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Air travel-related venous thromboembolism
Talande kroppar. Ritual och återupprättelse
I denna artikel diskuteras betydelsen av kroppen som en uppmärksam och aktiv aktör i rituell praktik, förankrad i en specifik social och historisk kontext, de kanadensiska mi’kmaqindianernas livsvärld. Mi’kmaqs möjlighet att arbeta om den kulturella kropp det dominerande samhället har implementerat i dem, öppnar nya vägar att göra sig av med destruktiva mönster som de medvetet eller omedvetet har
Demonizing Discourse in Mao Zedong's China: People vs Non-People
This article examines the use of demonizing rhetoric by the Chinese Communist Party during the first decades of the People’s Republic after 1949. It chronicles the rise, flourishing, and ultimate post-Mao demise of a political discourse predicated on an ‘essential’ distinction between people and non-people. With the help of illustrations lifted from public and until recently classified sources, it
Alcohol-induced upper airway symptoms: prevalence and co-morbidity.
Reconstruction and Calibration using One-Domensional Constraints
Att tänka med träd
Trees are present in the everyday life of most people, as eye-catchers, meeting points, obstacles, etc. Memories of people, events, and actions are also often connected to specific trees. But the same tree may acquire a range of different meanings, depending on personal experience. Adopting an analytical cultural perspective, "Thinking Trees: An Ethnological Study of Narratives About the Meaning o
Turning teratocarcinoma cells into neurons: rapid differentiation of NT-2 cells in floating spheres
Cells from the human teratocarcinoma line NTera-2 can be induced to terminally differentiate into postmitotic neurons when treated with retinoic acid. However, this differentiation process is rather time consuming as it takes between 42 and 54 days. Here, we propose a modified differentiation protocol which reduces the time needed for differentiation considerably without compromising the quantity
Thrombocytopenia predicts progressive hemorrhage after head trauma.
Energy Efficient Window Systems. Effects on Energy Use and Daylight in Buildings.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om energieffektiva fönstersystem i svenska byggnader. Simuleringar av energianvändningen har gjorts för både småhus och kontor för att bedöma effekterna av olika fönsterval på energibehov och inneklimat. Två års mätningar av energianvändning och innetemperaturer för ett energisnålt radhus har utvärderats. Två beteendestudier har även genomförts This thesis deals with energy-efficient windows in Swedish buildings. Parametric studies were performed in the dynamic energy simulation tool Derob-LTH in order to study the effects of window choices on energy use and indoor climate for both residential and office buildings. A steady-state program was used to evaluate two years of measurements of energy use and indoor temperatures of an energy-eff
Characterization of atrial fibrillation using the surface ECG: time-dependent spectral properties
Time-frequency analysis is considered for characterizing atrial fibrillation in the surface electrocardiogram (ECG). Variations in fundamental frequency of the fibrillatory waves are tracked by using different time-frequency distributions which are appropriate to short- and long-term variations. The cross Wigner-Ville distribution is found to be particularly useful for short-term analysis due to i
Byarnas bönder - de historiska källorna
Rapporten är ett supplement till Riksantikvarieämbetets bokprojekt "Skånska spår - arkeologi längs Västkustbanan". Det äldre historiska källmaterialet för fem medeltida byar (Glumslöv, Häljarp, Rya, Säby och Särslöv) presenteras och analyseras, främst med avseende på bebyggelse- och ägostruktur.
Kvinnligt frimureri i Sverige – inblick i en svensk adoptionsritual från 1770-talet
Luminescence quenching by inter-chain aggregates in substituted polythiophenes
Time-resolved photo luminescence spectra measured in solid films of two polythiophene derivatives with different chain packing allow to distinguish emission of intra-chain excitations from the luminescence of inter-chain aggregates. Aggregate luminescence is red shifted by about 0.1 eV relative to intra-chain emission and shows vibronic coupling to the C=C bond stretch with the Huang-Phys factor o
Registration of emission and transmission whole-body scintillation-camera images
In this work, a method for registration of whole-body (WB) scintillation-camera images is presented. The primary motive for the development is to perform activity quantification using the conjugate view method on an image basis. Accurate image registration is required for sequential anterior and posterior scans, for serial emission images for analysis of the biokinetics, and for transmission and e
ObjectStab - An educational tool for power system stability studies
Traditionally, the simulation of transient and voltage stability in power systems has been constrained to domain-specific tools such as Simpow, PSS/E, ETMSP, and EuroStag. While being efficient and thereby able to simulate large systems, their component models are often encapsulated and difficult or impossible to examine and modify. Also, these simulators often require substantial training and are
Brandrisker och brandskador - hur kan de påverkas. Fire hazards and fire damgages - how to influence them
Det är angeläget, att det schematiska sätt, som nu normalt tillämpas för en dimensionering och utformning av en byggnads eller ett samhälles försvar, på sikt ersätts med ett mer kvalificerat förfarande, som bygger på funktionsbaserade analyser eller bedömningar av brandpåverkade systems reaktion för alternativa möjliga scenarier. Detta är huvudbudskapet i följande rapport, som beylser förutsättnin
The maxillary palp sensory pathway of Orthoptera
Primary sensory projections and arborisations of higher-order neurons associated with the maxillary palps were examined in Tettigoniidae, Gryllidae, Tetrigidae and Acrididae representing the two sub-orders of Orthoptera, Ensifera and Caelifera. Anterograde filling and Golgi impregnation of maxillary receptor neurons revealed two patterns of innervation, the ensiferous and the caeliferous type. In
Signal-averaged P wave analysis for delineation of interatrial conduction - Further validation of the method
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The study was designed to investigate the effect of different measuring methodologies on the estimation of P wave duration. The recording length required to ensure reproducibility in unfiltered, signal-averaged P wave analysis was also investigated. An algorithm for automated classification was designed and its reproducibility of manual P wave morphology classification invest
Properties of Poly(ethylene oxide)-Poly(butylene oxide) Diblock Copolymers at the Interface between Hydrophobic Surfaces and Water
The interactions between molecules of a low molecular weight diblock copolymer of poly(ethylene oxide) (E) and poly(butylene oxide) (B), B8E41, at hydrophobic surfaces were investigated experimentally by using two surface force techniques and ellipsometry. Extended mean-field theory was employed to describe the adsorption of EB diblock copolymers at planar surfaces as well as the forces between su