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Modeling of Reverse Flow Partial Oxidation Process for Gasifier Product Gas Upgrading

Biomass gasification is one of the alternatives to producing liquid fuels and chemicals from biomass residues. The gas produced in gasification contains CO, H2, H2O, CO2, light hydrocarbons and tars. Depending on the gasifier type, operating conditions and fuel, the light hydrocarbons can contain as much as 50 % of the total energy contents in the gas. The gas also contains catalyst poisons such a

Train evacuation inside a tunnel: An interview study with senior citizens and people with disabilities

An interview study was performed in order to reveal some of the problems associated with evacuation of a train inside a tunnel for senior citizens and people with disabilities, and to identify possible technical installations that would aid their evacuation. A total of 19 people took part in the study, in which it was demonstrated that senior citizens and people with disabilities require either a

Charged Polymers: From DNA to Polyampholytes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Polymerer är långa kedjeliknande molekyler som är vanligt förekommande i naturen och även i många tekniska sammanhang. I lösning är polymerer ofta laddade. De kallas för polyelektrolyter om de har en sorts laddning och polyamfolyter om de har både positiva och negativa laddningar. Exempelvis så är DNA och RNA polyelektrolyter medan proteiner är polyamfolyter. Mitt arbetThree main themes are outlined in this thesis: Polyelectrolytes/DNA : In a living cell, DNA molecules have a compact conformation in order to fit in, while in a test tube they will take on an expanded cylindrical shape, due to the negative phosphate groups along the DNA molecule. With the help of computer simulations it has been shown that like-charged monomers of a poly- electrolyte can attract

Automotive Electromagnetic Compatibility - Prediction and Analysis of Parasitic Components in Conductor Layouts

The electronics in the automotive industry is facing a new era where safety critical functions are electrified, as for example drive-by-wire technology. At the same time as the number of electrical loads in the vehicles is increasing, the time to market is decreasing. Full scale prototypes of a vehicle are often only available at a late stage in the development process where changes are rather cos

Residual stresses in TiN, DLC and MoS2 coated surfaces with regard to their tribological fracture behaviour

Thin hard coatings on components and tools are used increasingly due to the rapid development in deposition techniques, tribological performance and application skills. The residual stresses in a coated surface are crucial for its tribological performance. Compressive residual stresses in PVD deposited TiN and DLC coatings were measured to be in the range of 0.03–4 GPa on steel substrate and 0.1–1

Den moderne Ivar Lo-Johansson: Modernisering, modernitet och modernism i statarromanerna

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om arbetarförfattaren Ivar Lo-Johanssons modernitet, sådan den kommer till uttryck i de sk. statarromanerna: Godnatt, jord (1933), Bara en mor (1939) och Traktorn (1943). Först undersöks hur modernisering och modernitet skildras i romanerna och därefter hur författaren förhåller sig till den litterära riktning som kommit att symbolisera den esteThis dissertation examines the modernity of the Swedish proletarian author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990), as manifested in the so-called 'statare' novels: Godnatt, jord (Breaking Free, 1933), Bara en mor (Only a Mother, 1939), and Traktorn (1943). The dissertation examines, on the one hand, modernisation and modernity as the topoi of these novels, and on the other, how the author relates to the li

A thermostable alkaline protease from a new alkaliphilic Nesterenkonia sp.

This thesis concerns a novel alkaline protease produced by an extremophilic microbial specie, designated as AL20, isolated from a feather sample collected at the shore of the alkaline soda lake Abjata in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. The isolate is a heterotrophic, alkaliphilic, halotolerant gram-positive, strictly aerobic, non-motile, non-spore forming bacterium. The organism grew at 37°C, pH 10, an