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Different domains of self-reported physical activity and risk of type 2 diabetes in a population-based Swedish cohort : the Malmö diet and Cancer study

BACKGROUND: While a dose-response relationship between physical activity and risk of diabetes has been demonstrated, few studies have assessed the relative importance of different measures of physical activity on diabetes risk. The aim was to examine the association between different self-reported measures of physical activity and risk of type 2 diabetes in a prospective cohort study. METHODS: Out

Processområdets betydelse vid spricktillväxt.

Brottmekaniska processer ar något som intresserat människor i alla tider. Ibland har det varit för att vinna en fördel t ex vid tillverking av flintverktyg och malmbrytning, men oftast for att förhindra mekanisk kollaps. I det senare fallet kan oförsiktighet resultera i spruckna tallrikar eller trasiga fönster, men ocksa i allvarligare saker som brott i flygplansvingar eller fartygsskrov som i värBrottmekaniska processer ar något som intresserat människor i alla tider. Ibland har det varit för att vinna en fördel t ex vid tillverking av flintverktyg och malmbrytning, men oftast for att förhindra mekanisk kollaps. I det senare fallet kan oförsiktighet resultera i spruckna tallrikar eller trasiga fönster, men ocksa i allvarligare saker som brott i flygplansvingar eller fartygsskrov som i vär

Towards sustainability with building services systems : – by focusing on material choices, energy use and thermal indoor climates in residential buildings

För att en utveckling ska anses hållbar måste mål ur såväl sociala, ekonomiska som miljömässiga aspekter vara uppfyllda. Det svenska miljömålssystemet, baserat på Agenda 2030, innehåller 16 miljökvalitetsmål och ett antal etappmål. För genomförande och uppföljning ansvarar åtta myndigheter, av vilka Boverket har ansvar för målet ”En god bebyggd miljö”. Faktorer som har valts att studera är inomhusFor a development to be considered sustainable, social, economic and environmental requirements must be met. The Swedish sustainable development goals, based on Agenda 2030, contain 16 national environmental quality goals. The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning is responsible for achieving the goal "A good built environment". Essential factors chosen for studies are: indoor environme

Exceptions, limitations and collective management of rights as vehicles for access to information

Copyright law reflects a balance between the competing interests of protection and access. It is often held that this balance has been disturbed by recent technological and related legal developments. This article describes and compares two vehicles to enhance access to information in the online environment, while also taking into account the interest of protection: (i) the introduction of (broade

Cross-Border Extended Collective Licensing : A Solution to Online Dissemination of Europe’s Cultural Heritage

The ever increasing use of the Internet and of digitisation technologies have opened up new possibilities for distributing and accessing creative content online, including for cultural heritage institutions. However, the digitisation and dissemination of a substantial proportion of the collections held by European cultural institutions may be considerably hindered due to high transaction costs rel

Serotonin and adipocyte function

The ability to store and mobilize energy is fundamental for physiologic function. Most excess energy is stored in adipose tissue as triglycerides, which is released as free fatty acids when needed through cellular processes tightly regulated by insulin. Intact adipose cell function is essential to regulate whole-body glucose and lipid metabolism. Several studies have focused on the metabolic impac

Exposure to dioxins as a risk factor for soft tissue sarcoma : A population - based case-control study

In a case-control study including 237 cases with soft tissue sarcoma and 237 controls, previous jobs and exposures to different agents, including pesticides, were assessed. Exposure to phenoxyacetic acids or chlorophenols gave a statistically significant increased rate ratio (RR) of 1.80 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.02-3.18] for soft tissue sarcoma. Exposure to phenoxyacetic acids of all type

Introduction: The Governance of the Climate-Energy Nexus

The introduction first explains the rationale and theoretical and empirical contributions of the edited volume. The book seeks to address a considerable gap of knowledge of the nature of the relationship between institutions governing the climate-energy nexus in a multilevel context. In particular, there is scant research on consequences on the legitimacy and effectiveness of governance arrangemen

Conclusions: Coherence, Management, Legitimacy and Effectiveness in the Climate-Energy Nexus

The concluding chapter first summarizes some of the volume’s main results along the four evaluative themes. In terms of coherence and management, the three policy fields under scrutiny – renewable energy, fossil fuel subsidy reform and carbon pricing – are roughly marked by coordination, rather than competition or outright harmony. Regarding legitimacy, the specializations and work backgrounds of

Analytical Framework: Assessing Coherence, Management, Legitimacy and Effectiveness in an Institutional Nexus

This chapter establishes four evaluative themes that will be employed across this volume to analyze the institutional complexity of policy fields in the climate-energy nexus: coherence, management, legitimacy, and effectiveness. Coherence among institutions is conceptualized along four dimensions: convergence on an overarching core norm for the policy field, balanced coverage and distribution of m

Correspondence : Dioxin and mortality from cancer

To the Editor: The lessons that Dr. Bailar gleaned from the recent dioxin study by Fingerhut et al. of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Jan. 24 issue)1 reached far beyond, and at times contradicted, what the authors presented.2 Moreover, Bailar did not acknowledge the growing body of evidence suggesting that low-level dioxin exposure does not present a risk of cancer in hu

Pre-diagnostic anthropometry, sex, and risk of colorectal cancer according to tumor-infiltrating immune cell composition

Background: Obesity is a well-established risk factor for colorectal cancer (CRC), but whether this risk differs according to CRC subtype defined by the tumor immune microenvironment has been sparsely described. Herein, we examined the relationship between pre-diagnostic anthropometry and CRC risk according to tumor-infiltrating immune cell composition, with particular reference to potential sex d

Predicting the deposition spot radius and the nanoparticle concentration distribution in an electrostatic precipitator

Deposition of aerosol nanoparticles using an electrostatic precipitator is widely used in the aerosol community. Despite this, basic knowledge regarding what governs the deposition has been missing. This concerns the prediction of the size of the particle collection zone, but also, perhaps more importantly, prediction of the nanoparticle concentration distribution on the substrate, both of which a