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Security Solutions for RV Accessories

Problem Statement Thule is the world leading developer and manufacturer of transportation solutions. Their company strategy is to enable active families, professionals and outdoor enthusiasts to transport equipment by vehicle safely, easily and in style. RV users of today have higher demands on their equipment and they fill their cars with every type of conveniences found in a modern home. With

Dust to dust

The aim of the project is to get a holistic picture of what happens to a person from the moment she dies till she is buried – transport, storage, ceremony etc. What can be done to adapt this procedure to the demands of the environment? Changing the material of a coffin is only one way of making the funeral closer to a total adaptation to the environment. I cannot change the contaminating burial me

Konstruktion av skrovventil

The goal of this thesis was to design a Multiple Hull Valve (MHV) with the purpose to increase the safety and decrease the amount of hull penetrations in a submarine. The safety is improved by a double shut of function where the outer plate valve is closed by the pressure difference in case of failure. A great advantage with the MHV is that the systems in an early stage are protected from both mar

Concept Development of Truck Components Suitable for the Formblowing and Hardening Process of Boron Steel

This report is a result of a Master Thesis made at Volvo 3P and the Department of Advance Engineering and Concepts. The thesis is a part of the education in Mechanical Engineering at the Department Design Sciences, for the Division of Machine Design at Lund University. Volvo 3P is involved in a project regarding a new patented manufacturing method that is under development. The manufacturing metho

Concept Development of a Cash Deposit Machine

The goal of this project was to create a banknote deposit machine or Cash Deposit Machine (CDM) for Retail Cash Systems (RCS) at SCAN COIN AB in Malmö. The CDS was to be based on the currency counter SC1510 Euro Value. The idea was, since the technology was already there, in the SC1510 E V, to put it in a box and, with all transport and storage inside solved, a CDS would have seen the light. I wan

A Concept Proposal of a New Generation Operator Panels

This project was done for the company Beijer Electronics Products AB and the task was given by the hardware development department of the company. The project was about developing a concept proposal for a new generation operator panels. This was done to inspire the product developers at Beijer Electronics with innovative ideas before the actual operator panel development. More in detail the object

Electrophysiological correlates of generation-induced-forgetting

The aim of the present study was to examine the electrophysiological correlates of semantic generation, to study how repeated semantic generation, repeated study and repeated test opportunities affect memory performance and to create a non-verbal Stroop task. Earlier research has showed that cued semantic generation, also referred to as word generation, can cause forgetting of other memories assoc

Transition och konsolideringen - En smärtfri process?

Processen när ett land omfamnar demokratiska ideal efter ett auktoritärt förflutet är ofta en period fylld med glädje och firande. Men den kan även vara fylld av sorg och smärtfulla minnen från tiden före demokratins införande. Den övergångsfas som dessa länder genomgår genomsyras av dilemman då den gamla ordningens arv ska behandlas samtidigt som en ny samhällsform tar vid. För att transitionen s

En uppsats om en uppsats - En historia om hur olika ting kan påverka en uppsats

Jag gjorde en resa till Gambia för att med fältstudier och intervjuer samla material till en uppsats. Under resans gång påverkades det arbetet av faktorer som fick mig att ändra forskningsfrågan till att slutligen gälla hur fyra gambiska ungdomar förhåller sig till musik. Jag råkade även ut för tekniska missöden som gjorde att jag inte hade mycket material att bearbeta när jag kom hem. Denna uppsa

Designing in light weight materials

This thesis was constructed between January 8:th and May 30:th in the year 2009 at Lund institute of technology. This will be the master’s thesis of the Master of Science programme in mechanical engineering at Lund institute of technology. Light weight designs are becoming more and more important in the world today. As composite materials are being improved via research, it is possible to repl

Implementering av medling vid brott i Hultsfreds kommun

Författare: Christina Rendahl-Tuvesson Titel: Implementering av medling vid brott i Hultsfreds kommun Handledare: Birgitta Ericson Kandidatuppsats Soc K01, 61 – 90 p Sociologiska institutionen, vårterminen 2009 Problem/bakgrund: Jag jobbar inom socialtjänsten i Hultsfreds Kommun som fältassistent och medlare. 2006 började vi starta upp medlingsverksamheten i Hultsfreds kommun. Min känsla har v

Digital Remains and End of Life Traditions

In this article we present a concept for a ubiquitous service that allows memories to be saved and stored during an individual's lifetime and later, after death, for those digital remains to be published and experienced at the specific geographic location where they were created. Through this concept we explore ways to combine modern technology with century old habits at the end of life. We as

Dags för Derby

Olika forskare poängterar vikten av att ha en god riskkommunikation men däremot anser vi att mindre teori fokuserar på hur denna information ska kommuniceras. Efter följande antagande blir fokus i denna studie inte att betona vikten av att risk måste kommuniceras utan istället att analysera och diskutera hur den ska kommuniceras. Med denna utgångspunkt vill vi mer ingående undersöka hur de olika a

Bland elever och kunder

I denna studie undersöks det huruvida två kommunala gymnasieskolor i Malmö har företagiserats under de tio år då konkurrensen från fristående gymnasieskolor har vuxit fram. Detta görs genom att kontrastera intervjumaterial, samt nyare och äldre kvalitetsredovisningar och marknadsföringsmaterial, mot idealtyperna Företaget och Den Offentliga Organisationen. Resultaten antyder att skillnaderna över

Naturligt och traditionellt eller äventyr och hälsa? En studie av de kulturella värden som framhävs i dagens matreklam

Titel: Naturligt och traditionellt eller äventyr och hälsa? En studie av de kulturella värden som framhävs i dagens matreklam Författare: Kumri Altunkaynak 850402, Shugla Farouq 850407. Handledare: Tobias Linne. Syfte: Vår avsikt med denna studie är att analysera matreklam i tv och de olika kulturella värden som dyker upp i matreklamen. Genom att studera vilka kulturella värden som lyfts fram i

"Islamofobi är det nya skrämselordet" En idénalays av den kritisk humanistiska diskursen

In Sweden opinions are strongly divided on the issue of integration. In a study from 2007 four parallel discourses on integration in the Swedish debate were identified. They are labeled the liberal-, the social democratic-, the structural discrimination discourse and finally a discourse of assimilation. A fifth is discussed briefly – the critical humanist position. In this report I take a closer l

Ledarskapets skiftningar - en studie av ledares upplevelser av ledarskap

The purpose of this essay is to develop knowledge and comprehension of working leaders’ experience, and content of leadership on two different levels in two different organizations, in relation to their leader levels. The leaders in human service organizations are, like everything else, today influenced by the new trends of modern time. I find the experience, that the leaders have themselves very

Direct Cash Transfer and Food Security in Georgia

The purpose of this study is to assess the effects on food security in Georgia following a joint direct cash transfer project initiated as an emergency response to the conflict with Russia in August 2008. Based on interviews with beneficiaries, it was found that their food security situation had improved. Although increased food access and food utilisation promoted dietary diversity and food frequ