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Kunskapsutveckling i byggprocessen
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Påföljdsförslag och påföljdsval, Samstämmighet och variation mellan personutredning och domskäl
My Momma Shoots Better Than You! : Who is the Female Gamer?
This paper is a component of a three-year empirical study of gaming moms undertaken with the aim to modulate the conventional constructions of gamer identities and examine the contested status of gaming in everyday life. It presents samples of mothers in gaming discourse – from TV, Music-video, forums, and ads. Mothers have been largely invisible in popular gaming discourse or formulaically portra
EU sustainability criteria for biofuels potentially restrict ley crop production on marginal land for use as biogas substrate
Ley crops can be grown to provide a substrate for biogas vehicle-fuel production on a range of soils including marginal land. According to EU regulations, such biofuel currently has to achieve an emission reduction of 35%, but tightened goals of 50 and 60% will come into effect as early as 2017. In two field trials (one on marginal soil, one on productive soil) ley crop mixtures were tested and th
Fysikutbildning får underkänt
The situation of university education in Sweden in land surveying and management
The Swedish university market has increased during the latest decades in more than one dimension. The traditional engineering programme in land surveying has become part of a market oriented educational structure. A diversification of university programmes has lead to new Bachelor and Master of Science programmes in land surveying and management, as well as in GIS and geomatics, with today five un
Predictable rules and flexible principles
"Jag har återfått min tro på humorn i detta arma land" : Uarda på turné 1909
Redogörelse för lundaspexet Uardas första Sverigeturné 1909, baserad på samtida arkiv- och pressmaterial.
The Late etruscan votive heads from Tessennano. A study of production, distribution and sociohistorical context.
Popular Abstract in Swedish De senetruskiska votivhuvudena i terrakotta (bränd lera) från Tessennano på Medelhavsmuseet i Stockholm hittades 1956 i anslutning till en lantlig helgedom, ungefär tio mil norr om Rom, Italien. Att de är votivgåvor innebär att de skänktes av tillbedjare som representationer av dem själva inför gudomen eller gudomarna. Avhandlingen diskuterar emellertid inte de religiösThe Late etruscan terracotta votive heads from Tessennano were found near a rural sanctuary about a hundred km to the North of Rome in 1956. Whereas the facial fronts are serially produced with moulds, the backs are handmade. By using not only the moulded and the handmade features but the raw material (clay and temper) as well, it has been possible to make suggestions as to how, when and where the
Reactor Applications and Process Monitoring for Improved Anaerobic Digestion
Biogas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, is produced by microorganisms upon degradation of organic matter in an anaerobic environment. It has been realised that by utilising anaerobic processes the organic pollutants in wastewater and organic solid waste from anthropogenic sources can be converted into a renewable source of energy. However, to fulfil the potential of anaerobic digestion in
No title
Evenemangsmarknadsföringens organisering: Interaktion mellan aktörer på ett politiskt torg
This thesis comprises five papers discussing two case studies – the mega-event World Championships in Athletics 1995 in Göteborg and the regional festival Storsjöyran in Östersund, Sweden. The study adopts an organisational-theoretical perspective and focus on both intra- and interorganisational aspects of the marketing work. The purpose is to understand the structure and the processes of the orga
The Victorian Heroine Goes A-Governessing.
Abstract not available
Anton Niklas Sundberg – Svea rikes ärkebiskop
Tillsammans med en artikel om P. Waldenström speglar denna artikel spänningarna i svensk kristenhet under slutet av 1800-talet. Sundberg har kallats ”den mest självsäkre, frispråkige och myndige kyrkofursten på den svenska ärkebiskopsstolen sedan medeltiden”, men han kämpade med svåra depressioner. Sitt praktiska sinne använde han både som redaktör för Swensk Kyrkotidning och i Svenska Akademien.