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Bilbranschen i finanskris

Sammanfattning Titel: Bilbranschen i finanskris – En fallstudie av hur fyra svenska bilhandlare hanterat likviditet och kapitalbindning i samband med en minskad efterfrågan på bilar. Seminariedatum: 2009-06-05 Ämne/kurs: FEKK01, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Filip Alexandersson, Christoffer Hagard, Jonas Nolin och Marcus Sträng Nyckelord: Kapitalbindning, likviditetshantering, bilh

Framtidens bankredovisning - en innehållsanalys av svenska storbankers årsredovisningar

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om den traditionella redovisningen har fått stå till sida för riskmätning och nya redovisningsteorier, samt hur detta i så fall påverkat bankerna i samband med dagens finansiella kris. Detta görs med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod med en induktiv-deskriptiv ansats. Utgångspunkt har legat i den offentliga debatten, varefter en innehållsanalys av de fyra svenska s

Nyemissioner i onoterade svenska bolag - Förutsättningar för en framgångsrik nyemission

Syftet med uppsatsen är att finna och konkretisera möjliga faktorer som bidrar till en framgångsrik nyemission hos onoterade företag i Sverige. De faktorer kan på förhand hjälpa onoterade företag att anpassa organisationen och emissionsvillkoren till att ha så bra förutsättningar som möjligt för att genomföra en framgångsrik nyemission. Vi har utifrån en deduktiv ansats gjort en kvantitativ unders

Balancing on a Tight Rope.

We conducted a case study on a small fast growing Consultancy Firm in Denmark. Our tiltle was Balancing on tight rope.

Changes in IFRS - Swedish Listed Entities

We aim to clarify how Swedish listed entities experience and manage changes in IFRS and how they are adapting to new and revised standards as issued by the IASB. This thesis has an abductive approach. A qualitative method was selected as a research strategy, and semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to gather relevant information from the respondents; listed entities and auditors. The

The Determinants of Corporate Cash Holdings

Despite some recent studies conducted on corporate cash holdings, most of the empirical work done focuses on the US market. Since the Anglo-American regulatory approach is quite different from both the German and the Swedish systems, empirical findings on one market cannot simply be applied to other markets. By applying a detailed empirical study to two distinct countries, different corporate gove

Sponsring - Varför det? En undersökning av vilka mål sponsorerna för Skånes tre allsvenska fotbollsklubbar har med sin sponsring

Syfte: Syftet med vår uppsats är att undersöka de mål som sponsorerna för Skånes tre allsvenska fotbollsklubbar har med sin sponsring. Metod: I vår uppsats använder vi oss utav ett deduktivt angreppssätt och en kvantitativ metod. Empiriinsamlingen sker genom en enkätundersökning. Teoretiska perspektiv: I vårt teoriavsnitt har vi använt oss av Grönkvist 14 motiv till sponsring, Jiffer & Roos mo

CEO Ownership Relevant for Firm Performance? - A Study of the Swedish Market

The purpose of this thesis is to examine if and how CEO ownership affects firm performance on Swedish companies depending on the market conditions. We would also like to examine the question if this relationship still holds when taking the possibility of an endogeneity determined relationship into account. A quantitative approach using regression analysis and descriptive statistics have been used.

Sharing is What We Do

Purpose: The study aims to investigate the knowledge sharing processes in a knowledge-intensive firm and to explore how organizational culture influences knowledge sharing. Methodology: The present study is qualitative, and the material is approached through interpretative reading. The richness of the results is further enhanced by critically analyzing the informants’ taken for granted understandi

Pride and Prejudice: A Netnographic Study of Boycott Motivations

The main purpose of this study is to provide an understanding of boycotter motivations in a current and ongoing boycott. From the data gathered the authors establish their own boycott motivation themes relating specifically to the Kellogg's case. A Netnography is the main method used for the collection of qualitative data. With the aid of previous literature the authors establish prevalent the

Does the fashion of a management strategy affect the stock price? An event study of the fashion of downsizing

The purpose with this thesis is to examine whether the popularity of downsizing as a management strategy has an effect on the stock market's reactions when a company announces downsizing. This thesis has employed a quantitative method. An event study has been used and we have calculated the normal and abnormal return using the market model. Data has been collected from Datastream in forms of s

Enforcement of IFRS in Sweden

Purpose: Has the trust changed for the Swedish financial reports based on IFRS standards with the enforcement work done by FI and OMX, and if so, why? This thesis has found evidence suggesting that trust towards the financial statements has changed, unfortunately to the worse. Although there is a perception today among preparers (the companies) and attesters (the auditors) that the work contribute

Swedish Foreign Direct Investments in Countries Transitioning into Stabilisation

The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyse how and why Swedish companies choose to enter a country transitioning into stabilisation. With a qualitative, abductive approach the thesis aims at an analytical generalisation. The explorative nature of the paper is made with a multi-case study. The empirical data was generated by interviews. The theoretical framework is the foundation, which

Brand extension pathway for niche-players

Successful brand extension, niche marketing and maintenance of strong customer relations have been among popular issues for academic research over the last years. But the remarkable thing is that few studies have examined brand extensions in specialized niche players. This thesis seeks to analyze highly specialized niche market companies' abilities to expand their product portfolio moving away

Chain Reaction - En multipel fallstudie av slack i försörjningskedjan

Uppsatsen har en deskriptiv karaktär och det empiriska materialet är av kvalitativ art då vi använt oss av en multipel fallstudie och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vi har vidare intagit ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv med abduktiv ansats vid genomförandet av studien. Uppsatsen utgår i stor utsträckning från de tre perspektiv som Oerlemans & Pretorius nämner avseende slack. Slack studeras i försör

Scoring Goals for Brand Identity

This study aims to analyse the brand identity of sporting cities using existing sponsorship and city branding theory. A comparative case study was conducted between Melbourne, Australia (identified as the benchmark sporting city) and Malmö, Sweden (an emerging sporting city). Within the sponsorship realm, the theories of image transfer, corporate branding, congruence and sponsorship-linked marketi

Automotive captives - A risky business?

This thesis set out with the aim of answering the question to what extent an increased dependency on auto financing has affected the likelihood of bankruptcy. A regression analysis is used to statistically measure if risk is transferred from captives to automotive manufacturing groups during the years 2002 and 2008. Measurements of credit risk in both a quantitative and qualitative manner are eval