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Phosphoproteomics of primary AML patient samples reveals rationale for AKT combination therapy and p53 context to overcome selinexor resistance

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous disease with variable patient responses to therapy. Selinexor, an inhibitor of nuclear export, has shown promising clinical activity for AML. To identify the molecular context for monotherapy sensitivity as well as rational drug combinations, we profile selinexor signaling responses using phosphoproteomics in primary AML patient samples and cell line

Insect Diversity Estimation in Entomological Lidar

The measurement of biodiversity has been a challenging topic in recent years. Our group uses a remote sensing technique named Scheimflug lidar to monitor insect activity and abundance. A field campaign was conducted back in 2020 at Stensoffa, Sweden, with our lidar system to measure insect activities over a lake. This thesis work aims to develop a method to estimate insect diversity of the data re

Att vara levande död – En djupdykning i vampyrberättelsens litterära tradition genom en komparativ analys av Carmilla och Twilight

Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu var en av de första författarna att tilldela den kvinnliga vampyren en betydande litterär roll i sitt framstående verk Carmilla (1872). Drygt 130 år senare ger Stephenie Meyer nytt liv åt den litterära vampyren i sin roman Twilight (2005) – med en helt annan tolkning av den mytomspunna figuren. Med hjälp av ett feministiskt perspektiv ämnar uppsatsen fördjupa sig i vampyrge

Allelopathy in bryophytes, an in vitro study on the effects of secondary metabolites on moss development and soil microbiota

Allelopathy is a term first introduced by Hans Molisch in his 1937 book titled The Influence of One Plant on Another: Allelopathy and, as it stands, it is defined as the biological phenomenon through which growth, development, reproduction or survival of an organism are altered by the release of biochemicals from another. In this study, we investigate the allelochemical potential of leachates coll

Exercise-induced myocardial edema in master triathletes : Insights from cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging

Background: Strenuous exercise has been associated with functional and structural cardiac changes due to local and systemic inflammatory responses, reflecting oxidative, metabolic, hormonal, and thermal stress, even in healthy individuals. We aimed to assess changes in myocardial structure and function using cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging in master triathletes early after a full-d

Skolsköterskans erfarenheter av att arbeta med psykisk ohälsa hos gymnasieelever under covid -19 pandemin

Psykisk ohälsa har ökat hos ungdomar i Sverige under de senaste 30 åren enligt Folkhälsomyndigheten (2021). Skolsköterskan har i sitt dagliga arbete uppgift att arbeta hälsofrämjande och förebyggande med elevens fysiska och psykiska hälsa. I samband med Covid -19 pandemin fick gymnasieskolor övergå till distansundervisning efter att restriktioner från Folkhälsomyndigheten införts med syfte om