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Straffrättsliga förhållningsregler : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av förbuds-, påbuds- och permissivregler som riktar sig till enskilda

This thesis focuses on conduct rules in criminal law. Such rules prohibit, proscribe and permit different courses of conduct that individuals are obligated to, or in the case of permissions, allowed to follow. The correlates to conduct rules are criminal adjudication rules. As a result, very little has been said in the literature about conduct rules and how they function. This knowledge gap raises

Multiplicity dependence of charged-particle jet production in pp collisions at √s=13TeV

The multiplicity dependence of jet production in pp collisions at the centre-of-mass energy of s=13TeV is studied for the first time. Jets are reconstructed from charged particles using the anti-kT algorithm with resolution parameters R varying from 0.2 to 0.7. The jets are measured in the pseudorapidity range | ηjet| < 0.9 - R and in the transverse momentum range 5

Constraints on Higgs boson production with large transverse momentum using H →b b ¯ decays in the ATLAS detector

This paper reports constraints on Higgs boson production with transverse momentum above 1 TeV. The analyzed data from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV were recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider from 2015 to 2018 and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 136 fb-1. Higgs bosons decaying into bb¯ are reconstructed as single large-radius jets re

Search for single production of a vectorlike T quark decaying into a Higgs boson and top quark with fully hadronic final states using the ATLAS detector

A search is made for a vectorlike T quark decaying into a Higgs boson and a top quark in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions using the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider with a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb-1. The Higgs-boson and top-quark candidates are identified in the all-hadronic decay mode, where H→bb¯ and t→bW→bqq¯′ are reconstructed as large-radius je

The Effectiveness of Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing in the Diagnosis of Prosthetic Joint Infection : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Background: A prosthetic joint infection (PJI) is a devastating complication following total joint arthroplasties with poor prognosis. Identifying an accurate and prompt diagnostic method is particularly important for PJI. Recently, the diagnostic value of metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) in detecting PJI has attracted much attention, while the evidence of its accuracy is quite limite

Experimental study of the effect of air split ratio on thermoacoustic instability in a centrally-staged swirl burner

This study focuses on one of the critical design parameters of lean premixed (LPM) combustors-the air split ratio (ASR) between the pilot and main stages. The effect of the air split ratio on thermoacoustic instability is experimentally studied based on a centrally staged model combustor. It is found that the thermoacoustic instability is suppressed with the ASR higher than 20%. The acoustic modes

Maternal Race and Stillbirth : Cohort Study and Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

Accurate identification of independent predictors of stillbirth is needed to define preventive strategies. We aim to examine the independent contribution of maternal race in the risk of stillbirth after adjusting for maternal characteristics and medical history. There are two components to the study: first, prospective screening in 168,966 women with singleton pregnancies coordinated by the Fetal

Measurements of differential cross-sections in top-quark pair events with a high transverse momentum top quark and limits on beyond the Standard Model contributions to top-quark pair production with the ATLAS detector at √s = 13 TeV

Cross-section measurements of top-quark pair production where the hadronically decaying top quark has transverse momentum greater than 355 GeV and the other top quark decays into ℓνb are presented using 139 fb−1 of data collected by the ATLAS experiment during proton-proton collisions at the LHC. The fiducial cross-section at s = 13 TeV is measured to be σ = 1.267 ± 0.005 ± 0.053 pb, where the unc

Measurement of the energy response of the ATLAS calorimeter to charged pions from W±→ τ±(→ π±ντ) ντ events in Run 2 data

The energy response of the ATLAS calorimeter is measured for single charged pions with transverse momentum in the range 10 < pT< 300 GeV. The measurement is performed using 139 fb - 1 of LHC proton–proton collision data at s=13 TeV taken in Run 2 by the ATLAS detector. Charged pions originating from τ-lepton decays are used to provide a sample of high-pT isolated particles, where the composition i

