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Linking Climate Change, Migration Patterns and Vulnerability: The case of Ndem, Senegal

Projections estimate that by 2050 hundreds of millions to a billion people will migrate elsewhere due to environmental reasons. The increasing frequency and intensity of natural hazards posed by climate change, as well as the slow-onset degradation of habitats all over the planet, will drive more and more species to migrate towards more habitable and safe environments. While much of the literature

The Lonely Leader: The effect of Creative and Innovative Leadership on Workplace Loneliness.

The main objectives of this research reported were to investigate the relationship between creative and innovative leadership, amongst males and females. One hundred and twenty-three leaders in various organisations around the world, participated in this study. The relationships were tested using the Creative and innovative Leadership Scale, Innovative performance scale and Loneliness in the workp

Nätcasino: en kritisk diskursanalys av marknadsföring av nätcasinon

In Sweden marketing of tobacco and alcohol is regulated by law not for inviting, outreaching nor intrusive to the consumer. These types of products are addictive and so is gambling. We can see that the exploitation and the marketing strategies of the online casinos is problematic and that the law of Sweden regarding marketing of gambling is not sufficient. So, why is the law different for gambling

Vilka frågor är viktiga: Politiska partiers prioriterade frågor vid EU-val i Sverige

When parties compete in European elections what issue do they prioritize? That is the question this text aims to answer. It does so by focusing on two well established theories of voter behavior, namely issue ownership and issue salience. What complicates matters is that European elections are considered second-order, meaning that they are not considered as important as elections for national parl

The self-perception of the EU executive

The aim of this paper is to describe the self-perception of the European Commission in terms of ideas portrayed in text of Political Guidelines formulated by three different Presidencies. The thesis analyses the Political Guidelines as formulated by three different European Commission Presidents; José Manuel Barrosso, Jean-Claude Juncker and Ursula von der Leyen. It uses a qualitative idea-analysi

22 kap. 2 § 3 st. 2 men. jordabalken - Förbudet mot interregionala inteckningar i fast egendom

I denna uppsats bearbetas förhållandet kring regleringen i 22 kapitlet 2 § 3 stycket 2 meningen jordabalken, innefattande det för svenska fastigheter så kallade förbudet mot interregionala inteckningar. På grund av den stämpelskatt som enligt 24 § lagen (1984:404) om stämpelskatt vid inskrivningsmyndigheten påförs inteckningsinnehavaren vid nyregistrering av inteckning, utgör befintliga inteckningThe thesis deals with the conditions surrounding the regulation in chapter 22, section 2, paragraph 3, paragraph 2, land Code (Swe: jordabalken), including the prohibition on interregional mortgages for Swedish properties. Due to the stamp duty, that is charged to an additional mortgage holder pursuant to section 24 of the Stamp Tax Act (1984: 404; Swe: Lagen om stämpelskatt vid inskrivningsmyndig

Medborgardialog i samhällsplaneringen - varför då? En kvalitativ idéanalys av medborgardialogens tilltänkta syfte i samhällsplaneringen

Medborgardialog i samhällsplaneringen förekommer allt oftare i Sverige och har både lovordats och kritiserats. Trots den utbredda användningen verkar det råda otydlighet kring vad som egentligen är syftet med medborgardialogen. Föreliggande uppsats syftar därför till att öka förståelsen för medborgardialogens tilltänkta syfte i samhällsplaneringen. Genom kvalitativ idéanalys med hjälp deltagande-

MADMAN-THEORY: En jämförande teoretisk analys av Richard Nixon och Donald Trump

Analyzing an American president is always interesting, especially if they have the tendencies of a Madman. The concept of being a “madman” while in office is not a new one, even Machiavelli said that: ”…at times it is a very wise thing to simulate madness.” This is all part of tactics and of different theoretical approaches to leadership. The American political structure allows for its leader to m

Abandonering av miljöfarligt avfall - ur ett konkursrättsligt perspektiv

Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka abandoneringsförfarandet inom den svenska konkursrätten, i synnerhet möjligheten att abandonera miljöfarligt avfall och rättsverkningar förknippade med sådant förfarande. Med abandonering avses ett förfarande där en konkursförvaltare under pågående konkurs låter egendom med negativt eller försumbart värde utgå ur konkursboets förmögenhetsmassa till förmån för The aim of this essay is to investigate the abandonment procedure in Swedish bankruptcy law, in particular the possibility to abandon environmentally hazardous waste and the legal effects associated with such procedure. Abandonment refers to a procedure where a receiver, during an ongoing bankruptcy, excludes property with negative or negligible value from the bankruptcy estate's assets for th

Barnkonventionen för barn i vårdnadstvister – Påverkar inkorporeringen principen om barnets bästa och barns rätt att komma till tals?

