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Your search for "2025" yielded 21825 hits

Strategies and guidelines

Strategies and guidelines translated into English. More plans and documents are available on the Swedish website.Strategic plan and action plans Strategic plan The strategic plan of the Faculty of Law is based on the Lund University strategic plan for 2017–2026. In this plan, the visions, goals and strategies expressed in the University's common strategic plan are adapted to the particular circums - 2025-02-27

Om fakulteten

Organisation Ledning, styrelse, nämnder och kommittéer Jobba hos oss! Lediga anställningar och länk till ansökningssystemet Kontakt Se kontaktuppgifter till fakultetens medarbetare Verksamhetsdokument Strategisk plan, handlingsplaner och andra fakultetsspecifika verksamhetsdokument. För media Fakultetens forskare medverkar ofta i media inom områden som efterfrågar expertis inom juridik och rättssy - 2025-02-27


Sök till juristprogrammet Behörighet, ansökan, struktur och mer information för dig som vill läsa juristprogrammet. Läs ett av våra masterprogram Välj mellan europeisk handelsrätt och mänskliga rättigheter. Fristående kurser Läs fristående kurser på distans eller på Campus Helsingborg. Ujik Utvidgad juridisk introduktionskurs Utbildning för gymnasielärare Distansutbildning inom lärarlyftet Uppdrag - 2025-02-27

Division seminars

The division organises regular seminars, traditionally known as Science Coffee, usually alternating between experimental and theoretical research topics. Science coffee seminars can sometimes be replaced with informal seminars, usually on topics with a more narrow scope. The normal starting time is Tuesdays at 11:15. Organizers are Alice Ohlson (experiment) and Roman Pasechnik (theory).  Seminar c - 2025-02-27

Call for applications

The Pufendorf IAS stimulates interdisciplinary research within Lund University. The Institute supports researchers working together across disciplinary borders to develop new areas of research. Read about our yearly calls for Theme and Advanced Study Group applications. Theme applicationsA Theme must be innovative in nature and revolve around a research topic which can best be solved through knowl - 2024-07-15

Welfare and well-being

What does a welfare society look like, and what is needed for us to feel well? At the Faculty of Social Sciences, we study what affects people's well-being - from cradle to grave. At the Faculty of Social Sciences, we study what affects people's well-being - from cradle to grave. Photo: Pixabay Our research is for example focused on the relationship between children and the key adults in their liv - 2025-02-27

The digital society

How does digitalisation affect the individual and the world? In the long-term and short-term? And what are the consequences for those who are excluded from digital development? Many social scientists are interested in how digitalisation affects people and how it can be done in a sustainable way. Photo: Unsplash Digitalisation is affecting society at all levels. In a decade, more or less all functi - 2025-02-27

Räs startsida

5 mars: Forskningsseminarium Roger Cotterrell presenterar "Jurisprudence and Socio-Legal Studies: Intersecting Fields", kl. 13:15-15:00, i rum M331 och online. 19 mars: Forskningsseminarium Yafa Shanneik presenterar "Governing Health, Family and Religion: The Biopolitics of Genetic Counselling and Religious Family Formations", kl. 13:15-15:00 i rum M331 och online. Genvägar Vad är rättssociologi? - 2025-02-27

Research School in Stem Cell Biology

The Research School in Stem Cell Biology is a collaborative academic program that emphasizes high-quality research training and professional growth, offering a wide range of engaging educational activities to empower aspiring stem cell scientists and lay a solid foundation for their future success. Program Overview Explore our diverse curriculum, bridging the gap between fundamental research and i - 2025-02-27