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Your search for "*" yielded 535752 hits

Evolution of mate signalling in moths: Biosynthetic gene families and diversification of female sex pheromones

Pheromones are intraspecific chemical signals serving as a ubiquitous form of communication, particularly among insects. Female sex-pheromone signals act as the core constituent in the specialized odour-mediated moth mate-recognition system. Female moths typically release multicomponent mixtures of alcohols, aldehydes or acetates. The biosynthetic machinery controlling pheromone production compris

Global Proteome Survey -Transforming antibody-based affinity proteomics into a global discovery platform

Popular Abstract in Swedish En av de stora vetenskapliga bedrifterna hittills under 2000-talet är onekligen att man efter många års arbete för första gången lyckades kartlägga (sekvensera) samtliga mänskliga gener. Det mänskliga DNA:t är lokaliserat till cellkärnan och i princip så kan man likna en cellkärna med ett kontrollrum fyllt av manualer (DNA) som talar om cellens sammansättning och hur deProteomics is expected to generate new insights into biological processes as well as identify novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets since most biological functions are transmitted through proteins. However, due to the complexity displayed by a proteome and inherent limitations associated with current methodologies, proteomic analyses often result in incomplete coverage and inconsistent measurem

Electropermeabilization in Experimental Tumour Treatment: Dosimetry and Tissue Effects

Short, electric high-voltage pulses can be used to transiently increase the permeability of cell membranes without significant loss of cell viability. During this period of time, extracellular and normally non-permeant, molecules are accessed the cytoplasm and the cell nucleus. This technique is called electroporation or electropermeabilization (EP). EP has been employed in vivo to internalise ant

Lena Cronqvist: Reflections of Girls

Popular Abstract in Swedish Utgångspunkten för den här avhandlingen har varit det stora antalet bilder som motsäger den vanliga trenden i konst att avbilda flickor som oskyldiga, romantiska och sexualiserade. Målet med avhandlingen är att för första gången presentera forskning om den svenska konstnären Lena Cronqvists (född 1938) flickbilder och att skapa kunskap om bilder av flickor i konst i allThe starting point for this PhD, is the large number of girls that opposed the common trend in which girls are represented as innocent, romantic and sexual. The aim of this study has been to provide the first piece of research ever on this body of work by the Swedish artist Lena Cronqvist (b. 1938) and to cast new light on representations of girls in art in general. Cronqvist is one of Sweden's ma

Feeding ideals and the work of feeding in Swedish families: interactions of mothers and children around the dinner table

Feeding norms are pervasive, and ideals of healthy food increase in relation to advice from commercial and government actors. Here we address how perceptions of “proper” food in Swedish family households are formed in relation to children’s preferences. We argue that what is served in today’s Swedish families should be understood in the context of discourse related to food and feeding and as a con

Polarization charge of particles near threshold due to the coupling to shape oscillations

It is shown that the isoscalar strength in the energy region just above the low energy threshold, which is created by exciting particles to the continuum in nuclei far from β-stability lines, can be reduced by the attractive coupling to isoscalar shape oscillations. This is in contrast to the well known fact that in β-stable nuclei low lying isoscalar particle hole strengths are always increased b