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Mechanisms of Growth Hormone Signal Transduction - Studies on the insulin-like metabolic effects in primary rat adipocytes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tillväxthormon (growth hormone, GH) har en central roll för reglering av tillväxt och ämnesomsättning hos däggdjur. Tillväxthormon frisätts från hypofysen, transporteras i blodet och utövar sina effekter på olika vävnader. Denna avhandling beskriver hur tillväxthormon påverkar ämnesomsättningen i fettceller från råtta, med särskild inriktning på de insulin-lika effekterGrowth hormone (GH) exerts growth-promoting and metabolic effects in mammals. The metabolic effects of GH in adipose tissue are insulin-antagonistic or insulin-like. Cells that just have been exposed to GH are insensitive to the hormone. This study addresses the question of how GH exerts its insulin-like metabolic effects, using primary rat adipocytes as a model system. It is shown that GH increas

Studies on streptococcal M proteins. Interactions with IgA and human complement regulators

Popular Abstract in Swedish Streptococcus pyogenes (grupp A streptokocker) är en bakterie som orsakar flera olika infektionssjukdomar hos människan, av vilka de vanligaste är halsfluss och svinkoppor. För att kunna infektera sin värd använder sig en patogen bakterie av virulens-faktorer och S. pyogenes uttrycker flera olika sådana. Den viktigaste av dessa anses vara M proteinet som S. pyogenes uttThe human pathogenic bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes (group A Streptococcus) expresses several different virulence factors. Of these, the M protein is regarded as one of the most important, because it confers resistance to phagocytosis, allowing the bacterium to multiply in blood. A remarkable property of M proteins is their ability to bind different human plasma proteins, in particular component

Investigations on Emission Sources in Proton-Nucleus and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

Emission sources in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at intermediate energies have been studied. Pion excitation functions from the absolute threshold to 500 MeV have been measured with an ion beam of continuously varying energy with an energy resolution of 1 MeV. Total yields, angular distributions and target mass dependences are compared to QMD and BUU calculations. Proton/deutero

Sorption Microcalorimetry: Method Development and Applications

A double twin isothermal microcalorimeter has been designed and its performance has been tested experimentally. The calorimeter makes it possible to continuously and isothermally scan a solid sample in a broad range of relative vapor pressures at near-equilibrium conditions. The method is suited for measurements with water vapor as well as organic vapors and has been tested at temperatures between

Male and female selective mechanisms, reproductive success and gene flow

In this thesis, I have studied male and female selective mechanisms that can affect plant reproductive success and gene flow. I have focussed on sexually selected traits, mainly pollen competition and maternal sorting mechanisms, for example through non-random ovule abortion. The main question was; what kind of traits can influence the most successful pollen donor or maternal sorting process? I fo

Process analytical methods for monitoring of the film coating on pharmaceutical pellets and tablets using NIR spectrometry and image analysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom processanalytisk kemi är uppgiften att bestämma viktiga egenskaper i en kemisk process under det att tillverkningen fortlöper. Ett vanligt exempel är att man bestämmer halten av något ämne. Eftersom de uppmätta egenskaperna ofta används för att styra processandet mot bästa möjliga betingelser är det av generellt intresse att mätningen går snabbt. Men det är inte noPharmaceutical tablets and pellets are often covered with a coating. There is a need for methods that enable monitoring of the growth of such films during processing. Such analyses can be performed using process analytical chemical methods based on near infrared (NIR) diffuse reflectance spectrometry. It provides with analyses that take only ca. 8 seconds in total analysis time, including physical

Svensk poesi

Den textkritiska antologiutgåvan "Svensk poesi" innehåller drygt 650 dikter från en tidrymd av 1500 år, från tidigt 500-tal till 2016. Den utkom på Albert Bonniers Förlag den 3 maj 2016 och vänder sig dels till studerande i ämnet litteraturvetenskap, dels till en litteraturintresserad allmänhet."Redaktörernas insats är berömvärd, resultatet högst efterlängtat. Detta är den första stora svenska poe

Design of low-power, 1GS/s throughput FFT processor for MIMO-OFDM UWB communication system

A new 8PBF structure for 64/128 flexible point FFT processor is proposed. The processor, which is based on 8*8*2 mixed radix algorithm, can deal with multiple inputs more efficiently for MIMO applications. The 8PFB structure efficiently brings the throughput of the processor up to 1GS/s and the chances of register reverse down, reducing the power dissipation remarkably. Meanwhile the modified shif