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Your search for "2025" yielded 21826 hits
Musikalisk rundvandring på Skissernas museum
Musikalisk rundvandring på Skissernas museum
Lund University has been collaborating with African partners for a long time. We conduct research of relevance for Africa and send as well as welcome both staff and students. We also conduct commissioned education with African participants. Global Dynamic Engagement (GDE) is an approach on which Lund University bases its work to strengthen and further develop its international impact regarding res
A2030 monthly update 250210
Antagning till kandidatprogram, Flöjt
Antagning till kandidatprogram, Blockflöjt
Antagning till kandidatprogram, Piano
Antagning till kandidatprogram, Gitarr
Antagning till kandidatprogram, Cembalo
Admission to Bachelor programme, Vocal Studies
Admission to Bachelor programme, Piano
Neuroscience Day Party
Welcome to the Faculty of Social Sciences Exchange studies Incoming and outgoing exchange studies. Contact details Faculty management, Councils, Departments and Faculty office. Study An education from Lund University is internationally recognised. We are consistently ranked as one of the world's top 100 universities, placing us among the top 0.4% universities in the world. Programmes and courses B - 2025-02-27
Development Research Network
Enyam Joel Agbesinyale Doctoral studentAffiliation: Global Politics, Malmö UniversityKeywords: Development Research PhD Workshop Karolin Andersson Doctoral studentAffiliation: Department of Urban and Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesKeywords: Development Research Phd Workshop Gertrude Aputiik Doctoral studentAffiliation: Department of Sociology, University of GhanaKeyw - 2025-02-27
Assignment as post-doc
Current students
Welcome to all newly admitted students! We can't wait to meet you. Here's what you need to know about getting started at Graduate School. Register for courses Canvas login LU webmail login Academic Support Center Alumni Association Student Reception The Graduate School student reception desk is located on the second floor of Gamla Kirurgen. Our receptionists will be happy to help if you have any q - 2025-02-27
Europakommentaren is Sweden's only multidisciplinary research blog. Europakommentaren is a Swedish-langauge blog. It contains blog posts aimed at anyone with an interest in European affairs. The bloggers' ambitions are to write in an accessible language about research, related news, or opinions, in their areas of expertise. If you would like to write a blog post (in Swedish), please contact th - 2025-02-27