eller brainstorma, men också för att samla och strukturera idéer, anteckningar och material. Förutom text kan du exempelvis fästa bilder, filmer eller länkar på en padlet-tavla. Det som framförallt skiljer Padlet från exempelvis whit - 2025-03-07

Tillgänglighet - gör rätt från början

​​​​​​​Vi har myndighetskrav på oss att allt digitalt publicerat material ska vara tillgänglighetsanpassat; material måste kunna läsas till exempel med skärmläsare. Därför ska vi alltid använda LU:s tillgänglighetsanpassade mallar till filer som ska publiceras och läsas digitalt. Det underlättar för dig och inte minst för läsaren. Digital tillgänglighet innebär att alla ska kunna uppfatta och hant - 2025-03-07

Kursanalys: Miljörätt för miljövetare (MVEC18), höstterminen 2022

Kursansvarig Marie Appelstrand marie [dot] appelstrand [at] har [dot] lu [dot] se (marie[dot]appelstrand[at]har[dot]lu[dot]se) Statistik Antal studenter 45 Antal svar 15 Betyg G:18, VG:19 Sammanfattning av kursvärderingen Studenterna tyckte sammanfattningsvis att kursen som helhet var utmärkt eller bra (50 %). En övervägande del ansåg också att kursen hade utvecklat deras kunskaper och färdigheter - 2025-03-08

Protokoll 3 2019-05-29

SHus P, Van19061013130 LUNDS UNIVERSITET PROTOKOLL 2019:3 2019-05-29 Dnr STYR 2019/989 Ledningsgruppen for beteendevetenskapligt kandidatprogram Ledningsgruppens protokoll Narvarande Ledamoter Ovriga Anmalt forhinder Anna Hjalmers Mattsson, ordforande Magnus Karlsson, lararrepresentant, soc Jean Christophe Rohner, lararrepresentant, psy Anna Sirhed, studentrepresentant Ingela Steij Scilbrand, lara - 2025-03-08

Prel. schema mves03 vt20

MVES03 Ett cirkulärt och biobaserat samhälle Kurstid: 20 jan-20 mars 2020 Kursansvarig: Helena Hansson Övriga lärare : se schema Lokaler: Se Time Edit Litteratur: Enligt separat lista Studieteknik: Läs om studieverkstaden Studenträttigheter: Läs om dina rättigheter och skyldigheter som student Likabehandling: Läs Lunds Universitets likabehandlingsplan för studenter Pedagogiskt stöd: Läs om pedagog - 2025-03-08