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Your search for "*" yielded 532570 hits

A simple score to assess mortality risk in patients waiting for coronary artery bypass grafting

Background. Independent risk factors for death in patients waiting for elective coronary artery bypass surgery have previously been identified. A prioritization where these factors are considered may potentially reduce waiting list mortality. A simple score based on the risk factors was constructed and validated. Methods. A scoring system based on risk factors in 5,864 consecutive patients operate

Implantation of the human embryo: Research lines and models

Infertility is an increasing problem all over the world, and it has been estimated that 10 - 15% of couples in fertile age have fertility problems. Likewise induced unsafe abortion is a serious threat to women's health. Despite advances made in assisted reproduction techniques, little progress has been made in increasing the success rate during fertility treatment. This document describes a wide r

Environmental dose rate heterogeneity of beta radiation and its implications for luminescence dating: Monte Carlo modelling and experimental validation

The recent development of rapid single sand-sized grain analyses in luminescence dating has necessitated the accurate interpretation of D-e distributions to recover a representative D-e acquired since the last bleaching event. Beta heterogeneity may adversely affect the variance and symmetry of D-e distributions and it is important to characterise this effect, both to ensure that dose distribution

Influence of solvent mixing on the morphology and performance of solar cells based on polyfluorene copolymer/fullerene blends

The influence of the solvent on the morphology and performance of polymer solar cells is investigated ill devices based on blends of the polyfluorene copolymer, poly(2,7-(9,9-dioctyl-fluorene)-alt-5,5-(4',7'-di-2-thienyl-2',1',3'-ben zothiadiazole)), and [6,6]-phenyl-C-61-butyric acid methyl ester. The blends are spin-coated from chloroform or from chloroform mixed with small amounts of xylene, to

Regulation of Blood Coagulation by the Protein C Anticoagulant Pathway. Novel Insights Into Structure-Function Relationships and Molecular Recognition.

The protein C system provides important control of blood coagulation by regulating the activities of factor VIIIa (FVIIIa) and factor Va(FVa), cofactors in the activation of factor X and prothrombin, respectively. The system comprises membrane-bound and circulating proteins that assemble into multi-molecular complexes on cell surfaces. Vitamin K-dependent protein C, the key component of the system

Modelling the movement of a soil insect

We use a linear autoregressive model to describe the movement of a soil-living insect, Protaphorura armata (Collembola). Models of this kind can be viewed as extensions of a random walk, but unlike a correlated random walk, in which the speed and turning angles are independent, our model identifies and expresses the correlations between the turning angles and a variable speed. Our model uses data

Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of steam-pretreated barley straw at low enzyme loadings and low yeast concentration

The maximum concentration of water-insoluble solids (WIS) in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) is restricted due to inhibition of the enzymes and the yeast, as well as mass transport problems caused by the viscosity of the pretreated material. However, the higher the concentration of WIS during SSF the less energy is needed in the subsequent distillation and evaporation steps. I

Kinetic studies on high temperature desulphurization of synthesis gas with zinc ferrite

The desulphurization of synthesis gas with zinc ferrite was studied in a laboratory-scale fixed-bed reactor. Desulphurization efficiency of 97-99% was obtained. The inlet hydrogen sulphide concentration was about-2600 ppm. A flat breakthrough curve showed that diffusion through the sulphide layer controlled the rate of sulphidization. The degrees of utilization varied between 5 and 11%. Experiment

The topological reconstruction of forced oscillators

Periodically forced oscillators are among the simplest dynamical systems capable to display chaos. They can be described by the variables position and velocity, together with the phase of the force. Their phase-space corresponds therefore to R-2 x S-1. The organization of the periodic orbits can be displayed with braids having only positive crossings. Topological characterization of dynamical syst

Case management for individuals with a severe mental illness: a 6-year follow-up study.

Background: As a part of a set of reforms launched in 1995, 10 pilot case management services were established in Sweden, which have been subject to an evaluation with regard to outcome and changes in use of services. The present study was designed to provide information about client outcomes over a 6-year follow-up period. Aims: The aim of the study was to investigate changes during the follow-up

Recommendations on the diagnosis and management of Niemann-Pick disease type C

Niemann-Pick disease type C (NP-C) is a lysosomal storage disease in which impaired intracellular lipid trafficking leads to excess storage of cholesterol and glycosphingolipids in the brain and other tissues. it is characterized clinically by a variety of progressive, disabling neurological symptoms including clumsiness, limb and gait ataxia, dysarthria, dysphagia and cognitive deterioration (dem

Breast carcinoma in situ in 167 women--incidence, mode of presentation, therapy and follow-up

In the city of Malmo, in southern Sweden, 1693 women were diagnosed as having breast carcinoma during 1976 through 1984. Of these, 167 women had pure in situ breast carcinoma (9.9%). One hundred and thirty-two had ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) alone or in combination with lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS), intracystic carcinoma and/or Paget's disease of the nipple. Thirty-three had pure LCIS and

A capillary-based amperometric flow immunoassay for 2,4,6-trichlorophenol

This paper describes the development of two different capillary-based heterogeneous competitive flow immunoassay formats (capillary flow injection immunoassay (CFIIA) and capillary sequential injection immunoassay (CSIIA)) for the determination of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (2,4,6-TCP). The assays are based on the competition between the analyte and an analyte derivative labelled with the enzyme #-gala

Complex scaling and self adjoint dilations

Complex scaling of the Schrodinger equation on the halfaxis with a nontrivial boundary condition at the origin is investigated. A self-adjoint dilation of the corresponding dissipative operator is constructed. The relations between the scattering problems for the operator and it's dilation are clarified

Phase I/II clinical and pharmacokinetic study evaluating a fully human monoclonal antibody against EGFr (HuMax-EGFr) in patients with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

Purpose: To assess safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and clinical activity of HuMax-EGFr in patients with SCCHN. Patients and methods: Twenty-eight patients with SCCHN were enrolled. The study comprised a single-dose escalation part for assessment of safety issues followed by a repeat dose extension including 4 weekly infusions at the same doses. Efficacy and metabolic response were evaluated

Prevention of dislocation of the hip in children with cerebral palsy. The first ten years of a population-based prevention programme.

In 1994, a register for cerebral palsy and a health-care programme were started in southern Sweden with the aim of preventing dislocation of the hip in children with cerebral palsy. It involved all children with cerebral palsy born in 1992 or later. None of the 206 affected children born between 1992 and 1997 has developed a dislocation following the introduction of the prevention programme. Anoth

Associations between lipoprotein lipase gene polymorphisms and plasma correlations of lipids, lipoproteins and lipase activities in young myocardial infarction survivors and age-matched healthy individuals from Sweden

Association studies were carried out on a sample of 87 patients from Sweden who had survived a myocardial infarction (MI) at a young age and 93 age-matched healthy individuals, to compare the impact of polymorphisms (PvuII, HindIII and Serine447-Stop) at the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene locus on among-individual differences in plasma lipid traits and progression of atherosclerosis. Significant li

Re-evaluation of mitochondrial permeability transition as a primary neuroprotective target of minocycline.

Minocycline has been shown to be neuroprotective in ischemic and neurodegenerative disease models and could potentially be relevant for clinical use. We revisited the hypothesis that minocycline acts through direct inhibition of calcium-induced mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) resulting in reduced release of cytochrome c (cyt c). Minocycline, at high dosage, was found to prevent calcium