Sverige har varit skyldig att uppfylla de krav som barnkonventionen ställer upp sedan ratificeringen år 1990. Trots det har barnrättskommittén riktat kritik mot Sverige för att inte fullt ut göra det. För att stärka barnets rättigheter i enlighet med barnkonventionen har Sveriges riksdag röstat igenom förslaget om att anta barnkonventionen som svensk lag den 1 januari 2020. Med ett barnrättsperspeSweden has been obliged to comply with the requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of Child since the ratification in year 1990. In spite of this, the Committee on the Rights of the Child has criticized Sweden for not fully doing so. To strengthen the rights of the child in accordance with the Convention, the Swedish Parliament has voted to approve the adoption of the Convention as a Swedi

Interest representation in the European Union

The thesis analyses interest representation in the European Union. The analysis is based upon a method of qualitative text analysis, focusing on a single case. The case used in the thesis is the proposed directive on copyright in the digital single market in the EU. The directive includes two controversial articles, article 11 and article 13. The thesis studies if the legislative system put in pla

The Stalemate In Donbas: On Legislative Developments Towards Sustainable Peace

This paper seeks to identify indicators of why and how Ukrainian Government has failed to halt the conflict of Donbas by focusing on legislative developments between July 16 2014 - February 15, 2015. A Minimalist+politics approach has been applied, providing a theoretical framework that combines empiricy, normativity, and contextual settings to comprehend how peace processes operate depending on a

Education Projects in Ethiopia: are they democratic? A case study on Official Development Assistance

It would be difficult to argue that an uneducated society in today’s world would persevere beyond that of an educated; education has become an essential key to survival. It has been considered “a foundational driver of development which furthermore helps create self-reliance, economic growth, direction to better health and even democratic societies” (, 2019). If one considers that claim a

Var det bättre förr? En utvärdering av det gamla och nya pensionssystemet ur ett universellt perspektiv

This essay is about universalism in the welfare state of Sweden. The essay contains an evaluation regarding one of the social insurances which is the pension system. This paper analyzes how universalism has changed in the transition from old to the new Swedish elderly pension system. During the 1990s a new pension system was introduced which is why an evaluation is of interest. Through theories ab

Framtidens välfärd att vinna – analys av handlingsstrategier för engagerade välfärdsanställda

In contemporary Sweden, welfare professionals are mobilising to signal that they lack the preconditions to carry out their work in line with the politically stated mission and professional ethics. Following a seminar in which welfare professionals shared their views on the working conditions, this study explores action strategies for welfare professionals who seek to influence the policy agenda. T

Coal-land, the way forward for Poland? - A within-case research on the national interests influencing the Polish implementation of the EU Renewable Energy Directive

The study aims to understand and map the influential factors affecting the degree of implementation of the EU Renewable Energy Directive, RED, in Poland, which sets individual national goals for all member states of the total share of renewable energy sources, RES, by the year 2020, a goal Poland is anticipated to fail to reach. The study is a within-case study conducted through a process-tracing

European Countries Choosing Chinese Investment Instruments: An Analysis

This Masters’ thesis attempts to identify why European countries choose Chinese investment instruments despite their participation in the European single market and access to European Union (EU) resources and technical assistance. Since their inception in 2013, EU members as well as EU partner states in Europe have been divided on their approach towards joining the Chinese investment instruments-

Polisens omorganisation

In early 2015, one of the largest organizational reforms within public administration in Sweden was implemented - the reorganization of the Swedish Police Authority. The new organizational structure was intended to minimize the significant differences between the various regions’ results, by establishing one unified organization. The Swedish Agency for Public Management has since then evaluated th

Surrogatmödraskap i svensk partipolitik - en beskrivande idéanalys av Moderaternas och Socialdemokraternas idéutveckling under 2010-talet

Surrogate motherhood is a relatively controversial method of assisted reproduction, as it raises ethical questions about the potential risk of exploitation versus the right to self-determination, if it is done with the child’s best in mind and whether or not it is problematic for the family constellation. The purpose of this paper is to examine the approach to altruistic surrogate motherhood in Sw