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Your search for "*" yielded 525543 hits

Impact of baseline COPD symptom severity on the benefit from dual versus mono-bronchodilators : an analysis of the EMAX randomised controlled trial

Rationale: Symptom relief is a key treatment goal in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, there are limited data available on the response to bronchodilator therapy in patients at low risk of exacerbations with different levels of symptom severity. This study compared treatment responses in patients with a range of symptom severities as indicated by baseline COPD as

Quality of life of patients with osteosarcoma in the european american osteosarcoma study-1 (EURAMOS-1) : Development and implementation of a questionnaire substudy

Background: The quality of life (QoL) of patients with osteosarcoma (OS) may be adversely affected by the disease or its treatment. Therefore, it is important to understand the QoL of patients undergoing treatment for OS to improve the QoL. We report on the first prospective international QoL study that was embedded within a large randomized clinical trial from 4 national study groups. Objective:

Cultures in Conflict : Religion, History and Gender in Northern Europe c. 1800–2000

This book includes studies of main conflict areas in modern Western societies where religion has been a central element, ranging from popular movements and narratives of opposition to challenges of religious satire and anti-clerical critique. Special attention is given to matters of politics and gender. With this theme, it provides a useful guide to conflict areas in modern European religious hist

Trials of Beam-Based Sextupole Calibration through 2nd Order Dispersion

In order to achieve nominal performance in terms of the dynamic aperture and lifetime of a storage ring, it is important to be able to characterise and correct its second order optics. At the MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring in Lund, Sweden, the linearity of the 2nd order dispersion with chromatic sextupole field strengths has been utilised to investigate the sextupole circuits. The beating induced in th

The Usefulness of Brief Family Health Conversations Offered to Families Following the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Currently, there are few studies which examine targeted family-focused support when a family member is diagnosed with breast cancer. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore families’ experiences of participating in a family nursing intervention identified as Brief Family Health Conversations (BFamHC) following the diagnosis of breast cancer. Semi-structured family interviews were conducted with

“#COVIDSchmovid! #SummerTreats” : The usage and functions of schm-reduplications in corona virus related discourse

The aim of this paper is to investigate the uses of schm-reduplications, also known as deprecative reduplications, in current corona virus related discourse. The investigation shows that schm-reduplications, such as covid schmovid, corona schmorona and pandemic schmandemic, are often used in a spirit-lifting function, to show that, despite all the threats and complications posed by the virus and n

Digital phantoms for breast imaging

Due to the complexity of clinical breast cancer imaging systems, their validation and optimization are challenging tasks, which require both preclinical and clinical studies. This is particularly true for systems used in breast cancer screening due to the low prevalence of disease in a screening population. Validation for screening requires clinical trials involving very large numbers of volunteer

Robust Terrain-Aided Navigation through Sensor Fusion

To make autonomous, affordable ships feasible in the real world, they must be capable of safely navigating without fully relying on GPS, high-resolution 3D maps, or high-performance navigation sensors. We suggest a method for estimating the position using affordable navigation sensors (compass and speed log or inertial navigation sensor), sensors used for perception of the environment (cameras, ec

Pacemaker programming in patients with first-degree AV-block : Programming pattern and possible consequences

Background: The optimal way of pacing in patients with an indication for pacing and concomitant first-degree atrioventricular (AV)–block is not known, and consequently, firm guidelines on this topic are lacking. This study explored the current pacemaker programming pattern in patients with first-degree AV-block who have a dual chamber pacemaker without cardiac resynchronization. Methods: The study

Ledaren i det svenska civila samhället - En enkätstudie

Rapporten handlar om civilsamhällets ledare och bygger på en enkätundersökning som genomfördes under hösten 2017 med 140 ledare för nationella och regionala organisationer i det civila samhället i Sverige (N. 140). Syftet med rapporten är att ge en bred bild av dessa ledares positioner, de resurser de förfogar över, deras aktiviteter och inflytande, deras erfarenheter kring ledarskap och motiv til

State Reforms in Early Modern Mining : Røros Copperworks and the Role of Workers, Managers, Investors and the State in Business Development

State reforms adopted in the 1680s prevented the largest copperworks in the Oldenburg Monarchy, Røros, from shutdown. They appear to be a forerunner in Europe. The changes ensured supply deliveries and regular wage payments through spread of ownership, delegating more responsibilities to the Director and managers and introducing complex control mechanisms and state monitoring of the accounts and d

Evaluation of a zone model for fire safety engineering in large spaces

Thanks to simple and straightforward calculation methods it is rather easy to estimate gas temperatures in small- or medium sized enclosures; however, the problem becomes more complex if fire safety analyses are to be performed in large spaces where the hot gas layer cannot be regarded as uniform. Using a multi-zone modelling concept could be a good alternative for such situations. However, few suThanks to simple and straightforward calculation methods it is rather easy to estimate gas temperatures in small- or medium sized enclosures; however, the problem becomes more complex if fire safety analyses are to be performed in large spaces where the hot gas layer cannot be regarded as uniform. Using a multi-zone modelling concept could be a good alternative for such situations. However, few su

4MOST Consortium Survey 2: The Milky Way Halo High-Resolution Survey

We will study the formation history of the Milky Way, and the earliest phases of its chemical enrichment, with a sample of more than 1.5 million stars at high galactic latitude. Elemental abundances of up to 20 elements with a precision of better than 0.2 dex will be derived for these stars. The sample will include members of kinematically coherent substructures, which we will associate with their

Transport av stallgödsel – lärdomar från Nederländerna och Danmark

I det moderna lantbruket blir gårdarna allt större och mer specialiserade. En följd kan bli överskott av stallgödsel i områden med mycket djur, vilket ökar risken för näringsläckage. Samtidigt är stallgödsel en värdefull resurs som tillför näringsämnen till marken och gör den bördig. Skulle transporter av stallgödsel till områden med växtodling kunna bidra till att minska näringsläckaget i djurtät