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Promoting individualism under the guise of uniformity : A bishop's instructions in late eighteenth-century Sweden

The ways in which a bureaucratic model of oversight could be turned into a vehicle of individualizing religious practices in late-eighteenth-century Sweden is the central concern of this chapter. It focuses on how bureaucratic measures could be used to implement enlightened reform, thereby offering a different perspective on ‘pastoral Enlightenment’ in the rural European North. By examining how Ol

High gas tightness ZrO2-added silicate glass sealant with low thermal stress for solid oxide fuel cells

A low leakage rate sealant of 10 wt% ZrO2-added CaO–K2O–Na2O–BaO silicate glass for SOFC has been studied. The structure of the sealant is stable at high temperatures with leakage rates less than 10−4 sccm∙cm−1, and no crystal except for ZrO2 is found in XRD analysis after heating at 800 °C for 100 h. ZrO2 is distributed in the glass matrix and plays a supporting role in avoiding over-softening at

Boundary singularities of plurisubharmonic functions

I denna avhandling studeras en särskild kategori av subharmoniska funktioner, det vill säga reellvärda funktioner vars värde i en specifik punkt är mindre än eller lika med funktionens medelvärde på sfärer med centrum i punkten. Sådana funktioner återfinns på flera håll i vetenskapen. Ett exempel är temperaturen i ett bord efter att en värmeslinga slagits på längs bordets rand. I detta fall kommerWe study the Perron–Bremermann envelope P(μ, φ):=sup{u(z) ; u ∈ PSH(Ω), (ddcu)n≥ μ, u^* ≤ φ} on a B-regular domain Ω. Such envelopes occupy a central position within pluripotential theory as they, for suitable μ and φ harmonic and continuous on the closure of Ω, constitute unique solutions to the Dirichlet problem for the complex Monge–Ampère operator. Much is also known about the measures that gu

From senses to sensors : autonomous cars and probing what machine learning does to mobilities studies

Cars are nowadays being programmed to learn how to drive themselves. While autonomous cars are often portrayed as the next step in the auto-motive industry, they have already begun roaming the streets in some US cities. Building on a growing body of critical scholarship on the development of autonomous cars, we explore what machine learning is in open environments like cities by juxtaposing this t

Effectiveness of Support Monitoring and Reminder Technology for Mild Dementia on Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Their Caregivers

Abstract Background: As the population ageing increases, the dramatic rise in cognitive disorders such as mild cognitive impairment and dementia has become a public health priority. Mobile health technology is a unique non-pharmacological intervention for dementia and cognitive disorders. A digital platform (Support Monitoring and Reminder for Mild Dementia: SMART4MD) is created for persons with m

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Sagsbehandlerne i forvaltningen skal træffe afgørelser på et oplyst og objektivt grundlag og være i stand til at begrunde afgørelserne. De assisteres dog i stigende grad af beslutningsunderstøttende algoritmer, der er skabt til at generere output fremfor at tilvejebringe en forklaring. Denne udvikling kan effektivisere og for-bedre arbejdsgange, men kan også udfordre forvaltningsretlige krav til s

Tools for the Advancement of Radiopharmaceutical Therapy

Radiopharmaceutical therapy is used to treat cancers and other diseases with radiolabeledpharmaceuticals. The treatment targets specific cells, and the emitted ionizing radiation cause cytotoxicdamage. Dosimetry is performed to estimate the absorbed dose from the energy deposited in the body.This requires measurement of the activity in vivo and knowledge of the retention time of the activity in tuRadiopharmaceutical therapy is used to treat cancers and other diseases with radiolabeled pharmaceuticals. The treatment targets specific cells, and the emitted ionizing radiation cause cytotoxic damage. Dosimetry is performed to estimate the absorbed dose from the energy deposited in the body. This requires measurement of the activity in vivo and knowledge of the retention time of the activity in

From Paper Patterns to Patterns-on-Fabric : Home Sewing in Sweden 1881–1981

From the end of the nineteenth century and one hundred years onward, home sewing was an important part of many women’s duties, but it was also a pleasure, something that existed parallel with the emerging mass-produced ready-to-wear industry. The paper patterns used for home dressmaking were often sold and distributed through women’s magazines. These pattern sections were both a kind of reader serFrom the end of the nineteenth century and one hundred years onward, home sewing was an important part of many women’s duties, but it was also a pleasure, something that existed parallel with the emerging mass-produced ready-to-wear industry. The paper patterns used for home dressmaking were often sold and distributed through women’s magazines. These pattern sections were both a kind of reader ser

X-ray Phase Contrast Tomography : Setup and Scintillator Development

X-ray microscopy and micro-tomography (μCT) are valuable non-destructive examination methods in many disciplines such as bio-medical research, archaeometry, material science and paleontology. Besides being implemented at synchrotrons radiation sources, laboratory setups using an X-ray tube and high-resolution scintillation detector routinely provide information on the micrometre scale. To improve

Seismic attenuation tomography in frequency domain and its application to engineering

Seismic tomography is a new geophysical technique being developed to meet the needs of mining and engineering projects. Attenuation tomography, as one kind of seismic tomography technique, is a powerful prospecting tool for determining structure defaults such as fault, broken zone, and hidden voids, but it has been little discussed up to now. Its principle and applications are presented in detail.

The effects of flooding on railway infrastructure: A literature review

Flooding of railway infrastructure can lead to significant adverse complications, including infrastructural damage and large-scale disruptions. These can lead to increased economic costs and decreased reliability. Due to climate change, flooding is expected to increase in severity and frequency globally. This paperpresents the findings of a systematic literature review surrounding the effects of f