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Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste decennierna har våra skogar utsatts för en allt högre grad av stress som en följd av förändrade produktionsmönster och en hög deposition av gödande och försurande ämnen, såsom kväve ovh svavel. Kväve är det ämne som begränsar trädens tillväxt, och det höga nedfallet av detta ämne har resulterat i att träden växt mycket snabbbare. Deras behov av andra näForests in Sweden are undergoing rapid and considerable changes regarding both management methods and environmental conditions. To understand the effects of these changes and to be able to predict impending changes in forest ecosystems, a holistic understanding of the processes governing the ecosystem is needed. To gain such an understanding, the ForSAFE model of the biogeochemical cycles in a for

Acute infections in children are accompanied by oxidative modification of LDL and decrease of HDL cholesterol, and are followed by thickening of carotid intima-media.

Background Atherosclerosis begins early in life. Infections might contribute to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. In this study, we investigated whether acute infections in children could alter the carotid wall morphology and the tipid profile. Methods Mean carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) was measured by high-resolution ultrasound in 28 hospitatised children (mean age: 5 2 years), who fulf

Intracellular sorting of galectin-8 based on carbohydrate fine specificity

Galectin-8 has two carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs), both of which bind beta-galactosides, but have different. ne specificity for larger saccharides. Previously we found that both CRDs were needed for efficient cell surface binding and signaling by soluble galectin-8, but unexpectedly binding of the N-CRD to its best ligands, alpha 2-3-sialylated galactosides, was not needed. In search for

Polarized MIMO channels in 3-D: Models, measurements and mutual information

Fourth-generation (4G) systems are expected to support data rates of the order of 100 Mb/s in the outdoor environment and 1 Gb/s in the indoor/stationary environment. In order to support such large payloads, the radio physical layer must employ receiver algorithms that provide a significant increase in spectrum efficiency (and, hence, capacity) over current wireless systems. Recently, an explosion

An intuitive semiclassical picture of proton structure at small x

A semiclassical description of structure functions in DIS at small x is presented. It gives an intuitive picture of the transition from the Double Leading Log approximation at large Q(2), to the powerlike dependence on x in the BFKL region at limited Q(2). Formal derivations from perturbative QCD, e.g. in the BFKL or the CCFM formalisms, are technically complicated, and therefore such an intuitive

Physician consultation and antibiotic prescription in Swedish infants: population-based comparison of group daycare and home care

Background: Daycare infants have more infectious episodes, see a physician more often, and are prescribed antibiotics more often than home care infants. Aim: To compare physician consultations and antibiotic prescription in daycare children and home care children taking number of symptom days, sociodemographic factors, concern about infectious illness and antibiotic knowledge into account. Methods

Early parathyroidectomy in mild primary hyperparathyroidism: Effects on heart and bones

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det råder delade meningar om hur man bäst tar hand om patienter med lindrig primär hyperparatyreoidism (PHPT), dvs. överfunktion i en eller flera av de fyra bisköldkörtlarna med endast lätt förhöjning av kalciumnivån i blodet. Det finns de som förordar operation, medan andra anser att det inte behövs någon behandling så länge sjukdomen inte förvärras. Syftet med det aktThere is an ongoing controversy regarding how to take care of patients with mild primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). Some recommend surgical treatment at diagnosis, others just follow-up as long as there is no evidence of disease progression. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate cardiac and skeletal risk factors related to the duration of mild PHPT. Fifty patients with mild PHPT were randomized

Tacrine and rate of progression in Alzheimer's disease--relation to ApoE allele genotype

Today, cognitive impairment can be successfully treated with acetylcholine esterase inhibitors (AChE-I) in many, but not all, patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). To investigate the relation between tacrine treatment, inheritance of ApoE epsilon4 alleles, and rate of progression, the differences in MMSE and CIBIC scores (efficacy parameters) after 6 and 12 months of tacrine (an AChE-I) treatmen

In vitro toxicity of biomaterials determined with cell density, total protein, cell cycle distribution and adenine nucleotides

Inhibition of cell growth is the most commonly used endpoint for in vitro toxicity of biomaterials. The use of several different endpoints might however generate more information concerning the nature of the toxicity. Thus, we examined the toxicity of two biomaterials, Polyvinylchloride (PVC) and Polyoximethene (POM), with different selected endpoints. The influence of cell growth on these endpoin