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Eco-apocalypse and the forcing of environmental consensus
Stereotypes about Immigrants in Swedish and Danish Local Media
Using Latent Semantic Analysis to Asses the Semantic Content of Narratives from Children with Typical and Atypical Language Development
Osten och maskarna: Carlo Ginzburg
The installation of the test FEL at MAX-lab has recently been completed. The system will be seeded by a tripled Ti:Sapphire laser (263 nm) synchronized to the RF system and the gun laser. Issues important for the seeding will be presented, ranging from the laser system via the layout of photon and electron optics to timing/synchronization and the theoretical approach.
Professionella yrkesgruppers förhållande till andra yrken och professioner: samarbete, underordning eller konflikt
Botswana - questioning an African success story
Botswana has been depicted as an African success story having the highest long-run growth rates over the last four decades since independence combined with a stable multi-party democratic system. In this paper the success story is critically investigated and analysed from a structural perspective. The question is posed if Botswana's success truly is a case of economic development as opposed to gro
The Visuality of Traditional Textile
In the course of writing my thesis I have spent considerable time of my research in the archives of local handicraft associations. Working parallel to a research-environment that predominantly has been using methods of Material Culture (Henry Glassie, 1999) I have myself occasionally tried to add the thought of seeing traditional textile as an important visual culture. The treatment of different
Studenter i en akademisk språkvärld
Utbildning, ekonomisk omvandling och tillväxt
Recension av Michael Sandel, "What Money Can't Buy. The Moral Limits of Markets"
Fatherhood and Men’s Everyday Time Use in Sweden, 1990/91-2000/01
al-Mu'aladjat al-Buqratiyya: an Arabic medical encyclopedia from the 10th century
Building What? The Challenge of Introducing Alternative Building Practices into the Aqaba Built Environment
An Iterative Adaptive Approach for Blood Velocity Estimation Using Ultrasound
Bastardpop – On Digital Sound Recycling
Efficiency Versus Protection in Randomized Responses Designs
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