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Minimizing risk of hypomethylating agent failure in patients with higher-risk MDS and practical management recommendations.

In Europe, azacitidine is the only hypomethylating agent approved for the treatment of patients with int-2-/high-risk myelodysplastic syndromes, offering significantly improved survival compared with conventional care. However, not all patients treated with azacitidine respond to treatment, and the vast majority of responders subsequently relapse. Currently, no standard care regimens have been est

Post-Soviet Intimacies: An Introduction

This article frames the “Post-Soviet Intimacies” special issue collection. We begin through briefly using Russia as a special case for the wider Soviet sphere and situating recent Russian developments in sexual politics alongside its internal and external conflicts. Our key interpretive frame is that intimacy politics serve as a master key for understanding political and economic patriarchy. After

The Progressive Loss of Syntactical Structure in Bird Song along an Island Colonization Chain

Cultural transmission can increase the flexibility of behavior, such as bird song. Nevertheless, this flexibility often appears to be constrained, sometimes by preferences for learning certain traits over others, a phenomenon known as "biased" learning or transmission [1]. The sequential colonization of the Atlantic Islands by the chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) [2] provides a unique model system in

Thermal Polymorphism and Decomposition of Y(BH4)(3)

The structure and thermal decomposition of Y(BH4)(3) is studied by in situ synchrotron radiation powder X-ray diffraction (SR-PXD), B-11 MAS NMR spectroscopy, and thermal analysis (thermogravimetric analysis/differential scanning calorimetry). The samples were prepared via a metathesis reaction between LiBH4 and YCl3 in different molar ratios mediated by ball milling. A new high temperature polymo

On Women's Ambivalence about Mammography Screening: Support in the Decision-Making Process a Potential Role for Health Care Social Workers?

The aim of this article is to reach a deeper understanding of women's decision-making process regarding non-attendance at mammography screenings. The article also discusses the health care social workers' role in providing support to women during this decision. Eighteen qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with women who had abstained from mammography screening in Malmö, Sweden. T

Cognitive restructuring and acceptance: an empirically grounded conceptual analysis

The study explores the constructs of cognitive restructuring and acceptance using items from well-established measures of the respective constructs in order to determine what subcategories or conceptual nuances that could be empirically detected, and examines these factors’relationship to each other and to positive and negative emotionality, quality of life and clinical status. The design of the s

Global health education in Swedish medical schools.

Global health education is increasingly acknowledged as an opportunity for medical schools to prepare future practitioners for the broad health challenges of our time. The purpose of this study was to describe the evolution of global health education in Swedish medical schools and to assess students' perceived needs for such education.

Evaluation of amylase testing as a tool for saliva screening of crime scene trace swabs.

Amylase testing has been used as a presumptive test for crime scene saliva for over three decades, mainly to locate saliva stains on surfaces. We have developed a saliva screening application for crime scene trace swabs, utilising an amylase sensitive paper (Phadebas((R)) Forensic Press test). Positive results were obtained for all tested dried saliva stains (0.5-32muL) with high or intermediate a

Autism spectrum disorders and coexisting disorders in a nationwide Swedish twin study

Background: Evidence from twin and molecular genetic studies is accumulating that Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) shares substantial etiological factors with other disorders. This is mirrored in clinical practice where ASD without coexisting disorders is rare. The present study aims to examine the range of coexisting disorders in ASD in a genetically informative cohort. Methods: Parents of all Swed

Reading during the composition of multi-sentence texts : an eye-movement study

Writers composing multi-sentence texts have immediate access to a visual representation of what they have written. Little is known about the detail of writers’ eye movements within this text during production. We describe two experiments in which competent adult writers’ eye movements were tracked while performing short expository writing tasks. These are contrasted with conditions in which partic

Effect of 7 yr of experimental drought on vegetation dynamics and biomass storage of an eastern Amazonian rainforest

P>At least one climate model predicts severe reductions of rainfall over Amazonia during this century. Long-term throughfall exclusion (TFE) experiments represent the best available means to investigate the resilience of the Amazon rainforest to such droughts. Results are presented from a 7 yr TFE study at Caxiuana National Forest, eastern Amazonia. We focus on the impacts of the drought on tree m

Radial Nanowire Light-Emitting Diodes in the (AlxGa1-x)yIn1-yP Material System.

Nanowires have the potential to play an important role for next-generation light-emitting diodes. In this work, we present a growth scheme for radial nanowire quantum-well structures in the AlGaInP material system using a GaInP nanowire core as a template for radial growth with GaInP as the active layer for emission and AlGaInP as charge carrier barriers. The different layers were analyzed by X-ra

Photoluminescence study of Zn-doped wurtzite InP core-shell nanowires

In situ Zn doping of InP shells on nanowires in the wurtzite crystal structure has been investigated using diethyl zinc (DEZn) as a precursor. Photoluminescence measurements of single nanowires unexpectedly exhibit an acceptor-related peak at room temperature, in contrast to thin films grown at identical conditions. This peak is observable even using low DEZn molar fractions, which indicates effic

Inclusive deep inelastic scattering at high Q(2) with longitudinally polarised lepton beams at HERA

Inclusive e(+/-)p single and double differential cross sections for neutral and charged current deep inelastic scattering processes are measured with the H1 detector at HERA. The data were taken at a centre-of-mass energy of root s = 319 GeV with a total integrated luminosity of 333.7 pb(-1) shared between two lepton beam charges and two longitudinal lepton polarisation modes. The differential cro