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Shakespeare's Sonnets: "You must translate. 'Tis fit we understand them."
Liber daticus vetustior : ett martyrologium från 1100-talet
Liber Daticus Vetustior: A Martyrology from the Twelfth Century The purpose of the article is to explain what a martyrology is and how it was used, to situate Liber Daticus Vetustior (LDV) in the history of martyrologies and to elucidate its sources, character and original function. General accounts about Christian celebration, the cult of saints and the historical development of the martyrology
Effective material parameters for 3D periodic media with small but non-vanishing microscopic scale
We find effective (homogenized) parameters for Maxwell's equations when the microscopic scale becomes small, but not infinitesimal, compared to the wavelength. The analysis is based on a singular value decomposition of the differential operator in Maxwell's equations
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Böjning och fri ordföljd. En diskussion av en språklig fördom.
Retinal Transplants: Growth Differentiation Integration Organization and Survival
Popular Abstract in Swedish Gruppen ärftliga degenerativa näthinnesjukdomar är en viktig orsak till blindhet världen över. Man har uppskattat frekvensen till 1 på 3 - 4000 vilket motsvarar omkring 1½ miljoner människor i världen som helhet. Den vanligaste orsaken till en sådan sjukdom är ett fel i en gen för ett funktionellt eller strukturellt protein. Mer än hundra sådana gendefekter är kända idaThe goal of the study was to get a better understanding of factors controlling the growth, differen-tia-tion, integration, organization and survival of retinal transplants, with the long-term view of eventually developing retinal transplantation into a clinically useful procedure for treating degenerative retinal disorders such as retinitis pigmentosa. Embryonic day 15 rabbit retinas were transpl
Sociological Jurisprudence
Kommentar till Skollag (1985:1100)
The importance of common activity in SMEs for economic development and health
Om de imaginära biblioteken
A survey and analysis of the field of catalogues of imaginary libraries and of imaginary books, from ideal universal or selected collections (Gesner, Formey), over false catalogues of existing libraries (Rabelais) to sheer fantasies: lists of parodic and scurrilous titles or bibliophilic treasures (Fortsas).
Activation of PPARβ/δ Causes a Psoriasis-Like Skin Disease In Vivo
Background: Psoriasis is one of the most frequent skin diseases world-wide. The disease impacts enormously on affected patients and poses a huge financial burden on health care providers. Several lines of evidence suggest that the nuclear hormone receptor peroxisome proliferator activator (PPAR) beta/delta, known to regulate epithelial differentiation and wound healing, contributes to psoriasis pa
The Other Side of Technology: Lacan and the Desire for the Purity of Non-Being
Against the deeply ingrained belief that technology is instrumental and neutral, this thesis argues that our relation to technology is inextricably bound up with fantasies. But what is the nature of these fantasies and where do we find them? Are they strictly reserved to the domain of Science Fiction, or can we also find them in more mundane contexts, like the business organization? These are som
Matordningen : en spegling av Hans Brasks roll i samhället
Mångspråkig poet i språkpatriotisk debatt
Brenner hade tidigt blivit berömd för sin lärdom och sin diktning på fem språk, svenska, tyska, latin, franska och italienska. Redan samtiden (t. ex. Magnus Gabriel Block) lade märke till att hon alltmer favoriserade svenskan. I artikeln analyseras Brenners val av språk och hennes inställning och betydelse i tidens livliga språkpolitiska debatt.
1968 och därefter. De kritiska rättsteoriernas betydelse för nordisk rättsvetenskap
Beyond Anarchy and Organization: Entrepreneur in Context
Construction Innovation Systems - A Sector Approach
Linear Controllers for Tracking Chained-Form Systems
Aspects on ADM1 Implementation within the BSM2 Framework
The current work of developing a control simulation benchmark goes back to the work carried out within the COST Action 682 (“Integrated Wastewater Management”) and the IAWQ Task Group on Respirometry-Based control of the Activated Sludge Process in the late 90s. The work was continued in COST Action 624 until 2003 (Copp 2002). In 2005, the IWA Task Group on Benchmarking of Control Strategies for W