Extending the ALICE strong-interaction studies to nuclei: measurement of proton-deuteron correlations in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV

The large data sample of high-multiplicity pp collisions collected by ALICE allows for the precise measurement of the size of source producing primary hadrons, opening the doors to a study of the interaction of different hadron species using femtoscopy techniques. The momentum correlation between (anti)protons and (anti)deuterons measured in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with ALICE is studied here

Spaceship Earth : när civilisationskritiken möter ekonomivetenskapen

År 1966 publicerade den amerikanske ekonomen Kenneth E. Boulding (1910–1993) sin inflytelserika essä ”The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth” med ett budskap som skulle landa mitt i en politisk omvälvningsfas, där civilisationskritiska perspektiv skulle låta göra sig alltmer gällande. Bouldings essä är en föregångare till dagens miljödiskussion.

Uniqueness and similarity in flame propagation of pre-dissociated NH3 + air and NH3 + H2 + air mixtures : An experimental and modelling study

Ammonia (NH3) has attracted significant attention as a promising hydrogen carrier and a carbon-free alternative fuel. Partial dissociation could convert part of ammonia to H2 and N2 before injecting the fuel into a combustor, thus overcoming the low reactivity and high NOx emission problems during the NH3 combustion. The pre-dissociated NH3 + air mixture has unburnt species NH3, H2, O2, and N2, th

Analysis of thermal efficiency of a corrugated double-tube heat exchanger with nanofluids

This research investigated convective heat transfer and hydraulic resistance of smooth and corrugated double-tube heat exchangers at various flow rates from 60 L/h to 200 L/h. The inner tube with a thread structure is designed with three pitches, i.e., 4 mm, 6 mm and 8 mm. Nanofluids are used as tube-side fluids to analyze the enhancement of heat transfer on the inner tube side. Results show that

Occupational risk of COVID-19 across pandemic waves: a two-year national follow-up study of hospital admissions

Objective: Assuming that preventive measures to mitigate viral transmission of SARS-CoV-2 at the workplace may have been improved in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, we examined the occupational risk of COVID-19 related hospital admission across the four pandemic waves in Denmark between week 8, 2020, and week 50, 2021.Methods: The study included 4416 cases of COVID-19 related hospital admissi

Monoclonal Autoantibody Against a Cryptic Epitope on Tissue-Adherent Low-Density Lipoprotein for Molecular Imaging in Atherosclerosis

BACKGROUND: Antibody-based constructs for molecular imaging and therapeutic delivery provide promising opportunities for the diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis.OBJECTIVES: The authors aimed to generate and characterize immunoglobulin (Ig)G monoclonal autoantibodies in atherosclerosis for targeting of novel molecular determinants.METHODS: The authors created hybridomas from an unimmunized l

GIS och statistik vid dräneringsområdesvis kväveläckagebeskrivning i Halland

The last decades have shown increased nitrogen leeching from soil to water recipients. This is in Sweden mainly due to over-manuring of agriculture land, effectivization of drainage systems and the declining extent of wetlands. The accumulated amount of nitrogen in water doesn’t only make it unsuitable for use by humans and cattle, but also decreases the biological diversity as well as negatively

Coastal parallel sediment transport on the SE Australian inner shelf : a study of barrier morphodynamics

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: I Australien är intresset stort för kustprocesser, och en sådan process är masstransport av sand i kustnära områden. Utmed östra Australiens kust finns stora områden med sanddyner och de flesta stränder är sandstränder. I Queensland finns till och med mycket stora öar som består av sand. Den största av dessa öar heter Fraser Island. Många forskare tror att sand In SE Australia, sediments are moved northwards by longshore currents and deposited as barriers, dunes, and estuarine or inner shelf deposits. According to Roy & Thom (1981), the magnitude and complexity of the deposition morphology increase from south to north. Modelling by Cowell, Roy, and Jones (1995) shows that the steepness of the regional substrate is the primary influence on coastal mor