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Classification of Cardiotocographic Patterns During Labor
Vad var frågan nu igen? : Exegetiska notiser till vårt samtal om eskatologi
Några ögonblicks förundran : Marknaden för ambulerande underhållning i Sverige 1760-1880
När tiderna förändras : Genetikern Arne Müntzings kunskapsanspråk om människoraser 1942-1977
Universitetens nonchalans skrämmer mer än AI
Readmission to hospital within 30 days of discharge - in older adults
Superposition of induced polarization signals measured on pyrite–sand mixtures
Induced polarization (IP) is a common method in ore exploration. IP spectra measured over a wide frequency range can be used to characterize material properties of ores, slags and other residual material from mines and processing facilities. Previous studies have shown that IP parameters are sensitive to type, content or grain size of electronically conductive or semi-conductive minerals. Up to no
Excellent MSc Dissertations 2022
In this seventh edition of the Excellent MSc Dissertation series, four students present condensed versions of their Master’s theses, completed for the MSc degree in Media and Communication Studies at Lund University. Separately and together, the four contributions in this book exemplify what staff at the Department of Communication and Media consider to comprise an excellent dissertation at the Ma
Bubblan sprack - bankiren dömdes till landsflykt
Weather-Related Railway Infrastructure Failures in Sweden: An Exploratory Study
The impacts of adverse weather conditions on railway infrastructure can result in delays and cancellations across the railway network and increased maintenance costs. The frequency and severity of extreme weather events are expected to rise due to climate change, making railways more vulnerable. This study aims to gain a better understanding of weather-related infrastructure failures (specifically
Klarsynt om det Europa som nyss var
Electoral Political Participation at the Core of Democracy: A Human Rights-Based Study of the Swedish Electoral System
I detta examensarbete undersöker jag hur det demokratiska statsskicket upprätthålls och skyddas i det svenska rättssystemet, samt vilka typer av risker rättssystemet utgör för upprätthållandet av demokratin i Sverige. Nyligen publicerade rapporter från icke-statliga organisationer visar att världen, och Europa, är i en trend av demokratisk tillbakagång. Det är därför dags att utvärdera vilka riskeIn this thesis, I investigate how the democratic form of government is maintained and protected in the Swedish legal system, as well as what kinds of risks the legal system poses to the maintenance of democracy in Sweden. Recent reports from NGOs show that the world, and Europe, are going through a trend of democratic backsliding. Thus, it is timely to evaluate what risks the Swedish system might
Metaforer och skogsbränder - En studie om hur metaforer i nyhetsmedia påverkar läsarens uppfattning om skogsbränder
Wildfires are increasing in frequency and severity, and the media often uses metaphors to describe and dramatize these events. Metaphors are a key part of how society communicates and can strongly influence perception. This thesis aimed to analyze the use of metaphors by the Swedish news media when reporting on wildfires and to examine whether the use of metaphors affect public perception of the s
Tillämpning av en ny vätskekromatografi-tandem masspektrometri metod för analys av metylmalonat
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Vid kemiska analyser på laboratorium är det ofta nödvändigt att separera olika molekyler i en blandning med hjälp av vätskekromatografi. Vätskekromatografi är en separationsmetod där man använder sig av tvåfassystem. Masspektrometri är en teknik där joner separeras i gasfas baserat på deras massa i förhållande till laddning (m/z). En kombination utav dessa metoAbstract Introduction: this study is about optimization and application of a new liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method with reversed phase instead of HILIC column for analysis of methylmalonate. Background: methylmalonate cannot be broken down if there is a low level of cobalamin. Therefore, the investigation of lack of cobalamin is supplemented with, among other things, methyl
Recurrence of post-term pregnancy and associated factors among women who delivered at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre in northern Tanzania : A retrospective cohort study
BACKGROUND: Post-term pregnancy is a health problem of clinical importance and; tends to recur in subsequent pregnancies. Maternal age, height, and male fetal sex are risk factors associated with Post-term pregnancy. The study aimed to determine the recurrence risk of post-term pregnancy and associated factors among women delivered at KCMC referral hospital.METHODOLOGY: This retrospective cohort s
Entreprenörskap och företagande på landsbygden: En fallstudie av Simrishamns kommun om nätverk, inbäddning och digitalisering
Entrepreneurship and small businesses can be driving forces in regional development. Rural areas face specific barriers such as long transport distances or a lack of skilled labor compared to urban environments. The thesis aims to understand how local entrepreneurship is expressed in a rural context. Based on a case study of the municipality of Simrishamn in the south of Sweden, the work has three
Temporära åtgärders demokratiska potential - En fallstudie av Naturmolnet i Malmö
Temporary use is a growing phenomenon within strategic planning (Bishop & Williams, 2012) and temporary use is common both in Sweden and internationally (Haugen, 2021). There are many indications that temporary use is being established as an integral part of the contemporary urban planning methodology (Ferreri, 2015). However, the field of temporary urbanism and temporary use is relatively new
Social hållbarhet i modern samhällsplanering – Planmässig syn på socioekonomisk boendesegregation i Hyllie
What role does the place a person lives have for their living conditions? According to the former Swedish Delegation Against Segregation (Delmos), an individual's place of upbringing may be of large importance for their future educational level, employment, income, and form of accommodation. Delmos' annual report of 2021 shows that Sweden is becoming increasingly segregated. Among the thre
Sex differences in disease progression in Alzheimer patients with different concomitant medications.
Objectives: To examine potential sex differences in cognitive and functional progression rates in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) between patients with different concomitant medications. Methods: The Swedish Alzheimer Treatment Study is a prospective, observational, multicentre study in clinical practice undertaken at the initiation of cholinesterase inhibitor therapy in 1,021 patients diagnosed with mil