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An Infrared Study of Intermolecular Interactions in Gaseous Hydrogen Bonded Molecular Complexes

Intermolecular interactions are responsible for the deviations of gases from ideality, determine the three- dimensional structure and folding dynamics of biological molecules, and the binding of molecules to surfaces as in heterogeneous catalysis. The hydrogen bond is the most important intermolecular interaction. The most simple intermolecular interaction free from solvent and lattice effects ari

Kognition möter teknik - att bygga en fungerande kurskedja för undervisning i människa-teknikinteraktion

En kurskedja för undervisning i människa/teknik-interaktion håller på att byggas upp på Lunds universitet. Stora insatser har gjorts för att anpassa de ingående kurserna till varandra t ex genom att se till att de verkligen bygger vidare på varandra och genom att minimera överlappande kursmoment. Mycket arbete kvarstår fortfarande men allt tyder på att den färdiga kurskedjan kommer att producera s

EU-Asia and the re-polarization of the global economic arena

At the end of the 1980s, a tri-polar world comprising the US, EU and Japan emerged. However, the economic turbulence of the early 21st century has destabilized this order, and the rise of other Asian powers has implications for the formation of a new economic configuration. This book discusses the probability of the different tentative global economic power balances to emerge, as well as the diff

Teknik och förståndshandikapp

Den här boken är fylld av exempel på hur man med hjälp av ny och gammal teknik kan förbättra situationen för människor med förståndshandikapp.Man visar hur teknik, pedagogik och fantasi kan öka utrymmet för både självständighet och eget skapande.

Compton Scattering from the Deuteron at Low Energies

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid Compton spridning sprids fotonen elastiskt, dvs. utan att förlora energi, mot en annan partikel eller kärna. Kärnorna som användes i detta försök består av en proton och en neutron (sk. deuterium, eller tungt väte). Kärnorna bestrålades med fotoner av kända energier och de spridda fotonerna detekterades mha. stora NaI-detektorer som var placerade i olika vinklar runA series of three Compton scattering experiments on deuterium have been performed at the high-resolution tagged-photon facility MAX-lab located in Lund, Sweden. The 50 < Eg < 70 MeV tagged photons were scattered from a liquid deuterium target and detected simultaneously in three (10"x10") NaI detectors. The average laboratory angles investigated were 45, 125 and 135 deg. The influence of the inela

The ups and downs of T cells The role of costimulatory molecules in the modulation of T cell responses

Popular Abstract in Swedish Manniskan utsatts dagligen for sjukdomsframkallande bakterier och virus, vilka maste tas omhand och oskadliggoras. Var hud och slemhinnor fungerar som ett forsta fysiskt och biokemiskt skydd. De som tar sig forbi denna barriar angrips av vart immunforsvar. De vita blodkropparna ar de celler, som snabbast rycker ut till vart forsvar och ater upp och forstor angriparen. DT cell activation requires the combination of antigen in the context of MHC and costimulatory molecules to induce a functional immune response. For our studies, we primarily utilized superantigens (SAg) that bind MHC class II molecules as first signal. Mutations in the SAg MHC class II a-chain binding site reduced the number of responding T cells expressing particular TCR Vb chains, whereas mutati

Begrepp och mentaliteter: äventyr

This paper scrutinizes the Swedish concept of "äventyr" (adventure), originally the key concept of mediaeval chivalric romance, that has become one of the most popular concepts used in contemporary mass media. Influenced by the European development, "äventyr" has been applied in various contexts. A diachronic survey of Swedish sources from 1300 to 2004 enables us to reconstruct changing conceptual

Modeling and Dynamic Analysis of CO2-Emission Free Power Processes in Modelica using the CombiPlant Library

The need to reduce CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel based power production creates the need for new power plant solutions where the CO2 is captured and stored or reused. Different concepts to capture CO2 fall into the three main categories: 1. Precombustion decarbonization 2. Oxy-fuel combustion 3. Post-combustion removal of carbon. In the first two types of processes Oxygen Transport Membrane (OTM)

Exploring Determinants of the Firm Boundary for Swedish Multinationals

This paper empirically examines the foreign internalisation decision of multinational corporations. The purpose of the paper is to identify determinants of the firm boundary, where within-boundary production takes the form of foreign direct investments (FDI) and outside-boundary production takes place through international outsourcing, with reference to recently developed general-equilibrium trade