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Deterministic Java in tiny embedded systems

As embedded systems become more and more complex, and the time to market becomes shorter, there is a need in the embedded systems community to find better programming languages that let the programmers develop correct code faster. The programming languages used today, typically C and/or Assemblers, are just too error-prone. The Java technology has therefore gained a lot of interest from developers

Knee Injury and Knee Osteoarthritis -Development, evaluation and clinical application of patient-relevant questionnaires

Popular Abstract in Swedish Knäledsförslitning är vanligt. Ledsjukdom, med smärta och nedsatt funktion som följd, är den vanligaste kroniska sjukdomen hos äldre, vanligare än högt blodtryck, hjärtsjukdom och diabetes. Behandlingen av knäledsförslitning är fokuserad på smärtlindring. Till en början används vanligt mediciner mot smärtan, men senare i sjukdomsförloppet byts den smärtande leden ofta uThe overall purpose was to evaluate patient-relevant outcomes in patients with knee injury and post-traumatic osteoarthritis of the knee. A self-administered questionnaire, The Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) was developed by literature search, consulting an expert panel (including patients referred to physical therapy because of knee-related problems, orthopedic surgeons, and

Middle Ear Pressure; A New Method for Continuous Direct Measurements

Disturbances in the pressure homeostasis of the middle ear (ME) system cause a pressure gradient across the tympanic membrane lessen the effectiveness of sound transmission and may be associated to development of chronic ME disease. An equipment for continuous direct pressure measurements was developed and was found to be accurate, base-line stabile and portable. Long term pressure measurements an

Effects of Stimulus Duration and Type on Perception of Female and Male Speaker Age

Our abilitiy to estimate speaker age was investigated with respect to stimulus duration and type as well as speaker gender in four listening tests with the same 24 speakers, but with four different types of stimuli (ten and three seconds of spontaneous speech, one isolated word and six concatenated isolated words). Results showed that the listeners' judgements were about twice as accurate as chanc

Star scientists as drivers of the development of regions

This chapter investigates the location pattern (at the NUTS 2 level) of European-based star scientists (identified by the number of citations they generated in journals in the ISI database) as well as the degree and intensity of knowledge sharing activities performed by the scientific elite in their regions of choice. Using a unique dataset of 197 star scientists, we demonstrate that Europe’s worl


UPPÅKRA OCH SKÅNES JÄRNÅLDERDenna bok är en guide till utställningen BARBARICUM - Uppåkra och Skånes järnålder - och innehåller 70 uppslagsord. Här finns viktiga sammanhang, väsentliga begrepp, fynd och fyndplatser presenterade som hjälp för besökaren. I boken får vi ta del av de fragment som arkeologerna finner och de nya spännande berättelser som vuxit fram på senare år.This book is a guide to the exhibition Barbaricum - Uppåkra and the Iron Age of Scania - and contains 70 head words. Here are important contexts, essential concepts, finds and finding-places introduced as a help for the visitor. In the book we present the fragments that the archaeologists find and the new exiting stories that have emerged.