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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Efficient identification of miRNAs for classification of tumor origin

Carcinomas of unknown primary origin constitute 3% to 5% of all newly diagnosed metastatic cancers, with the primary source difficult to classify with current histological methods. Effective cancer treatment depends on early and accurate identification of the tumor; patients with metastases of unknown origin have poor prognosis and short survival. Because miRNA expression is highly tissue specific

Landscaping the cell surface proteome of breast cancer : Following pathways through organelles to the plasma membrane

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. It is most commonly treated by the surgical removal of the tumour in combination with (neo)-adjuvant therapy (hormone, chemo- or radio- therapy before or after surgery). However, a large number of patients are over treated, with approximately 60% being given adjuvant therapy when already cured by surgery alone. This causes many undesirable

Composition of amino acids, fatty acids and dietary fibre monomers in kernels of Adansonia digitata and Sclerocarya birrea

There is increasing demand for sources of energy and non-meat protein with balanced amino acid profiles worldwide. Nuts are rich in protein and essential amino acids, and have a high energy value due to their high fat content. Kernels from two wild fruits in Mozambique, Adansonia digitata and Sclerocarya birrea, were selected for this study to determine their amino acid and fatty acid composition,

Asymptotic Collinearity in CCE Estimation of Interactive Effects Models

Researchers sometime fall into the dummy variable trap. A typical scenario in panel data is when wanting to estimate the effect of a regressor that is time invariant, such as sex or race, and accidentally including cross-section specific fixed effects. The problem here is that the fixed effects and the regressor are collinear, which causes the resulting pooled least squares estimator to break down

Adherence to optimal heart rate control in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction : insight from a survey of heart rate in heart failure in Sweden (HR-HF study)

Introduction: Despite that heart rate (HR) control is one of the guideline-recommended treatment goals for heart failure (HF) patients, implementation has been painstakingly slow. Therefore, it would be important to identify patients who have not yet achieved their target heart rates and assess possible underlying reasons as to why the target rates are not met. Materials and methods: The survey of

Middle-aged patients with an MRI-verified medial meniscal tear report symptoms commonly associated with knee osteoarthritis : A cross-sectional study of 199 patients

Background and purpose — No consensus exists on when to perform arthroscopic partial meniscectomy in patients with a degenerative meniscal tear. Since MRI and clinical tests are not accurate in detecting a symptomatic meniscal lesion, the patient’s symptoms often play a large role when deciding when to perform surgery. We determined the prevalence and severity of self-reported knee symptoms in pat

Deliberate self-harm behavior among young violent offenders

Deliberate self-harm behavior (DSH) can have profound effects on a person’s quality of life, and challenges the health care system. Even though DSH has been associated with aggressive interpersonal behaviors, the knowledge on DSH in persons exhibiting such behaviors is scarce. This study aims to (1) specify the prevalence and character of DSH, (2) identify clinical, neurocognitive, psychosocial, a

High RBM3 expression is associated with an improved survival and oxaliplatin response in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer

Background: High expression of the RNA-binding motif protein 3 (RBM3) has been shown to correlate, with prolonged survival in several malignant diseases and with the benefit of platinum-based chemotherapy in ovarian cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate RBM3 in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) as a prognostic factor for overall survival and in relation to benefit of first-line chemother

BrownoutCC: Cascaded Control for Bounding the Response Times of Cloud Applications

Cloud computing has emerged as an inexpensive and powerful computing paradigm, to the point that now even applications with hard deadlines are executed in the cloud. It may happen, due to unexpected events, that an application becomes popular and receives a lot of attention and client requests in a short period of time. Provisioning computing capacity for such applications is quite a difficult tas

Low-frequency electromagnetic stimulation may lead to regression of Morris hepatoma in buffalo rats

OBJECTIVE: The influence of low-frequency electromagnetic (LF-EM) waves on the processes of carcinogenesis and tumor growth has been the subject of experimental investigations for more than two decades and the results are promising. In parallel, an interesting method of complementary medicine, biophysical-information therapy (BIT) or bioresonance therapy (BRT), which in principle is based on LF-EM

Accuracy of Clinical Tests in Detecting Disk Herniation and Nerve Root Compression in Subjects With Lumbar Radicular Symptoms

Objectives: To investigate the accuracy of 3 commonly used neurodynamic tests (slump test, straight-leg raise [SLR] test, femoral neurodynamic test) and 2 clinical assessments to determine radiculopathy (radiculopathy I, 1 neurologic sign; radiculopathy II, 2 neurologic signs corresponding to 1 specific nerve root) in detecting magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings (extrusion, subarticular ner

Sustainability in Housing First-pilots

Sustainability in Housing First-pilotsThe Housing First service in Helsingborg (Sweden) started as a pilot project in September 2010. The evaluation that we carried out during the services first years showed positive results, including a high housing stability rate. The results of the evaluation became important arguments when the city of Helsingborg decided to make the Housing first project to a The Housing First service in Helsingborg (Sweden) started as a pilot project in September 2010. The evaluation that we carried outduring the service first years showed positive results, including a high housing retention rate. The results of the evaluation becameimportant arguments when the city of Helsingborg decided to make the Housing first project a permanent part of their social housingprogra

Heat matters when matter heats – The effect of temperature-dependent material properties on metal cutting simulations

The goal of metal cutting research is to predict process conditions accurately with a model or a simulation, in order to optimize and develop the processes. Development of such a model requires understanding of multiple branches of physics and engineering such as continuum mechanics, thermodynamics, tribology and materials science. For an accurate model, each aspect of the process must be modelled

Effect of low-molecular-weight heparin (Tinzaparin) and unfractionated heparin on platelet aggregation

A low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), Tinzaparin, was compared with unfractionated heparin (UFH) for their effects on platelet aggregation in vitro and ex vivo. Both heparins showed a dose-dependent proaggregatory effect on ADP- and collagen-induced platelet aggregation in vitro, but LMWH was less potent. The differences in potency between Tinzaparin and UFH depended on how the compounds were com

Antithrombotic effect of recombinant truncated tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI1-161) in experimental venous thrombosis : A comparison with low molecular weight heparin

The aim was to investigate whether a truncated recombinant Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (TFPI1-161) which lacked the third Kunitz-type domain and the basic c-terminal region, had an antithrombotic effect comparable to LMWH in a randomised double-dummy study. The experimental thrombosis was induced in jugular veins, in a total of 40 rabbits by a combination of destruction of the endothelium and

Stump harvesting can affect the emissions of methane and nitrous oxide

The emissions of the greenhouse gases methane and nitrous oxide wereconsistently low in relation to carbon dioxide emissions at four experimental sites.Stump harvesting did not seem to affect the emissions of methane and nitrousoxide. Soil moisture was a major factor for methane emissions – independent ofsoil treatments. These studies are the first ones in the world and should beinterpreted with c