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Your search for "*" yielded 529926 hits

Cotunneling signatures of spin-electric coupling in frustrated triangular molecular magnets

The ground state of frustrated (antiferromagnetic) triangular molecular magnets is characterized by two total-spin S = 1/2 doublets with opposite chirality. According to a group theory analysis [M. Trif et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 217201 (2008)], an external electric field can efficiently couple these two chiral spin states, even when the spin-orbit interaction (SOI) is absent. The strength of t

Determining 'true' glomerular filtration rate in healthy adults using infusion of inulin and comparing it with values obtained using other clearance techniques or prediction equations.

Objective. To determine 'true' glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in healthy adults as renal clearance following infusion of inulin, and compare that result with those obtained using other markers and clearance techniques and with estimations of GFR using creatinine-based prediction equations. Material and methods. Twenty healthy volunteers (11 females) with a median age of 27 years (range 19-36 yea

One-particle properties of deformed N approximate to 28 odd-N nuclei with weakly bound or resonant neutrons

Possible deformation of odd-N nuclei with N approximate to 28 toward the neutron drip line is investigated using the Nilsson diagram based on deformed Woods-Saxon potentials. Both weakly-bound and resonant one-particle levels are properly obtained by directly solving the Schrodinger equation in mesh of space coordinate with the correct boundary condition. If we use the same diffuseness of the pote

Forecasting monthly precipitation in Central Chile: a self-organizing map approach using filtered sea surface temperature

Western South America is subject to considerable inter-annual variability due to El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) so forecasting inter-annual variations associated with ENSO would provide an opportunity to tailor management decisions more appropriately to the season. On one hand, the self-organizing maps (SOM) method is a suitable technique to explore the association between sea surface temperat

Validation of a rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering model for N2O at temperatures from 295K to 796K

Pure rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectra of N2O was recorded in a series of temperature calibrated cell measurements in the region 295-796K. A theoretical rotational CARS code for N2O was implemented and temperature analysis was performed by fitting the modeled theoretical spectra to the experimental spectra. Excellent agreement between the experimental and modeled spec

Genetic predisposition to long-term non-diabetic deteriorations in glucose homeostasis: ten-year follow-up of the GLACIER Study.

To assess whether recently discovered genetic loci associated with hyperglycemia also predict long-term changes in glycemic traits. Methods: Sixteen fasting glucose-raising loci were genotyped in middle-aged adults from the GLACIER Study, a population-based prospective cohort study from Northern Sweden. Genotypes were tested for association with baseline fasting and 2-hr post-challenge glycemia (N

The economic performance of combined heat and power from biogas produced from manure in Sweden - A comparison of different CHP technologies

Interest in the generation of biogas from agricultural residues is increasing rapidly due to its climate benefits. In this study, an evaluation of the economic feasibility of various technologies, also on different scales, for the production of combined heat and power from manure-based biogas in Sweden is presented. The overall conclusion is that such production is not profitable under current con

Regional innovation policy and public-private partnership: The case of Triple Helix Arenas in Western Sweden

Policies for regional innovation in Sweden rely on the view that different groups of actors enter into collaboration on the basis of a mutual interest. One recent organisational expression of this view is the development of innovation policy and development organisations known as 'Arenas'. These organisations were modelled on the Triple Helix innovation theory, which is known for promoting innovat

Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection: Outcome of postoperative pulmonary venous obstruction

Objective: Pulmonary venous obstruction (PVO) is an important cause of late mortality in total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC). We aimed to describe current practices for the management of postoperative PVO and the efficacy of the different interventional procedures. Methods: We conducted a retrospective international collaborative population-based study involving 19 pediatric cardia

Regulation of PMP22 mRNA by G3BP1 affects cell proliferation in breast cancer cells.

Regulation of mRNAs is one way to control protein levels and thereby important cellular processes such as growth, invasion and apoptosis. G3BPs constitute a family of mRNA-binding proteins, shown to be overexpressed in several cancer types, including breast, colon and pancreas cancer. G3BP has been reported to both stabilize and induce degradation of specific mRNAs.

Search for squarks in R-parity violating supersymmetry in ep collisions at HERA

A search for squarks in R-parity violating super-symmetry is performed in e(+/-)p collisions at HERA using the H1 detector. The full data sample taken at a centre-of-mass energy root s = 319 GeV is used for the analysis, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 255 pb(-1) of e(+)p and 183 pb(-1) of e(-)p collision data. The resonant production of squarks via a Yukawa coupling. lambda' is consi

Riskbruk och beroende av alkohol, narkotika och tobak hos personer med svår psykisk sjukdom. Förekomst och återhämtning.

Denna avhandlings syfte är att öka kunskapen om riskbruk och ett möjligt skadligt bruk eller beroende av alkohol, narkotika och tobak bland personer med psykossjukdom. Syftet är vidare att fördjupa förståelsen av deras erfarenheter av alkoholens och narkotikans roll i sitt liv samt återhämtningsfrämjande mål för rehabilitering och självhjälp. Avhandlingen baseras på data insamlade med hjälp av str

Involvement of non-dopaminergic systems in L-DOPA-induced dyskinsia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Parkinsons sjukdom är en av våra vanligaste ålderssjukdomar i Sverige och drabbar en procent av befolkningen över 50 år. De karaktäristiska symptomen: skakningar, långsamma rörelser och stelhet orsakas i huvudsak av en förlust av nervceller som producerar signalsubstansen dopamin i hjärnan. Den mest effektiva behandlingen är L-DOPA, som i hjärnan omvandlas till dopamin.Parkinson's disease and L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID) does not merely involve the dopamine (DA) system but also include non-dopaminergic systems such as glutamate and serotonin (5-HT). An aberrant glutamate transmission at the corticostriatal synapse, has been linked to LID. Pharmacological agents to glutamate receptors at this synapse, (of which some are already clinically tested), could preve

Use of bacteria- and fungus-binding mesh in negative pressure wound therapy provides significant granulation tissue without tissue ingrowth.

Objective: Bacteria- and fungus-binding mesh traps and inactivates bacteria and fungus, which makes it interesting, alternative, and wound filler for negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). The aim of this study was to compare pathogen-binding mesh, black foam, and gauze in NPWT with regard to granulation tissue formation and ingrowth of wound bed tissue in the wound filler. Methods: Wounds on the