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Your search for "*" yielded 532570 hits

Reduced examination time by monocular and bilateral examination in the same session with a new computerized dark adaptometer

To reduce the examination time for dark adaptometry, which including preadaptometry normally takes 30 minutes for an eye, a computerized adaptometer was constructed allowing monocular examination of both eyes simultaneously. The total examination time was thereby reduced from 60 to 30 minutes. This improvement was achieved by the use of electronically monitored transparent shutters that were alter

Temperature constraints on the growth and functioning of root organ cultures with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

(.) In this study we investigated the effects of temperature on fungal growth and tested whether the differences in fungal growth were related to the effects of temperature on carbon movement to, or within, the fungus. (.) Growth curves and C uptake-transfer-translocation measurements were obtained for three arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) isolates cultured within a 6-30 degrees C temperature r

Cellular DNA content and prognosis of high-grade soft tissue sarcoma: the Scandinavian Sarcoma Group experience

The nuclear DNA content of 148 high-grade soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities and trunk was determined by flow cytometry, using tumor material from paraffin-embedded tissue. The patients were part of a prospective randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of adjuvant single-agent chemotherapy with doxorubicin. Chemotherapy did not improve the metastasis-free survival (MFS). After a median foll

Picranitine, a new indole alkaloid from Picralima nitida (Apocynaceae)

A new indole alkaloid, picranitine, has been-isolated from the seeds of Picralima nitida, along with five known, indole alkaloids picratidine, akuammine, pseudoakuammine, akuammicine and akuammidine previously identified from the same source. Structures were elucidated through exhaustive spectral studies including 1D. (H-1 and C-13 NMR) and 2D-NMR (HMQC, HMBC and NOESY).

Influence of temperature, modified atmosphere packaging, and heat treatment on aroma compounds in broccoli

The aroma compounds in broccoli stored in different modified atmospheres were studied. The packaging materials used were oriented polypropylene (OPP), poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) containing an ethylene-absorbing sachet. All samples were stored for either 1 week at a constant temperature of 10 degreesC or for 3 days at 4 degreesC, followed by 4 days at 10 degrees

Competition and cooperation between tenascin-R, lecticans and contactin 1 regulate neurite growth and morphology

The extracellular matrix molecule tenascin-R (TN-R) and the proteoglycans of the lectican family show an overlapping distribution in the developing brain, have been implicated in similar cellular processes and form a complex network of interactions. Previously, we have demonstrated that TN-R induces microprocesses along neurites and enlarged growth cones of tectal cells by interacting with the cel

A snapshot of terror: Acute posttraumatic reactions to the September 11 attack.

This paper reports on acute posttraumatic reactions and forms of coping to the September 11 attack. We conducted a survey within three weeks of the attack on a nationwide, representative sample of individuals 13 years or older (N = 3,134). Measures included the Stanford Acute Stress Reaction Questionnaire (SASRQ), the brief version of the COPE, and questions about demographics and attitudes toward

Asymmetric toes aid underwater swimming

The unique morphology of the toes of the great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus), which are asymmetrically lobed with a narrower skin flap on the lateral side of the toe, enables these birds to swim very efficiently. Here we study video recordings of a diving grebe and stroboscopic pictures of its moving feet and conclude that the bird uses a hydrodynamically lift-based foot (power) stroke to pro

Image analysis for monitoring of crack growth in hydropower concrete structures

A digital image analysis technique for crack monitoring using a standard web-camera has been further developed to acquire continuous data sets on crack development in concrete dams. The method is based on an existing robust and straightforward non-contact method for experimental deformation analysis. It allows for the measurement of suspected serious cracks, identified from inspections, through a

Composition effect on peptide interaction with lipids and bacteria: Variants of C3a peptide CNY21

The effect of peptide hydrophobicity and charge on peptide interaction with model lipid bilayers was investigated for the C3a-derived peptide CNY21 by fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism, ellipsometry, z-potential, and photon correlation spectroscopy measurements. For both zwitterionic and anionic liposomes, the membrane-disruptive potency for CNY21 variants increased with increasing net

A modified Ross operation to prevent pulmonary autograft dilatation.

A modification in Ross operation is described in which the free-standing pulmonary autograft root is suspended in a Dacron prosthetic vascular jacket with a view to prevent dilatation of the neo-aortic root. In a group of 13 patients operated consecutively using this technique, there was no significant increase in the diameters of the neo-aortic root after a mean 16-month follow-up. Aortic valve f

Endogenous steroid hormone levels in early pregnancy and risk of testicular cancer in the offspring: A nested case-referent study

According to the leading hypothesis on testicular cancer (TC) etiology exposure to a specific pattern of steroid hormones in utero, in particular, to high levels of estrogens and low levels of androgens is the major determinant of TC risk in the offspring. We performed a case-referent study nested within Finnish, Swedish and Icelandic maternity cohorts exploiting early pregnancy serum samples to e

Code Division Multiple Element Synthetic Aperture Transmission

In conventional synthetic transmit aperture imaging (STA) the image is built up from a number of low resolution images each originating from consecutive single element firings to yield a high resolution image. This lowers the frame rate and may result in motion artifacts. This paper, describes a method in which all transmitting centers can be excited at the same time and separated at the receiver

Limitations of a pencil beam approach to photon dose calculations in lung tissue

A common limitation in treatment planning systems for photon dose calculation is to ignore the impact on electron transport and photon scatter from patient heterogeneities. The heterogeneity correlation is often based on scaling operations along beam rays as for the method according to Batho or the more novel approach of 1D convolutions along beam paths applied in pencil-beam-based systems. The ef