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Transferring Teaching to Testing – an Unexplored Aspect of Teachable Agents

The present study examined whether socio-motivational effects from working with a Teachable Agent (TA) might transfer from the formative learning phase to a summative test situation. Forty-nine students (9-10 years old) performed a digital pretest of math skills, then played a TA-based educational math game in school over a period of eight weeks. Thereafter, the students were divided into two grou

The Right to Water: An inquery into legal empowerment and property rights formation in Tanzania

In 2008 the Commission for the Legal Empowerment of the Poor, CLEP, put forward a grand policy proposition claiming that comprehensive legal, political, social and economic reforms whereby the poor are legally empowered can put an end to perpetuating poverty in developing countries. A well functioning rule of law is considered the foundation on which all institutional structures promoting economic

Clio på bio. Om amerikansk film, historia och identitet

History in films often reflects attitudes in contemporary society. Thus, films deals more with the time when it was produced rather then the historical time that it is set in. In Clio på bio, I discuss how american history have been "written" and "rewritten" in films due to changes in the american society from late 19th century to the early 21st century.

Novel binding specificities engineered into the scaffold of a carbohydrate binding module

The growing field of biotechnology is in constant need of proteins that can function as recognition tools for separational, analytical and therapeutic purposes. Different molecular engineering approaches are applied on natural proteins in order to create variants with desired properties. This thesis is based on five original papers that deal with selection, characterisation and application of nove

Kulturorienterad psykologi

This chapter gives an introduction to how psychology has dealt with the human being as a culture influenced being. This topic is discussed also within the context of cross-cultural interaction and migration to a new country. First the debate on the meaning of culture is reviewed and discussed. Here the changing and heterogeneous nature of socially dependent understanding is emphasized. The larger

Many-Valued Hybrid Logic

In this paper we define a many-valued semantics for hybrid logic and we give a sound and complete tableau system which is proof-theoretically well-behaved, in particular, it gives rise to a decision procedure for the logic. This shows that many-valued hybrid logics is a natural enterprise and opens up the way for future applications.

Organizational Psychology and Safety Culture in Air Traffic Control : Concerning Organizational Climate, Situational Leadership and Psychosocial Work Environment

Popular Abstract in Swedish Föreliggande avhandling behandlar organisatoriska aspekter såsom organi-sationsklimat, psykosocial arbetsmiljö, situationsanpassat ledarskap samt säkerhetskultur inom den svenska flygtrafikledningen. Avhandlingen är en del av ett större forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt ? Human Factors in Air Navigation Services (HUFA) ? som drivs i samarbe-te mellan det svenska LuftfThe air traffic control industry in Europe is under mounting pressure due to increasing air traffic and inefficient routines caused by a fragmented air space. In order to handle the demands the European Commission has launched a program entitled the Single European Sky initiative which seeks to promote a more efficient way of handling the air traffic over Europe. A reorganization of air traffic ma

Botaniska bilder till allmänheten : om utgivningen av Carl Lindmans Bilder ur Nordens flora

The aim of this study, ”Botanical pictures for the public: On the publication of Carl Lindman’s Bilder ur Nordens flora”, is to investigate the process of how botanical illustrations are designed and produced and how they reach their readers. The perspective is that of book history. The study is based on a large body of previously unresearched empirical material consisting of originals, printed pi

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This report contains a summarised description of the experimental design, results and implications of separately pub¬lished analyses. The aim of the investigation has been to study the effects of traditional tutoring and self-confrontation via CCTV and video-recording on student teachers' self-assessment In addition, the report contains recommenda¬tions for further research and for further analyse

Spectral Analysis of Neutron Capture Elements in the Laboratory and Stars

Popular Abstract in Swedish Grundämnena tyngre än järns ursprung är en vital fråga inom historien on och evolutionen av vår galax. Grundämnena upp till och med järngruppen produceras huvudsakligen genom fusion inne i stjärnor som ger dem deras energi. De ännu tyngre grundämnena produceras istället huvudsakligen genom neutroninfångningsprocesser: Den svaga s-processen, huvud-s-processen och r-proceThe pedigree of the elements heavier than iron is a vital question in the history and evolution of our galaxy. The elements up to and including those of the iron group are produced mainly through fusion processes within stars, giving the stars their energy. The even heavier elements are instead mainly produced through neutron capture processes: weak s-process, main s-process and r-process. The wea

Initiating and terminating verbal interaction between nurses and severely demented patients regarded as vocally disruptive.

The care of demented patients requires clear communication during care procedures. Earlier studies have shown that nurses were often vague in their verbal communication and unpublished observations indicated that in some cases demented patients continued to be verbally active after the nurses had left. This study aimed at exploring further the initiating and terminating phases of verbal interactio

Inclusion-exclusion algorithms for counting set partitions

Given a set U with n elements and a family of subsets S ⊆ 2U we show how to count the number of k-partitions S1 ∪ ... ∪ Sk = U into subsets Si ∈ S in time 2nnO(1). The only assumption on S is that it can be enumerated in time 2nnO(1). In effect we get exact algorithms in time 2nnO(1) for several well-studied partition problems including domatic number, chromatic number, bounded component spanning