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Mechanisms of Transgene Silencing in Neural Cells -Implications for Ex Vivo Gene Therapy to the Brain
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett nytt och experimentellt sätt att bota eller lindra sjukdomssymptom är att, istället för att tillföra en medicin, rätta till felet på en genetisk nivå. Detta kan åstadkommas genom att överföra nya, fungerande gener, sk transgener, till celler som då börjar producera protein, som i sin tur kan ge upphov till en terapeutisk effekt. I hjärnan skulle denna typ av behandlThe use of genetically modifi ed neural stem and progenitor cells could possibly be a future strategy for repairing a brain suffering from neurodegeneration. However, so far it has proven diffi cult to maintain sufficient levels of a transferred gene in suitable cell types, after transplantation. In the present thesis I studied the silencing of transgenes induced upon differentiation of neural pro
Die Responsivität autoritärer Regime
A Double Helix Metaphor for Use and Usefulness in Informing Systems
Following the theme of this monograph, this paper discusses a dialectic we perceive to subsist between meaningful use and reflection upon use. This dialectic between experiencing use and reflecting upon experiencing use (or thinking, and thinking about thinking) may be considered in the following way. Each of these elements is subject to change. As reflection triggers change in use, and such chang
Perceiving and Producing the Frog Story
The art of shaping futures
Makt och mat - problem i atomåldern; Ny skrift i serien Lundaforskare föreläser
Introducing Software Engineering by means of Extreme Programming
This paper reports on experience from teaching basic software engineering concepts by using Extreme Programming in a second year undergraduate course taken by 107 students. We describe how this course fits into a wider programme on software engineering and technology and report our experience from running and improving the course. Particularly important aspects of our setup includes team coaching
Idrottssociologi - en gren av det sociologiska trädet
Effect of water storage time on frost resistance of concrete
In high performance concrete (HPC) with low water-cement ratio, cement reaction will cause substantial drying expressed in terms of relative humidity (RH) of the pore water. This phenomenon is called self-desiccation. The RH-values as low as 85% have been measured in dense concretes that have been stored for more than 18 months in water. This means that there is almost no freezable water in the co
Blykulor i Sjöbo kan fälla Newton!
Understanding the Geography of Women's Fear: Towards a Reconceptualisation of Fear and Space
Privacy, Security and Trust in Cloud Computing: The Perspective of the Telecommunication Industry
The telecommunication industry has been successful in turning the Internet into a mobile service and stimulating the creation of a new set of networked, remote services. Most of these services now run or are supported by cloud computing platforms. Embracing cloud computing solutions is fundamental for the telecommunication industry to remain competitive. However, there are many legal, regulatory,
Nanopartiklar - positiv utveckling eller nytt miljöhot
Economic Integration Efforts in Southern Afica
Om ansvar : ansvarsföreställningar och deras betydelse för den organisatoriska verkligheten
Ansvar är ett ord som både praktiker och forskare ofta använder. Det är ett centralt begrepp i organisatoriska sammanhang. Innebörden av begreppet är dock oftast för givet tagen.Om ansvar diskuterar betydelsen av för-givet-tagna begrepp och reflekterar över ansvarsbegreppets innebörd utifrån en granskning av såväl företagsekonomisk teori som praktik. De frågor som inledningsvis ställs är vilken inBased on an ethnographic study, the dissertation discusses the concept of "responsibility" in the context of what happened when workers were made responsible for an area of their own. It turned out that "being responsible", was related to a narrative identity that differed from the one they used before they were made formally responsible. For most of the workers, the narrative of being "responsibl
PACAP and airway regulation with special reference to smooth muscle and neutrophils
Popular Abstract in Swedish Andningsvägarna kan schematiskt uppdelas i en övre och nedre del där den övre består av näsa, bihålor, (mellanöra) och struphuvud och den nedre av luftstrupe, luftrör samt alveoler. Sjukdomar i andningsvägarna, såsom astma och olika allergiska tillstånd, är vanligt förekommande, men mekanismerna bakom deras uppkomst och utveckling är ofullständigt klarlagda. NeuropeptidThe investigations focus on the neuropeptidepituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide and its effects on airway regulation, with emphasis on smooth muscle relaxation and neutrophil activation and migration. In the nasal mucosa, PACAP-containing nerve fibers were localized invascular smooth muscle and close to seromucous glands. In the lung, PACAP-containing nerve fibers were found close to se
The R Coronae Borealis stars: carbon abundances from forbidden C-lines
"Es ist alles eitell" som dialogisk dikt
Praxis Dialogue: Catholic Rituals in Native American Contexts
Using rituals as a means of dialogue has been a vital strategy for cross-cultural interchange. Starting with the study of ritual practices, this article discusses the dialectic interface between the Canadian Mi’kmaq Indian traditions and Catholicism, the latter brought into Mi’kmaq territory by French missionaries as early as the beginning of the 17th century. To fully understand the Mi’kmaq relat