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Certainty and Overconfidence in Future Preferences for Food

We examine consumer certainty of future preferences and overconfidence in predicting future preferences. We explore how preference certainty and overconfidence impact the option value to revise today’s decisions in the future. We design a laboratory experiment that creates a controlled choice environment, in which a subject's choice set (over food snacks) is known and constant over time, and the t

The influence of extensive vegetated roofs on runoff water pollution load

The influence of extensive sedum-moss vegetated roofs on runoff water pollution loads was studied for four full scale installations located in southern Sweden. The aim of the study was to ascertain whether the vegetated roof behaves as a sink or a source of pollutants on annual basis. The pollution loads from vegetated roofs was also compared with the pollution loads from two non-vegetated roofs l

Öppningar: möten med bibeln

Författarna till denna bok, som är en bok om många böcker, vill erbjuda öppningar till bibeln där text och läsare kan mötas. Boken handlar om att känna igen bibeln, om att berätta bibelns historia, om att leva med bibeln, om att tro på Gud med bibelns hjälp och om att söka kärleken med bibeln. Men den handlar också om att uthärda bibeln och om att kritisera bibeln. För till bibelns verkningshistor

Introduktion till skånsk järnforskning och en tur i den nordskånska skogsbygden

Redan Jacob Langebec I den 18: e cent beskrev Järn och silver produktion historia i Skåne. I den 20: e cent John Nihlen skrev om järnbruk i södra Sverige. Han gjorde Några SURV män I huvudsak arbetade med Skriftliga källor. De privat Scolar Sven Nöjd i Örkelljunga gjorde survais och fullskaliga försök med järnframställning på 1950-talet. Första gången 1986, med projektet "Norra Skånes Medeltid" (N

Linking distributed hydrological processes with ecosystem vegetation dynamics and carbon cycling: Modelling studies in a subarctic catchment of northern Sweden

Popular Abstract in Chinese 北极和亚北极地区对全球气候变化影响尤为重要。目前,北极地区正面临着变暖速度高于全球平均的现状。全球大约有50%的土壤碳储存在高纬度地区的土壤里,这些土壤碳主要分布于冻土层和泥炭层中。冻土层的解冻会使原先被冻结的土壤碳加速分解,产生温室气体,从而对全球变暖形成一个强烈的正反馈。与此同时,气温的增加可能会很大程度地影响植被在这些地区的生长和分布。动态生态系统模型是一种非常强大的工具,被用来研究气候变化对生态系统的影响,并且可以量化生态系统对大气的反馈信息。然而这些模型通常只关注大气、地表植被和土壤之间的水和碳的纵向转移,从而忽略了其在模型空间单元中的横向移动。这样可能会导致模型对于水和碳平衡的计算不够准确和全面,尤其在气候敏感的高纬度极地地区,这种偏差可能会更大。 本论文旨在解决动态生态系统模型中的这个局限性问题。基于目前最先进的动态生态The Arctic and Subarctic regions are of particular importance to the global climate change and are now experiencing a climate warming that is higher than the global average. Around 50% of the global soil carbon is stored in high latitude soils, especially in permafrost and peatland soils. Permafrost thawing, speeding up the decomposition of previously frozen soil carbon, is expected to result in s

The German Energiewende. A transition towards an efficient, sufficient Green Energy Economy

The German “Energiewende” (energy transition) is meant to be a contract between generations. The rebuilding of the whole energy system is designed and financed today in order to safeguard our children and grandchildren against fundamental risks: the enormous economic, social and environmental costs of a fossil-nuclear energy system, the risks of the nuclear fuel-cycle and the impacts of climate ch

Kyrkans liv : introduktion till kyrkovetenskapen

A handbook of Practical Theology, introducing the subject in all its aspects: ecclesiology, the major churches and confessions of the world, homiletics, liturgiology, spirituality, canon law, ecumenics, religious education.