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Your search for "*" yielded 531765 hits

Control of a chemical reaction far from the Franck-Condon point by single-pulse resonant and non-resonant light-matter interaction.

Using optimal control as a spectroscopic tool we decipher the details of the molecular dynamics of the essential multidimensional excited-state photoisomerization - a fundamental chemical reaction of key importance in biology. Two distinct nuclear motions are identified in addition to the overall bond-twisting motion: Initially, the reaction is dominated by motion perpendicular to the torsion coor

Sulfhydryl oxidase modified composite electrode for the detection of reduced thiolic compounds

Thiol (SH) groups play a remarkable role in the cell with their redox state affecting the activity and structure of many enzymes, receptors and transcription factors. In the present work, carbon paste electrodes modified with sulfhydryl oxidase (SOX) were prepared. The proposed biosensor was based on the monitoring of the produced peroxide concentration that correlates with the concentration of re

Idrott, motion och andra fritidsintressen: en enkätundersökning bland 17-åriga flickor och pojkar i Landskrona, Kävlinge och Svalöv

Vart är idrotten på väg? Det är en väsentlig fråga i det sk Landskronaprojektet inom Idrottsvetenskapligt centrum vid Lunds universitet, ICLU. I denna första rapport inom projektet presenteras 17-åriga flickors och pojkars intresse för motion och idrott. Här kartläggs till exempel hur stort intresset är, vilka idrotter de sysslar med, deras föreningsengagemang och inställning till ämnet idrott och

Corticosterone levels in relation to migratory readiness in red-eyed vireos (Vireo olivaceus)

We examined the relationship between plasma levels of corticosterone and the migratory activity and directional preference of red-eyed vireos during fall migration at the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Corticosterone is thought to play a role in physiological and behavioural processes before, during, and after long-distance migratory flights. An increase in corticosterone at the onset of mi

CD133 is not present on neurogenic astrocytes in the adult subventricular zone, but on embryonic neural stem cells, ependymal cells, and glioblastoma cells

Human brain tumor stem cells have been enriched using antibodies against the surface protein CD133. An antibody recognizing CD133 also served to isolate normal neural stem cells from fetal human brain, suggesting a possible lineage relationship between normal neural and brain tumor stem cells. Whether CD133-positive brain tumor stem cells can be derived from CD133-positive neural stem or progenito

Differences in estimates of cisplatin-induced cell kill in vitro between colorimetric and cell count/colony assays

The aim of this study was to evaluate some bioassays that are different in principle: cell counting, colony forming assay, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT), sulforhodamine B (SRB), crystal violet, and alamarBlue, with respect to their ability to measure cisplatin-induced cell death of in vitro-cultivated squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). Cispl

Truncated semenogelin I binds zinc and is cleaved by prostate-specific antigen

Semenogelins I and II are major coagulum-forming proteins in semen, and they are secreted mainly by the seminal vesicles. These proteins bind Zn2+ and act as substrates for prostate-specific antigen and transglutaminase. A variant semenogelin I lacking 60 amino acids has been described that occurs in different populations with an allele frequency of 1%-3%. To better understand the function of the

Concept of a High-resolution Online Mass Separator for the Munich Fission Fragment Accelerator

A fission fragment accelerator combined with the Munich high-flux reactor FRM-II is under design for the delivery of intense beams of mass separated very neutron-rich fission fragments with energies at the Coulomb barrier They can be used to produce very heavy neutron-rich nuclei in fusion reactions. The large neutron excess will result in much longer lifetimes of the produced heavy elements, comp

Hearing-Impaired Students in Jordan: A Study of Factors Influencing Indoor School Activities and Leisure Time Activities

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hörselskadade elever i Jordanien - en studie av faktorer som påverkar elevernas skol- och fritidsaktiviteter. Det övergripande syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera faktorer som påverkar hörselskadade elevers skol- och fritidsaktiviteter. För att uppnå syftet konstruerades enkäter som distribuerades till hörselskadade elever, deras lärare och föräldrar. FakThe main aim of this study is to describe and analyse the factors affecting the daily life activities of hearing-impaired students in Jordan from the point of view of hearing-impaired students, their teachers, and their parents. Two questionnaires were developed, one directed towards the activities, and the other to the factors affecting these activities. The two questionnaires were distributed am

Blowing-up of deterministic fixed points in stochastic population dynamics

We discuss the stochastic dynamics of biological (and other) populations presenting a limit behaviour for large environments (called deterministic limit) and its relation with the dynamics in the limit. The discussion is circumscribed to linearly stable fixed points of the deterministic dynamics, and it is shown that the cases of extinction and non-extinction equilibriums present different feature

Historien om Hollywood

Historik över hur de amerikanska filmbolagen flyttade sina inspelningar till Hollywood och sedan började bygga sina inspelningsanläggningar där. Men det handlar också om myternas Hollywood med filmstjärnefenomen och en nyrik, glamorös livsstil som påverkade världen.

Listeners' sensitivity to consonant variation within words

In a previous study (van de Weijer 2003), it was shown that it is a relatively uncommon pattern to find two IC within the same monomorphemic word. The main purpose of the present study was to establish whether listeners have implicit knowledge of this aspect of phonological word structure. A lexical decision experiment was carried out in which subjects listened to nonsense words and real words in

Soaking in a NaCl solution produce paler potato chips

Pairs of potato slices were blanched, soaked in a NaCl solution or water and fried. The originally adjoining faces of the chips were analysed for average L*a*b* color by digital photography and image analysis. Stepwise increases in blanching temperature (60, 65, 70, 75, 80 degrees C/5 min) gave rise to gradually darker chips above 65 degrees C, by a total of 9L* units (P = 0.001). Slices soaked af

A program for computing weak and intermediate field Zeeman splittings from MCHF wave functions

Given electronic wave functions generated by the MCHF_CI program (LSJ format), this program calculates diagonal Lande a factors that determine separations of magnetic sublevels in weak external magnetic fields. In addition the program computes off-diagonal Lande factors and constructs the total interaction matrix for an atom in a magnetic field. By diagonalizing the interaction matrix and plotting

Burst detection and location in water distribution networks

An algorithm for the detection and location of sudden bursts in water distribution networks combining both continuous monitoring of pressure and hydraulic transient computation is presented. The approach is designed for medium and large bursts that are the result of the sudden rupture of the pipe wall or other physical element in the network and are accompanied by the transient pressure wave that

Carrot psyllid (Trioza apicalis) winter habitats - insights in shelter plant preference and migratory capacity

The carrot psyllid (Trioza apicalis) is a serious pest in carrot-growing areas in northern and parts of central Europe. The psyllids overwinter as adults on conifers and during summer feed and lay eggs on carrot plants (Daucus carota ssp. sativus), thereby destroying the crop. To investigate the migratory capabilities and preferences for different shelter plant species of the carrot psyllid, we ma

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José Asunción Silva is a Colombian poet most known for having renewed the metrics in Spanish poetry during the 19th century. José Asunción Silva’s only novel, De sobremesa 1887-1896 [After dinner, 1887-1896] written in 1896 is a significant and representative modernist novel in the tradition of Latin-American modernismo. Silva’s novel has been considered as a structureless, narratively disordered