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Osäkerhetens horisonter. Kulturella och etiska perspektiv på samhällets riskfrågor.

Det moderna samhället beskrivs ofta som ett ”risksamhälle”. Identifiering, hantering och kontroll av risker spelar en allt större roll både i våra privata liv och i olika organiserade verksamheter, exempelvis i industrin och i statliga och kommunala myndigheter. Denna bok representerar en strävan från två ämnen, filosofi och socialantropologi, att ge nya perspektiv på flera av riskforskningens cen

Grafchart for Procedural Operator Support Tasks

Support for procedural operations is important in industry. Within the EU/GROWTH project CHEM aimed at developing advanced decision support systems for the process industry, Grafchart, a toolbox for procedure handling based on Grafcet/Sequential Function Charts, will be used to implement a state-transition support toolbox. A brief overview of Grafchart is given, including a new Java version, JGraf

Mellan Rum. En studie i fysisk och mental utveckling av kommunikation med utgångspunkt i en mellanstadieklass

Popular Abstract in Swedish Mellan Rum. En studie i fysisk och mental utveckling av kommunikation med utgångspunkt i en mellanstadieklass. Avhandlingens första syfte är att beskriva den roll som kropp, känslor och rörelse spelar i skolans vardag. Här ingår såväl fysiska som verbalt språkliga rörelser. Teoretiskt vilar de analyser som förekommer i första hand på den franske fenomenologen Maurice MA Gap: A study in physical and mental development of communication based on a primary school class The primary aim of the dissertation is to describe the role played by body, emotions, and movement in the everyday life of school. This includes both physical and verbal linguistic movements. In theoretical terms the analyses are mainly based on the French phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s ide

Stövsländor Psocoptera

Alla stövsländearter som påträffats i Norden beskrivs med utförliga texter, pedagogiska illustrationer och de flesta med utbredningskarta. Nycklar för artbestämning gör det roligt och möjligt att ta reda på vilka arter man hittat. Volymen omfattar 82 nordiska arter varav 73 är funna i Sverige. Här följs den traditionella systematiska indelningen av stövsländor och därför inkluderas inte djurlössen

Political communication in a changing world

The chapyter presents an overview of key socio-cultural developments, including those within the media and within politics, that are altering the way political communication gets done in modern democracies.

Structure and Phase Behavior of Protein Solutions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Även om vi inte ser molekyler dagligdags har vi sedan länge vant oss vid att sakerna kring oss innehåller något. När vi satt ett glas över ett brinnande ljus och det slocknat så är det något som tagit slut. Kemi rör beskrivningen av dessa sällan direkt synliga förlopp där molekyler omlagras och ger upphov till de strukturer vi finner världen uppbyggd av: gaser, vätskor The complexity of proteins is reflected in the structure of their fluids. This is seen from strongly inhomogeneous distributions about the single protein. Using molecular simulations of protein models, based on experimental structures, the present work probes the directional forces between proteins. Emphasis is made on the mutual orientation of proteins and the interplay of electrostatic and short

Seasonal migration determined by a trade-off between predator avoidance and growth

Migration is a common phenomenon in many organisms, terrestrial as well as aquatic, and considerable effort has been spent to understand the evolution of migratory behaviour and its consequences for population and community dynamics. In aquatic systems, studies on migration have mainly been focused on commercially important fish species, such as salmon and trout. However, seasonal mass-migrations

Supporting Business Decision-making: One Professional at a Time

This paper discusses the potential for personalized, user-owned decision-support systems. It can be readily seen that there are benefits from analysis of ‘Big Data’ that could not be attained through more traditional means, e.g. insurance and credit card fraud can be detected more readily when it is possible to analyze integrated data across multiple servers owned and controlled by separate organi

Moberg, Axel (1872-1955)

A biographival entry on Professor Axel Moberg, a famous Swedish Syriac scholar who was professor of Near-Eastern languages at Lund University, Sweden, 1908-1937, and Vice Chancellor of the same university, 1926-1936.

Glass mat reinforced thermoplastics - material, process and selected applications.

The work presented in this thesis covers the processing of glass mat reinforced thermoplastics, GMT, and the mechanical properties of this material group. The thesis evaluates the possibilities of the material group from a processing and mechanical properties point of view. An improved method for measurement of fibre matrix adhesion has been developed. A new test equipment have been developed, whi

Streptococcal protein Rib and related proteins: a family of repetitive surface proteins that elicit protective immunity

Popular Abstract in Swedish SAMMANFATTNING PÅ SVENSKA Grupp B streptokocker (GBS) Grupp B streptokocker (GBS), på latin Streptococcus agalactiae, är det vanligaste fyndet vid bakteriella infektioner, som blodförgiftning (sepsis), hjärnhinneinflammation (meningit) och lunginflammation (pneumoni) hos nyfödda barn. Sjukdomsförloppet är ofta våldsamt och livshotande. Sedan 1970-talet har det skett enABSTRACT Streptococci constitute a heterogeneous group of Gram-positive bacteria, divided into different serological groups on the basis of antigenic differences in a cell wall-associated carbohydrate. This thesis describes related surface proteins expressed by bacteria in two of these groups, the group B streptococcus (GBS) and the group A streptococcus (GAS). GBS is an encapsulated bacterium th