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Log-concave Observers

The Kalman filter is the optimal state observer in the case of linear dynamics and Gaussian noise. In this paper, the observer problem is studied when process noise and measurements are generalized from Gaussian to log-concave. This generalization is of interest for example in the case where observations only give information that the signal is in a given range. It turns out that the optimal obse

Patients’ satisfaction with lower-limb prosthetic and orthotic devices and service delivery in Sierra Leone and Malawi

Background: People with disabilities have the right to personal mobility and available and affordable assistive technology. The aims were to investigate similarities and differences between Sierra Leone and Malawi concerning participants’ mobility and satisfaction with their lower-limb prosthetic or orthotic device and related service delivery, and to identify variables associated with patients’ s

Plasma-derived versus recombinant factor concentrates in PUPs : A never ending debate?

Inhibitor development in haemophilia is a serious complication to treatment with factor concentrates. Since the advent of more pure products, especially developed using recombinant DNA technology, some studies have shown an increased incidence of inhibitors in previously untreated patients (PUPs) receiving recombinant products whereas plasmaderived concentrates sometimes have been claimed to have

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This research makes clear the narrative transformation in a novel called Red Rebel by Ali Ahmad Bakathir after dealing with a systematic an entrance in which he explains what is meant by narrative transformation and how it is implemented in the text of novels through presenting a number of concepts provided by the narrative semiotics by the School of Paris. The first part of this research shows th

The false dichotomy of domain-specific versus domain-general cognition

The qualitative division between domain-general and domain-specificcognition is unsubstantiated. The distinction is instead betterviewed as opposites on a gradual scale, which has more explanatorypower and fits current empirical evidence better. We also argue thatcausal cognition may be more general than social learning, which itoften involves.

Probing the W tb vertex structure in t-channel single-top-quark production and decay in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

To probe the W tb vertex structure, top-quark and W -boson polarisation observables are measured from t-channel single-top-quark events produced in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV. The dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 20.2 fb−1, recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Selected events contain one isolated electron or muon, large missing transverse

Interactive Learning Module for Control Interaction Understanding

This paper describes an interactive tool focused on teaching and learning basic concepts on multivariable control systems. Most industrial processes are represented by multivariable systems and thus the teaching and learning of basic concepts on multivariable control is a key factor in control engineering education. In this sense, the interactive tool presented in this paper is aimed to introduce

Design of measurement noise filters for PID control

This paper treats the trade-off between robustness, load disturbance attenuation, and measurement noise injection for PI and PID control using Lambda, SIMC, and AMIGO tuning. The effects of measurement noise are characterized by SDU, which is a measure of noise activity analogous to the IAE commonly used to characterize performance of load disturbance response. Simple design rules to choose the fi

Understanding PID design through interactive tools

Hundreds of PID design methods are available in literature. Many of them are very similar and sometimes it is not straightforward to understand their purposes. This paper presents an interactive software tool to help in the study and understanding of several wellknown PID tuning rules. Frequency- and time-domain responses are analyzed in order to show the robustness and performance properties of e

The Emerging Landscape of Urban Living Labs : Characteristics, Practices and Examples

There is a growing trend to involve citizens in city development to make urban areas more sustainable and livable. The urban living labs approach offers a way to foster new collaborative, trans-disciplinary ways of thinking in urban planning and development, and provides a real-world testing ground for urban innovation and transformation. This handbook aims to bring open innovation and co-creation

Malawian Prosthetic and Orthotic Users’ Mobility and Satisfaction with their Lower Limb Assistive Device

Objective: To investigate patients’ mobility and satisfaction with their lower limb prosthetic or orthotic device and related service delivery in Malawi and to compare groups of patients regarding type and level of device and demographics. Methods: Questionnaires were used to collect self-report data from 83 patients. Results: Ninety percent of prostheses or orthoses were in use by patients, but a

Graduates’ perceptions of prosthetic and orthotic education and clinical practice in Tanzania and Malawi

Background: Maintaining and improving the quality of prosthetics and orthotics education at the Tanzania Training Centre for Orthopaedic Technologists is essential for the provision of appropriate prosthetics and orthotics services in African countries.Objectives: To describe how Tanzanian and Malawian graduates’ of the Diploma in Orthopaedic Technology perceive their education and how it could be