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Your search for "*" yielded 533497 hits

Factors governing the activity of lyophilised and immobilised lipase preparations in organic solvents

Active site titration and activity measurements were performed in hexane on lyophilised lipase preparations containing different amounts of phosphate buffer and lipase immobilised on porous polypropylene. Lyophilisation of Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase with large quantities of phosphate salts (200 mm) increased the specific activity fourfold, and the number of rapidly titratable active sites incr

Deciphering the 8q24.21 association for glioma

We have previously identified tagSNPs at 8q24.21 influencing glioma risk. We have sought to fine-map the location of the functional basis of this association using data from four genome-wide association studies, comprising a total of 4147 glioma cases and 7435 controls. To improve marker density across the 700 kb region, we imputed genotypes using 1000 Genomes Project data and high-coverage sequen

Distinct haplotype structure at the innate immune receptor Toll-like receptor 2 across bank vole populations and lineages in Europe

Parasite-mediated selection may contribute to the maintenance of genetic variation at host immune genes over long time scales. To date, the best evidence for the long-term maintenance of immunogenetic variation in natural populations comes from studies on the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, whereas evidence for such processes from other immune genes remains scarce. In the present stu

Degradation of low-density polyethylene during extrusion. VI. Effects of oxygen content in air gap

In our previous papers polyethylene degradation during extrusion coating has been studied and the type of degradation products that are formed and from which step they originate have been discussed. A trained sensory panel has rated the off-flavor intensities in water samples that have been in contact with various extruded films. Encouraged by the results from these investigations and the document

Haplotype analysis and age estimation of the 113insR CDKN2A founder mutation in Swedish melanoma families

Germline mutations in the CDKN2A tumor suppressor gene located on 9p21 have been linked to development of melanomas in some families. A germline 3-bp insertion in exon 2 of CDKN2A, leading to an extra arginine at codon 113 (113insR), has been identified in 17 Swedish melanoma families. Analysis of 10 microsatellite markers, spanning approximately 1 Mbp in the 9p21 region, showed that all families

Biodegradation of Baku oil and hydrocarbons by micromycetes

Degradation of Baku oil, refinery products (diesel fuel, kerosene, and gasoline), and some individual aromatic hydrocarbons (toluene, p-xylene, and ethylbenzene) by micromycete cultures isolated from Caspian Sea water and coastal soil near the Apsheron peninsula was studied. The intensity of biodegradation of crude oil and petroleum products with micromycetes was determined by measuring carbon dio

Acceptance of Background Noise, Working Memory Capacity, and Auditory Evoked Potentials in Subjects with Normal Hearing

Background: The acceptable noise level (ANL) test is a method for quantifying the amount of background noise that subjects accept when listening to speech. Large variations in ANL have been seen between normal-hearing subjects and between studies of normal-hearing subjects, but few explanatory variables have been identified. Purpose: To explore a possible relationship between a Swedish version of

Evolution of multicomponent pheromone signals in small ermine moths involves a single fatty-acyl reductase gene

Fatty-acyl CoA reductases (FAR) convert fatty acids into fatty alcohols in pro- and eukaryotic organisms. In the Lepidoptera, members of the FAR gene family serve in the biosynthesis of sex pheromones involved in mate communication. We used a group of closely related species, the small ermine moths (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) as a model to investigate the role of FARs in the biosynthesis of compl

Helical differential X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography.

We report on the first experimental results of helical differential phase-contrast computed tomography (helical DPC-CT) with a laboratory X-ray tube source and a Talbot-Lau grating interferometer. The results experimentally verify the feasibility of helical data acquisition and reconstruction in phase-contrast imaging, in analogy to its use in clinical CT systems. This allows fast and continuous v

Theoretical characterization of the lowest-energy absorption band of pyrrole

The lowest-energy band of the electronic spectrum of pyrrole has been studied with vibrational resolution by using multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) and its multistate extension (MS-CASPT2) in conjunction with large atomic natural orbital-type basis sets including Rydberg functions. The obtained results provide a consistent picture of the recorded spectrum in the energ

Spatial variation in vegetation and abiotic factors related to the occurrence of a ring-forming sedge

The clonal sedge Carex humilis forms rings of densely aggregated ramets in a dry grassland community in Central Europe. We describe the small-scale spatial variation, both in abiotic factors and vegetation, in relation to these rings. Compared to the surrounding vegetation the cover of plants, other than C. humilis, was significantly lower both in the central area of rings and within the rings the

Detailed genomic mapping and expression analyses of 12p amplifications in pancreatic carcinomas reveal a 3.5-Mb target region for amplification.

Previous cytogenetic and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analyses have shown that the gain of chromosome arm 12p is frequent in pancreatic carcinomas. We investigated 15 pancreatic carcinoma cell lines using CGH, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to characterize 12p amplifications in detail. The CGH analysis revealed gains of 12

The Malmö Diet and Cancer Study: representativity, cancer incidence and mortality in participants and non-participants

In order to investigate potential selection bias in population-based cohort studies, participants (n = 28098) and non-participants (n = 40807) in the Malmo Diet and Cancer Study (MDCS) were compared with regard to cancer incidence and mortality. MDCS participants were also compared with participants in a mailed health survey with regard to subjective health, socio-demographic characteristics and l