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Fractures of the distal forearm in young adults. An epidemiologic description of 341 patients

We describe the epidemiology of all distal radial fractures in young adults (men 20-59 years, women 20-49 years) in Lund (1992-95) and Malmo (1994-95), Sweden. During the study period, there were 341 patients with 346 fractures in the two cities, found through the Hospital Register of Diagnoses in Lund and the register of the Radiology Department in Malmo. More than half of the fractures were disl

Condensation energy of the homogeneous electron gas from density-functional theory for superconductors

The condensation energy of homogeneous electron gas is calculated within the density-functional theory for superconductors. Purely electronic considerations include the exchange energy exactly and the correlation energy on a level of the random phase approximation. Singlet superconductivity is assumed, and the Coulomb interaction is studied with a model pairing potential at angular momentum up to

Cathodoluminescence Studies of AlGaAs/GaAs Core-Shell Nanowires

We have studied nanowires with a GaAs core, covered by an AlGaAs shell, using low temperature cathodoluminescence. The main emission from the core is due carbon acceptors, though we observe a weak emission from excitons. A general observation is that the emission is much stronger from the top half of the nanowire. This emission is also more well-defined. The AlGaAs shell emission varies in emissio

Polysulfone ionomers for proton-conducting fuel cell membranes: sulfoalkylated polysulfones

Polysulfones (PSUs) carrying short pendant alkyl side-chains with terminal sulfonic acid units have been prepared and studied as proton-conducting membrane materials. The first step in the preparation involved quenching of lithiated PSU with SO2 gas, resulting in sulfinated PSU. In the second step, the lithium sulfinate units on the polymer were reacted with sodium 2-bromoethanesulfonate, sodium 3

Voting Procedures for Complex Collective Decision

it can let the committee members vote on each sub-question and then use the outcomes as premises for its conclusion on the main issue (premise based-procedure, pbp), or it can let the members directly vote on the conclusion (conclusion-based procedure, cbp). The procedures can lead to different results, but which of them is a better truth-tracker? On the basis of Condorcet's jury theorem, we show

HIV/AIDS in the transitional countries of eastern Europe and central Asia

In the 1990s, HIV/AIDS became a major threat to health, economic stability and human development in countries in eastern Europe and central Asia. Social, political and economic transition exacerbated the structural conditions that allowed HIV/AIDS to flourish as dramatic changes led to increasing drug injection, economic decline and failing health and healthcare systems. There is a need to address

Femoral neck geometry and radiographic signs of osteoporosis as predictors of hip fracture

A total of 125 consecutive hip fracture patients were investigated regarding hip geometry. There were 33 men of mean age 76 +/- 10 years, and 92 women of mean age 78 +/- 9 years. Patients with previous hip surgery were excluded. Hip geometry (hip-axis length, width of collum femoris, and femoral shaft and neck-shaft angle) were registered on both plain radiographs and DEXA scans performed within 2

The water dimer in a too tight matrix cage

When an argon matrix containing hydrogen peroxide dimer is irradiated with 266 nm radiation from a YAG laser, water forms. Some of it is formed as monomer but the main part is formed as dimer. The photogenerated water dimer is formed together with an oxygen molecule in the cage of the parent hydrogen peroxide dimer and the dimer bands are shifted from their normal positions indicating that the cag

Harakat at-targama : den grekisk-arabiska översättningsrörelsen

The Graeco-Arabic translation movement was initiated for ideological, political and practical reasons by the second Abbasid Caliph al-Mansur and supported by his successors. This large-scale translation activity went on for about 200 years, from the end of the eighth to the end of the tenth century, during which almost all Greek philosophical and scientific literature was translated into Syriac –

Evaluation of glucose biosensors based on Prussian Blue and lyophilised, crystalline and cross-linked glucose oxidases (CLEC(R)).

Glucose biosensors based on lyophilised, crystalline and cross-linked glucose oxidase (GOx, CLEC(R)) and commercially available lyophilised GOx immobilised on top of glassy carbon electrodes modified with electrodeposited Prussian Blue are critically compared. Two procedures were carried out for preparing the biosensors: (1) deposition of one layer of adsorbed GOx dissolved in an aqueous solution

Transient modelling of a HC-SCR catalyst for diesel exhaust aftertreatment

The kinetics of a catalyst for hydrocarbon-selective catalytic reduction (HC-SCR) exhaust aftertreatment has been examined by means of transient experiments on a heavy-duty diesel engine rig. The influences of temperature, NO2 concentration, and the transient injection of hydrocarbon on the conversion of NO,, CO, and hydrocarbon were studied in a systematic manner. Hydrocarbon conversion was high

Simplistic approaches to complex psychic phenomena

Psychology's subject-matter is, admittedly, complicated and difficult to handle. Over the years psychologists have tried various approaches to make their endeavours more plain and manageable. One attempt at simplification is to deny the subjective side of psychic reality and exclusively focus behavioral facts. Another way is reduction of psychic events to somatic counterparts. And a third alternat

On Enterprise Systems Artifacts: Changes in Information Systems Development and Evaluation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Framväxten av affärssystem under 1990 talet är en av de mest betydelsefulla utvecklingarna inom verksamhetsstödjande informationssystem. Affärssystem karaktäriseras av omfattande branschtäckning, stor funktionalitet, generisk lösning, processorientering, integrerad lösning och centralt dataformat, som tillsammans gör affärssystem kanske till den hittills mest komplexa oEnterprise Systems are one of the most important developments in corporate information systems during the last decade. These integrated information systems are characterized by a number of features which include a very broad scope and functionality, as well as being generic, master data, and business-process orientated. Together, these features make Enterprise Systems unique vis-à-vis other inform

Are smoking-associated cancers prevented or postponed in women using hormone replacement therapy?

OBJECTIVE: [corrected] To investigate the relationship between hormone replacement therapy (HRT), smoking, and cancer incidence.METHODS: Baseline interviews were conducted from 1990 to 1992 in a population-based cohort of 29,508 Swedish women aged 25-65 years with no history of cancer. Cancer incidence in the cohort was assessed through December 31, 1999, with the Swedish Cancer Registry, the Popu